Chrome Native messaging host won't start on macOS Sierra - macos

I use Packages app to install an application and run a post install script that configures the Native messaging host. I require admin rights to for the installation. I had 2 main issues on macOS Sierra (maybe High Sierra too).
The native messaging host is a python3 script, I run command -v python3 on the post install script the to check if python3 is installed, if not the script exits with an error.
When I run the installer on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) everything works es expected (since Catalina comes with python3). I have installed the official python3 pkg and ran the installer again on 2 machines, one is on Catalina so no problem, the other is on Sierra on which the command command -v python3 fails always even though it runs perfectly from terminal.
I now check for python3 in 2 paths using ls /usr/bin/python3 (Catalina's python3) or ls /usr/local/bin/python3 (official python3) and it works perfectly on Sierra and Catalina.
Another issue, only on Sierra, I kept getting the error Unchecked runtime.lastError: Native host has exited. so I tried to run Chrome on debug to see what's going on and I was surprised to discover that the message has disappeared, but I kept getting if if I click to open the app, it works also if I just run open from terminal (keep in mind that everything works perfectly on Catalina). I have tried everything I could think of, I still don't understand what's going on. I have reproduced this issue on 2 other VMs Sierra.
the rights on the nmh script -rwxr-xr-x
Will provide any code you'll need.
See my answer, I will leave the question open as I am curious about the reason I get different behaviours on Catalina and Sierra

it looks like on Sierra Chrome can't interpret the shebang #!/usr/bin/env python3. I solved it by using sed after finding the right python 3 path.


OpenCobolIDE stopped working after macOS Mojave update

Before updating to macOS Mojave, OpenCobolIDE was working fine, but ever since I updated, every time I try to open the application, it just closes a second after I pressed the icon. This I probably compatibility issues with the now OS, but is there any methods to fix it without downgrading my OS?
Thanks in advance
I had problems with OpenCobolIDE 4.7.4 on Mac after upgrade to Mojave - the program gets stalled with spinning wheel. Instead of using the download on, I have installed it with pip3:
In a terminal window I ran the command : sudo pip3 install OpenCobolIDE --upgrade
For more info see
It installs OpenCobolIDE 4.7.6 and it runs smoothly after installation. The executable can be found in /usr/local/bin

Terminal not working in Aptana IDE with OSX

This Terminal Emulator is not functional because no 'bash' shell could be found.
Please correct the problem and restart the ID
This is a brand new OSX laptop with 10.13.6, and I've been trying to replicate the setup with aptana 3. I'm not sure what I'm missing to be getting this error... previous threads with similar errors all seem to be dealing with windows environments
I had the same issue on macOS Mojave 10.14 with AptanaStudio 3.7.2 and could fix it based on the suggestion here (which is for linux)
So assuming your sits in /Applications the fix would be chmod +x /Applications/

Issues with Python update on Mac

So, yesterday I could run python scripts just fine. I also had numpy installed and tested on my system. From here, I proceeded to install opencv on my Mac following this link.
Afterwards, I tested it and it worked fine. Then I installed pyOSC.
Then I proceeded to use two example scripts to test that it was working fine, and it was.
Then, I updated python on my system, and now it can't find OSC and numpy whenever I try to call them (from the python interpreter or another script). When I run pip list I can see that they're still installed. I'm pretty sure this is the root of the issue, I'm just not sure how to fix it without uninstalling and re-installing everything.
Any Ideas? Currently running python 2.7
EDIT I had the version of python that came with the system and I downloaded the new version of python from because I was having issues with segmentation fault 11 error.
After some googling I figured it out.
I used type -a python to see all versions I had of python.
Weirdly enough, I had the Mac System version as /usr/bin/python and then I had two entries under /usr/local/bin/python. I deleted both of these and now everything is working properly.

OS X Terminal hangs installing vNext KVM after running "source"

I'm trying to install vNext on my Macbook but when I run source the terminal just hangs.
My setup:
OSX 10.9.5 (Mavericks)
Mono 3.10.0
My problem:
I followed the instructions for installing vNext on OS X from the GitHub repo:
brew tap aspnet/k
brew install kvm
Everything seems to go fine until the step where I run source, which hangs the terminal with a message "[Process completed]".
Adding source to ~/.zshrc file starts the terminal and immediately hangs it once that runs.
What I've tried:
I uninstalled kvm (brew uninstall kvm) and aspnet/k (brew untap aspnet/k) and deleted the directory ~/.kre, then tried reinstalling it all again.
No luck.
Any ideas? Here's a screenshot:
The kvm currently not working in ZSH, Running it under /bin/bash should work quite well.
Also, make sure you remove anything to do with kvm from your .zshrc file and you should be good to go again.
according to , you can replace the file with the version from dev branch, which can be found under , and zsh should be happy with it afterwards.
Worked for me.

Fail to install QGIS on my mac

I tried several times to install almost everything from the website,
However, when I open QGIS, the initial image just got stuck on the sentence "starting python" and then just quit automatically.
My mac OS version is 10.8.5
Is such a problem due to my two versions of python in my system? The python in my system is 2.7.5, and perviously I also installed a standard version of python which is about 3.3. Then I realize that I could just use the 2.7 one instead, so I just dragged the whole fold named "python" from my application folder into trashcan and use the 2.7 from terminal instead. But I'm afraid that doesn't work either...
And how can I install the QGIS correctly now? the process seems to messy to me as a beginner...
