How many users can be added to a MS Dynamics 365 Team? - dynamics-crm

Theoretically I'm sure there is probably no limit, but realistically I'm looking to understand how many users can be added into a MS Dynamics 365 Team. I'd like to understand what impact adding more than 8,000 users to a single team would have in terms of performance of the Dynamics application.
Why so many users in a team? We're looking at a potential requirement, which needs to secure 4 fields on an entity so that users can create those fields but not view the data in them. Short Answer: Field Level Security. However, we have a large user base ie. 8,000 users and once we create a field security profile, we need to assign that profile to 8,000 users. So an idea was to create a Team and assign the field security profile to the team. Then add 8000 users into that team.
So back to my original question. Is this a plausible solution and is there anything we're overlooking in going ahead with this. Would we face performance issues going forward? Is there a better/alternate solution to meet the requirement?

This 8k users + team + FLS scenario should not be a problem, as I remember from this performance benchmark (on online CRM 2016 update 1 though. ie v8.1), the testing was performed and gave better results with below configuration to prove statistically.
Field-level security was also enabled on custom attributes to reflect
a realistic enterprise organization.
Based on customer research, each user of a specific role was assigned
a realistic set of data. The data that the user would own was based on
the user’s role. Before the test, the total data in the test database
included more than 656,549,587 business records with a total database
size of 1.024 TB.
TeamMembership with 61,406 records.
A batch of 17,868 concurrent users performed create, update, and
delete (CRUD) operations within Dynamics CRM Online.


Dynamics 365 create subuser under a user account

Is there any possibility to create sub-users under a user account using one license, but taking into account they need to have full access to the main functionalities of the CRM.
No. Even by sharing a user between multiple people you would likely be breaching your licence terms.
Without understanding why you would want to do this, if the reason is cost, I would suggest investigating Power Apps and Team Member licences. They are a cheap way to access Dynamics data, although can be restrictive.

ServiceNOW and KB article with MS Chatbot

We want to leverage the ServiceNOW Knowledge Base/articles to fetch articles from a customer ServiceNOW production instance through a Chatbot.
As ServiceNOW administrators, how do you propose we work to get this integration completed? I was looking at the community for expert advise, to help us arrive to a conclusion on how to do this efficiently with minimum stress to ServiceNOW.
We thought we had two options:-
Index articles and store it in cloud/local database and query
cloud/local database when user queries for information. Refresh
cloud/local database index weekly. (I think this is preferred)
Use the knowledge API directly to hit ServiceNOW. In that case,
every user searches will land up in ServiceNOW.

Google Places API - quota increase (1000 to 150 000) only available for businesses?

I recently started an internship concerning Master Data Management in Talend. Part of the Master Data Management proces involves the cleansing of data. In my case I have to cleanse a few addresses. After doing some research I bumped into the Google Places API, which would do the trick for me. At first I wasn't aware of the so called quota limits that are bound to this API so I decided to read up on it some more. Basicly I have quite a few addresses to cleanse, so the 1000 requests per day limit won't cut it. As of yesterday I decided to increase that limit to 150 000 requests by verifying my identity using my creditcard. The requests were indeed increased to 150 000 but after a few hours my billing account was closed without warning and the limit went back to 1000 requests.
My question is: is the increase of the quota limit only available for businesses or are individual users eligible for it too?
I basicly filled in my own name as the name of the business when I created the billing account for my own project. That billing account is closed now. I really need that quota increase to be able to finish my project so I'm wondering if you guys are able to enlighten me. The image below is part of the form which has to be filled in to create a billing account.
for this amount of quota you have to identify yourself through your credit card and thats it. you can use this key for personal use or business does not matter . as the whole app has that much of search quota. no matter how many people install that app.
so the answer is it is eligible for individual users too.
thank you
You may have different terms in your country. We don't have VAT in the US, although we do have state-specific sales tax on some goods and services. I suspect that Google cannot offer this service in your country without a business tracking the VAT for it. I use the Google Search API with Custom Search Engines on both personal and business accounts from the US with just CC validation. You might look to see if there are Google services resellers local to you who can offer you the Place API.

Business Units vs Teams in CRM 2011

I've been told a few times that Business Units in CRM 2011 are "tricky" and shouldn't be set up lightly since they have irreversible consequences for a CRM 2011 implementation.
On the other hand, teams in CRM 2011 seem much more flexible in managing record security.
For what reason would I still choose to set up Business Units in CRM 2011? What can I do with Business Units that I can't with Teams (and vice versa)?
Business Units are important for the security concept of Dynamics CRM. They define a kind of a boundary within you can define specific roles or permissions. They are also used to represent an organization structure.
Teams are used for ownership of a record (new feature in CRM 2011), which is handy if you can't define a single owner. They are also used for easier sharing - you could share a record with a team, instead of sharing it with multiple persons. Another usage is to grant permissions to multiple users with grouping them into a team and assign a security role to the team.
Create a separate, new Business Unit (BU) at a higher BU level than all of the other User BUs (to avoid security role Parent:Child Business Unit permissions), then create a Team in that Business Unit.
Next, assign a security role to the new Team. Set the security role to be
restricted Read at the BU level (half a pie). Then, assign the "special" records to the Team.
Next, put the people who you want to see the records into the Team.
They will inherit the Team's security role permissions and will be the only ones in the company that can see those specific records.
You don't necessarily have to assign records to the team if you can just assign them to a user in that BU. However, you may need to assign the records to the Team if you don't have a user in the BU.
**NOTE: Watch out for Parent: Child Business Unit or Organization level permissions. The BU hiearchy would then play a role here.
*Be sure to test this before you put this into production**
Please follow below links which help alot

Dynamics CRM 2011 - Segregating data by Client entity

I'm evaluating CRM 2011 to replace an existing app and and have some questions about security and segregating information by Client (or Account).
I have a custom entity for 'Client'. There are lot of custom entities that are related to 'Client' which consitute the data needed to be captured.
I would like to limit specific teams/users to work on specific clients and see only the data for those clients that they have access to.
I'm seeing that individual entities can be assigned to teams/users but I need all related entities to be locked down by Client so that regular users
Dont see records in views or searches that belong to other clients.
Can't create or access records for other clients.
Can this be done in CRM 2011? How?
Also - is it possible to limit processes/workflows to operate or trigger on records of specific clients only?
Probably the easiest thing to do would be do base your security on business units. Groups of clients an their related records would all be in the same business unit, and as long as you set their security roles to only allow access to records in their own business unit, that would work.
For workflows that only trigger on particular clients, it depends on the exact requirements. You could certainly check the business unit of the client as the first step in the workflow and continue or exit based on that. If it's something more complex, you can write a custom workflow assembly to do the check for you.
