PowerApps - create my own table or use a Dataverse table? - dynamics-crm

I have a couple of questions regarding PowerApps and the Dataverse. I don't know where else to ask them. I'm hoping someone here can help me.
I'm very familiar with creating a database in MS SQL SERVER. I've been doing that for 20+ years. I'm used to creating/seeing a database diagram that shows what tables are in the database and how they are related. Documentation about each table, what is it's business purpose etc.. Documentation about each column - what it's purpose is, it's domain of values etc.
Where do I find this same sort of documentation for the Dataverse? I've been searching for days and have not come across one schema diagram showing what tables are in the Dataverse or how they are related. Nor have I found any documentation that describes the business purpose of the tables or columns.
How would I know if I should create a table in the Dataverse for some business function or whether I should be using a table that already exits e.g. Company (to capture information about companies my organization cares about), Org Unit (to capture information about the org structure of my company), Staff (to capture information about staff in my company and what org unit they belong to), Business process (to capture information about processes executed by org units in my company)...

Dataverse (earlier called as Common Data service) is nothing but Dynamics CRM under the hood. So you can start here and you can find the Entity/Table metadata details here
If you are looking for ERD, then I will use XrmToolBox - ERD Visio Builder to connect and pull it.


Difference between Entity Type Standard and Managed in Common Data Service?

In PowerApps entity list page, we have default five fields Entity, Name, Type, Customizable & Tags
What does the Type field mean, I couldn't find any article related to this! Even Microsoft docs is a no go!!
I do know that Custom is the Type assigned to the tables created by us, whereas the default tables are grouped into two - Managed & Standard (refer screenshot).
But under what criteria do they get separated into the two groups?
This Standard type is part of Common Data Model (CDM) and PowerApps nomenclature:
CDM provides standard entities common across most industry domains – Sales, Purchase, Customer Service, Productivity among others. Leveraging the years of experience with Dynamics business applications and Office 365 and working with thousands of enterprise customers we have defined and implemented these standard entities that will connect to Microsoft’s first party business applications and support a broad ecosystem of ISV and customer solution development.
Learn more about CDM.
Managed is something like First party integration apps like LinkedIn, AI, Teams, etc. You will see publish prefix like msdyn_, li_, etc to see some identities. (maybe some third party Managed entities will follow this route, I'm not sure though).
I see some ADX portal like legacy entities marked as Standard rather than Managed, and some vice versa. I would say some sausage is being made, too early to look into that & that why documentation is missing.

How do I create word/tag cloud in obiee

Our company is using Oracle12c and recently wanted to see a list of the most used payment purposes in a form of word/tag cloud.
There is a column in a table that stores all payment purposes and the task is to know the frequency of these purposes and display them as a tag cloud in Obiee.
Is there any way to do this? Can Obiee analyze it itself or should I provide the word list to look for? If I should then it would be hard to accomplish since there are thousands of payments with thousands of different purposes.
Any help would be appreciate
SampleApp 607 contains a working example:

How to convert web app into saas?

I have a completed asp.net mvc 3 web application which relies on a mysql database and a mssql authentication/authorization database. How should I go about converting the application into Software as a Service - specifically with relation to having multiple tenants? Should the database just have its tables segregated based on tenant ids, or should there be one database per tenant? Are there any books or good sources I can reference? I am just trying to see if there is a best practice for this, or if what I am doing is standard.
Software as a Service is a huge industry and is rapidly growing. Major educational players are actively investing in including coursework regarding SaaS. One such institution is Unversity of Berkeley, California. They offer a free online course on SaaS at edx.org. The two professors teaching the class are highly acclaimed. The book for the course can be purchased via their site or through amazon.com.
Note: I am in no way affiliated with the course, the University, the professors, any of the free online education sites, nor am I enrolled in the class. There is not much content available on SaaS and this is one of the only sources that I was able to find.
With regards to the database, to convert from a single tenant to a multi tenant system, an abstraction must be used in order to separate the content. However, this will undeniably multiply the amount of content by the amount of tenants in the tables resulting in slower query times. In this respect, the tables must be partitioned by tenant ranges, with views representing those partitions. These views can then be queried.

Dynamics CRM 2011 - Segregating data by Client entity

I'm evaluating CRM 2011 to replace an existing app and and have some questions about security and segregating information by Client (or Account).
I have a custom entity for 'Client'. There are lot of custom entities that are related to 'Client' which consitute the data needed to be captured.
I would like to limit specific teams/users to work on specific clients and see only the data for those clients that they have access to.
I'm seeing that individual entities can be assigned to teams/users but I need all related entities to be locked down by Client so that regular users
Dont see records in views or searches that belong to other clients.
Can't create or access records for other clients.
Can this be done in CRM 2011? How?
Also - is it possible to limit processes/workflows to operate or trigger on records of specific clients only?
Probably the easiest thing to do would be do base your security on business units. Groups of clients an their related records would all be in the same business unit, and as long as you set their security roles to only allow access to records in their own business unit, that would work.
For workflows that only trigger on particular clients, it depends on the exact requirements. You could certainly check the business unit of the client as the first step in the workflow and continue or exit based on that. If it's something more complex, you can write a custom workflow assembly to do the check for you.

Oracle Financials GL Import

I'm working on importing data from our application into Oracle Financials GL.
It seems simple with the GL_INTERFACE table, and many resources online, but I don't seem to understand it.
A powerpoint presentation
An import API
I'm looking for a simple way to post a transaction of $X on a specific date, between 2 or more accounts. I'm terrified of incorrectly posting anything in the GL.
You may find some suitable documentation at the Oracle Integration Repository. From the site:
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the numerous service endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for integration with any system, application, or business partner.
It does, however, require you to register an account (free). Once you're in, it should be found under the "Financials" category.
