Visual Studio Installer 2019 Community 16.9 crash - visual-studio

During update Visual Studio 2019 to latest version (16.9), setup failed. Stupidly I closed installer window without read the error.
When I retryed the update, the Installer crashes few seconds after start.
I have uninstalled wholly Visual Studio, but Installer still crash.
I think something is left dirty after first update fail, I tried to search in log files recoverd by collect.exe tools, but I can't found usefull information in that bilions of messages.
Reinstalling Windows must be the last choice, there is a way to take crash error for undertand the problem and search for a solution?
Also InstallCleanup.exe don't solve the problem

Visual Studio Installer version 2.9.3349 has problems with culture "it-IT". If that's your case (as it is mine), there is a workaround here:
The workaround is to force a working locale: ./vs_installer.exe --locale en-US

If you think your install and/or installer is corrupted, run the installation cleaner tool available at the URL below and then re-download the latest installer, from which you can get 16.9.
Additionally there is a step you can try in Troubleshooting Installation Issues, specifically Step 4 (The advice above the break is actually Step 6 in this process)
Step 4 - Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory to fix upgrade problems
The Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper is a minimal light-weight executable that installs the rest of the Visual Studio Installer. Deleting Visual Studio Installer files and then rerunning the bootstrapper might solve some update failures.
Performing the following actions reinstalls the Visual Studio Installer files and resets the installation metadata.
Close the Visual Studio Installer.
Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory. Typically, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
Run the Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper. You might find the bootstrapper in your Downloads folder with a file name that follows a vs_[Visual Studio edition]__*.exe pattern. If you don't find that application, you can download the bootstrapper by going to the Visual Studio downloads page and clicking Download for your edition of Visual Studio. Then, run the executable to reset your installation metadata.
Try to install or update Visual Studio again. If the Installer continues to fail, go to the next step.

You have to download the installer again for the offline installation eg.vs_enterprise.exe then run vs_enterprise.exe --layout "folder where you have the offline installation". The new installer needs to download a different new configuration file vs_installer.version.json


Trying to uninstall Visual Studio. InstallCleanup.exe does not exist and running install doesn't create it

Something is broken on my machine and Visual Studio 2019 will not update or install. [this article][1] recommends running the below exe to clean your system of all Visual Studio installations:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe
However, it does not exist. In this case, that article says to run the VS installer, get to the Workflows tab, and then close the installer to make the exe appear, but it doesn't.
I am using 2019 Community Edition. Anyone know where I can get this exe?
As is the case many times, it's only until after I ask a question that I try something I hadn't thought of, and that was to search the entire Microsoft Visual Studio folder and I found it here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\InstallCleanup.exe
I ran it and was able to successfully install 2019.
Background: I tried updating 2019 one day when the update failed and I was no longer able to build any of my applications. Updates and full reinstalls would fail saying that it could not access one of the package files. I had to fall back to 2017 and had been using it since this occurred back in February. I decided I wanted 2019, so I went the full uninstall route, but could never find the above-mentioned exe until now. I hope this helps all the others who have been having this issue.
This all occurred during a 2019 update one d
Others have experienced this as well, but I found no solutions. I will probably just mark this as answer if VS installs properly.

Error updating Visual Studio 2017 15.6.2

I was trying to update VS 2017 to 15.6.2 version. As usual VS asked me to update the Installer. But the Installer updating failed and now, when I try to launch the VS updating again, I get this error message:
Error loading vs_installershell.exe: No signature was present in the subject.
Anyone has ever seen this before? Any help will be appreciated.
Microsoft recommends the following procedure in this case:
Close the Visual Studio Installer.
Delete the Visual Studio Installer directory. Typically, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
Run the Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper. You may find the bootstrapper in your Downloads folder with a file name that follows a vs_[Visual Studio edition]__*.exe pattern. If you don't find that application, you can download the bootstrapper by going to the Visual Studio downloads page and clicking Download for your edition of Visual Studio. Run the executable to reset your installation metadata.
Try to install or update Visual Studio again. If the Installer continues to fail, go to the next step.
There is also a bit of warning:
Performing the following actions reinstalls the Visual Studio Installer files and resets the installation metadata.
But in the end, it reinstalls the VS Updater.

Code Contracts version does not update

I've installed an update of Code Contracts but the version of Code Contracts shown in the "Extensions and Updates" window has not changed. However in project properties, the version number has changed.
Why is the current version in "Extensions and Updates" not changing and how I can fix it?
If it helps: I use Windows 7 Enterprise and Visual Studio Professional 2013
I restarted program and computer.
I have just installed Visual Studio 2013. I do not install older versions of Visual Studio.
On "Code Contracts" tab in project properties I see a new version number. And I think that the Code Contracts libraries are updated.
I tried to remove and reinstall Code Contracts. It doesn't help. But I don't want reinstall Visual Studio.
Extensions and Updates:
Project properties:
This seems to be an issue with the uninstaller as described in this MSDN forum thread by user Manuel Pallier
Check if you have two folders in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\CodeContracts, one with the old version number and one with the new one.
Follow these steps to clean-up all versions and then reinstall the correct version of Code Contracts:
Uninstall Code Contracts via the control panel.
Delete the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\CodeContracts.
Touch the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\extensions.configurationchanged (touching means updating its last modified date; just open it in an editor and save it without changes). This step is required so that Visual Studio rebuilds its extension database on the next start.
Start Visual Studio and make sure the Code Contracts extension is gone from the extensions screen.
4b. Click Uninstall if it hasn't (might be the case for 1.8.x -> 1.9.x)
Then close Visual Studio again.
Install the new version.
Start Visual Studio and make sure it shows the new version in the extensions screen.
There is a similar answer on SO from user Steven Liekens that seems to confirm that the uninstaller is flaky.
Uninstalling Visual Studio seems NOT to be the way to solve so don't go down that route.
Version 1.9.10714.2 seems to have a bad vsixmanifest file.
I did all the above and then edited
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\CodeContracts\1.9.10714.2\extension.vsixmanifest and corrected the version number.
Re-touched the extensions.configurationchanged file and VS accepted that the version installed was upto date.
I have found an Identity Version number mismatch in the manifest file after all the steps mentioned above, installing 1.9.10714.2, as you can see below:
...Identity Version="1.8.10107.10"...
I fixed the Identity Version number and I solved the problem.

Recreate vcvars32.bat without reinstalling Visual Studio

On my system vcvars32.bat - part of the Visual Studio 2010 installation - has suddenly disappeared. When I start a VS2010 Command Prompt, I get the following message:
The specified configuration type is missing. The tools for the
configuration might not be installed.
Needless to say I haven't removed this file, but files don't disappear by themselves either. Supposedly it is created by the Visual Studio setup, so I'm wondering:
Has anyone else have this file disappear due to installing Visual Studio or Windows updates? If so, which update?
Can I recreate this file without reinstalling Visual Studio 2010, SP1, some Windows Update
distributed hotfixes and Feature Pack 2?

PROBLEM encountered visual studio 2008 installation

I installed Visual Studio 2008 package FULL option. It worked with out any problem. I installed Vstudio 2008 and MSDN in separate folder in the D drive. 2 days later in order to remove my projects i uninstalled every thing and also i deleted visual studio 2008, visual studio 2005 folders from C:\Documents and Settings\IRCTC\My Documents. (I believe these 2 folders were automatically created when we install visual studio) also I cleared %path% and path (c/windows/path). Again I installed VISUAL STUDIO 2008 but now I can't able to create window application (other web, vb also), what is the solution for this ...
ERROR that shown is
c:/documents and settings/IRCTC/local settings/temp/g1zzsdl.bak/temp/windowsFormsApplication.csproj cannot be opened because project type (.csproj) is not supported by this version of visual studio.......
Whether any system file corrupted (windows temp or .net folber in windows).....
No other installation problem found in my system.....
please help.....
What are the files/folders required for the installation......
When you get that error is usually because:
You are trying to open a project created with a previous version of Visual Studio (not your case)
There was a bit of a screw-up during the installation (sounds like your case)
I'd uninstall the thing and reinstall completely first thing.
If it still doesn't work, it could be related to VS templates and you might wanna try and run from Visual Studio 2008 command prompt:
devenv /InstallVSTemplates
If it still doesn't work, open Visual Studio, in the menu, Open Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->General. At this point you will notice the path of Project Templates is set to "C:\Documents and Settings[yourUserName]\My Documents\Visual Studio 9\Templates\ProjectTemplates" or something very similar to that. In order to fix it you gotta set that path to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9\Common7\IDE\Project Templates or the same path according to wherever you installed Visual Studio
I don't think is related to VS project Templates though - see this link
Try and see what happens!
Why didn't you use visual studio's uninstall function available from the control panel|add/remove programs?
I would uninstall the latest installation as described above, and try again.
