Problems Viewing Voyager Tables after integrating Iseed from Github using Laravel 7 - laravel

I am making a multi seller ecommerce website using Laravel 7. After integrating an Iseeder package from Github overriding my current Voyager seeders, I seem to have issues in my Voyager admin panel. I'm not sure if this is the real issue here but I can't view tables in Roles, Users and other pages. BREAD functions are still working properly. Also, when I try to edit Users i'm getting the error "ErrorException
Trying to get property 'details' of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\Laravel\itprojETONA\vendor\tcg\voyager\resources\views\users\edit-add.blade.php)"
I have no idea what seems to be the problem as I'm just starting to learn Laravel. I hope someone here can help me. Thanks a lot!
PHP 7.3.22
Laravel 7x
Composer version 1.10.13
Voyager 1.4x


Laravel voyager not showing full side menu

I am very new to laravel. After installing voyager (php artisan voyager:install) and migrating the database (php artisan migrate), the full menu of voyager is not shown (see attached)
Any advice/indication will be greatly appreciated.
The issue was related to the fact that I was calling the admin page of voyager using https. When I troied with http the dashboard menu was shown.

Laravel Odoo API

I have been using Edujugon/laradoo for interfacing Laravel with Odoo. In a new project I have been using Laravel 9 and Edjugon/Laradoo does not install anymore.
Can somebody help me by updating Edjugon/Laradoo since the composer setting do not fit anymore with laravel 9. I am not enough of an expert to do that myself. The goal is a successful composer require in Laravel 9. I contacted the author but he seems to be not active anymore.
I found a different solution: tbondois/odoo-ripcord. It is not as elegant as Edjugon/laradoo but it does the work.

Setup Laravel 8 & voyager in Shared Hosting

I've been working on a ecommerce website for the first time and used voyager for my admin panel. The website is nearly done. I want to know what are the steps to host my project with working voyager admin panel. PHP version is 7.4.11. Hoping to host this with Cloudlinux. Much appreciate if someone can teach me the steps. Thank You!

How to migrate the custom laravel admin panel code in laravel voyager?

i' facing the problem to merge the code in laravel voyager. i've created the admin panel, client panel, publisher panel section in laravel. but due to some reason, i'm migrating the all code in laravel voyager. laravel voyager is a admin panel to provide CRUD, BREAD. is it possible ? how i can implement this ? Below i attached the screenshot of directory structure. Thanks in advance.

Laravel 5.2 Access control list

I am new to Laravel, and feeling very uncomfortable about embedding the "Entrust" plugin in Laravel 5.2.
Can any one please tell me how I can embed "Entrust" in Laravel 5.2?
If you are referring to the package on Link then you have all the neccessary documentation there
