Setup Laravel 8 & voyager in Shared Hosting - laravel

I've been working on a ecommerce website for the first time and used voyager for my admin panel. The website is nearly done. I want to know what are the steps to host my project with working voyager admin panel. PHP version is 7.4.11. Hoping to host this with Cloudlinux. Much appreciate if someone can teach me the steps. Thank You!


Problems Viewing Voyager Tables after integrating Iseed from Github using Laravel 7

I am making a multi seller ecommerce website using Laravel 7. After integrating an Iseeder package from Github overriding my current Voyager seeders, I seem to have issues in my Voyager admin panel. I'm not sure if this is the real issue here but I can't view tables in Roles, Users and other pages. BREAD functions are still working properly. Also, when I try to edit Users i'm getting the error "ErrorException
Trying to get property 'details' of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\Laravel\itprojETONA\vendor\tcg\voyager\resources\views\users\edit-add.blade.php)"
I have no idea what seems to be the problem as I'm just starting to learn Laravel. I hope someone here can help me. Thanks a lot!
PHP 7.3.22
Laravel 7x
Composer version 1.10.13
Voyager 1.4x

How to install a tawk chat in my existing laravel website already hosted in my cpanel

Please I have the same problem can integrate tawk chat on my existing laravel website in cpanel , I need your support can anyone explain to me the step by step I added the code in app.blade but still not working , I can't find main.blade in my views

What is the main page for laravel voyager, when i don't use serve?

I'm programming an app in my own server. I will have to migrate it to an Internet web server and I don't have access to ssh. I can't launch serve.
So I have to know how to launch voyager main page (I know how to do that just with laravel).
Any site where I can find information about?
Help will be appreciated.

Magento site migrated on another server

I am using magento version and having site on this
Client asked me to migrate data to other server with same configuration
But when I transferred all data to another server everything is working
fine except products not showing up at front-end.It shows in database and admin side.
I guess this in list.phtml
$products = $this->getLoadedProductCollection();
is not working
And I have also checked with loading base theme magento but no luck in that.
If anyone help me in this would be really helpful
Thanks in advance
You can do following steps :
1) go to backend, select all products, click on update attributes, click on websites on left, check your website and click on submit.
2) Go to system->config catalog and check if you have disabled retrieval of out of stock products on listing page.
3) After above steps, reindex your products and inventory.
4) Delete magento/var/cache/* and check website again.
After many attempts finally found solution,it was because of license issue
which is only for domain and i was accessing it from other IP and when I pointed it to that domain all things started working fine.
Thank you all for your inputs and help

Website Login Issue developed in magento

I have a website developed using magento . Previously i was able to login. But right now, login is failed. Infact any operations that interacts with user table is failing. I need to know what is the issue. How do I figure it out?
First clear try to clear your log file
second make sure you have not upgraded your Magento
and 3rd make sure that you db is accessible in your Magento
-Harry P
