ServiceNOW and KB article with MS Chatbot - botframework

We want to leverage the ServiceNOW Knowledge Base/articles to fetch articles from a customer ServiceNOW production instance through a Chatbot.
As ServiceNOW administrators, how do you propose we work to get this integration completed? I was looking at the community for expert advise, to help us arrive to a conclusion on how to do this efficiently with minimum stress to ServiceNOW.
We thought we had two options:-
Index articles and store it in cloud/local database and query
cloud/local database when user queries for information. Refresh
cloud/local database index weekly. (I think this is preferred)
Use the knowledge API directly to hit ServiceNOW. In that case,
every user searches will land up in ServiceNOW.


PowerApps - create my own table or use a Dataverse table?

I have a couple of questions regarding PowerApps and the Dataverse. I don't know where else to ask them. I'm hoping someone here can help me.
I'm very familiar with creating a database in MS SQL SERVER. I've been doing that for 20+ years. I'm used to creating/seeing a database diagram that shows what tables are in the database and how they are related. Documentation about each table, what is it's business purpose etc.. Documentation about each column - what it's purpose is, it's domain of values etc.
Where do I find this same sort of documentation for the Dataverse? I've been searching for days and have not come across one schema diagram showing what tables are in the Dataverse or how they are related. Nor have I found any documentation that describes the business purpose of the tables or columns.
How would I know if I should create a table in the Dataverse for some business function or whether I should be using a table that already exits e.g. Company (to capture information about companies my organization cares about), Org Unit (to capture information about the org structure of my company), Staff (to capture information about staff in my company and what org unit they belong to), Business process (to capture information about processes executed by org units in my company)...
Dataverse (earlier called as Common Data service) is nothing but Dynamics CRM under the hood. So you can start here and you can find the Entity/Table metadata details here
If you are looking for ERD, then I will use XrmToolBox - ERD Visio Builder to connect and pull it.

How many users can be added to a MS Dynamics 365 Team?

Theoretically I'm sure there is probably no limit, but realistically I'm looking to understand how many users can be added into a MS Dynamics 365 Team. I'd like to understand what impact adding more than 8,000 users to a single team would have in terms of performance of the Dynamics application.
Why so many users in a team? We're looking at a potential requirement, which needs to secure 4 fields on an entity so that users can create those fields but not view the data in them. Short Answer: Field Level Security. However, we have a large user base ie. 8,000 users and once we create a field security profile, we need to assign that profile to 8,000 users. So an idea was to create a Team and assign the field security profile to the team. Then add 8000 users into that team.
So back to my original question. Is this a plausible solution and is there anything we're overlooking in going ahead with this. Would we face performance issues going forward? Is there a better/alternate solution to meet the requirement?
This 8k users + team + FLS scenario should not be a problem, as I remember from this performance benchmark (on online CRM 2016 update 1 though. ie v8.1), the testing was performed and gave better results with below configuration to prove statistically.
Field-level security was also enabled on custom attributes to reflect
a realistic enterprise organization.
Based on customer research, each user of a specific role was assigned
a realistic set of data. The data that the user would own was based on
the user’s role. Before the test, the total data in the test database
included more than 656,549,587 business records with a total database
size of 1.024 TB.
TeamMembership with 61,406 records.
A batch of 17,868 concurrent users performed create, update, and
delete (CRUD) operations within Dynamics CRM Online.

Create Tickets through Square Connect API?

My company (which does Tutoring services) recently transitioned to Square for their Appointments and POS and I am trying to automate certain tasks. I wanted to know if there was a way to create "Open Tickets" for transactions through the Connect API.
I went through the documentation and couldn't find anything that refers to "tickets". I checked the seller community but wasn't satisfied with the answer from Square since they seemed to not understand what "Tickets" meant. I have provided more details at the end of this post in case someone wasn't sure about "Tickets" here as well.
I believe currently Tickets are only available through the Square POS app (Android/iOS) and not on the Web Dashboard. I would like to be pointed in the right direction in terms of what I might need to look at in order to get access to automatic ticket creation.
For more details, please read on.
In order to clarify what I mean by "tickets", here is Square's page regarding "Open Tickets". They are basically a way to create and save transaction info ahead of time so customers can be charged quicker. The way we use "Open Tickets" is we create tickets for Tutoring sessions every day in the morning and when a customer shows up, all they have to do is look up their ticket and pay. We do this since we expect a lot of traffic every day and we want to streamline the process as much as possible.
Therefore, our admin staff ends up creating 80-100 tickets manually every day! I wanted to know if there was a way to automate this. I already have a running Google Sheets with all appointments data that would be needed in order to create a ticket. I just need to find a way to communicate with ticket creation.
I apologize if this is a long post. I tried to be concise but thorough. Please let me know if there is any detail that I missed. I appreciate any help!
Unfortunately, Open Tickets isn’t currently available for Square’s API. Square's API is only able to track completed transactions at this time.
We are constantly improving the product based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your thoughts with the API team.

Recommendation On Data Store For Website's User Activity Log

I am looking for some recommendations on a good data store for activity feeds. The goal is to have a Twitter/Facebook type feed log consisting of various activities users can do throughout our website. The "wall" or "feed" would updated via AJAX showing what the users of the website are currently doing. It will be written to often and then the most recent will be displayed on the site.
(e.g. John Smith recommended Jane Smith's article 2 seconds ago)
We currently are storing the feeds in MySQL but performance has been poor and I'm concerned with hindering performance throughout the rest of the website if we are constantly hitting the database to grab the most recent user activity as well as writing the feeds.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
Make use of the best caching solutions like memcache to increase performance. Other than scaling, there are no performance-increasing possibilities for an activity feed.
I would vote for using or as an alternative to MySQL for short-term, almost live activity feeds across a site. And a cron job to dump history of activities into MySQL for record keeping.
A look at tumblr's or twitters architectures can push you to the right direction as well.
You should take the microservices approach to separate between the datastore that stores the users' actions to the one that store the actual data.
Pub/Sub is the right approach to handle the big stream of users' actions.
Use Kafka or Google Pub/Sub cloud service for a scalable data pipeline. They can take the load with its scalable architecture.
Independently consume the messages from Kafka to some database such as MySQL or Google BigQuery for analytics purposes you must have.

SSRS Subscription Permissions

I can't find much about this online so I was wondering if someone knew here.
Is SSRS 2005 if a user creates a subscription, will other users be able to view and edit those subsciptions? If not, is it possible to make subsciriptions visible to everyone?
Quick answer is no.
Long answer is:
AFAIK, there is no site-wide subscription management functionality. The best you can do within Report Manager is site-wide schedule management, which allows admins to set up schedules at preferred times and let users choose those schedules when creating their subscriptions.
Our solution for controlling/centralising subscriptions was to set up a generic Windows user, log in to Report Manager and use that user to create all subscriptions. This means that all requests for subscriptions go through the IT department (+ or - depends on your situation. We didn't want users creating subscriptions themselves). All users who know the generic username/password can manage subscriptions in one place. Not ideal but it works for us.
Another option is that all the data for subscriptions is held on the Server, either in the Reporting Services database or in the Jobs themselves. If you are brave you can delve in and set up some sort of interface to access this.
This is definitely an area in which I find SSRS lacking.
You live and learn. I've just found that (provided you have sufficient privileges) if you open a report, then go to the subscriptions tab, you can view and edit any subscriptions that are set up on this report by any user. Still not ideal as you don't get an overview of the subscriptions across the system but better than the bleak picture I painted previously!
