OS X Terminal hangs installing vNext KVM after running "source kvm.sh" - macos

I'm trying to install vNext on my Macbook but when I run source kvm.sh the terminal just hangs.
My setup:
OSX 10.9.5 (Mavericks)
Mono 3.10.0
My problem:
I followed the instructions for installing vNext on OS X from the GitHub repo:
brew tap aspnet/k
brew install kvm
source kvm.sh
Everything seems to go fine until the step where I run source kvm.sh, which hangs the terminal with a message "[Process completed]".
Adding source kvm.sh to ~/.zshrc file starts the terminal and immediately hangs it once that runs.
What I've tried:
I uninstalled kvm (brew uninstall kvm) and aspnet/k (brew untap aspnet/k) and deleted the directory ~/.kre, then tried reinstalling it all again.
No luck.
Any ideas? Here's a screenshot:

The kvm currently not working in ZSH, Running it under /bin/bash should work quite well.
Also, make sure you remove anything to do with kvm from your .zshrc file and you should be good to go again.

according to https://github.com/aspnet/kvm/issues/83 , you can replace the kvm.sh file with the version from dev branch, which can be found under https://github.com/aspnet/kvm/blob/dev/src/kvm.sh , and zsh should be happy with it afterwards.
Worked for me.


How could I downgrade the swiftlint on my m1 pro mac

I want to downgrade the swiftlint version on my MBP M1 Pro.
I installed it using brew install swiftlint
In homebrew/Cellar/swiftlint the folder is 0.49.1 which I guess is the version installed on my machine.
I googled and tried a few methods. But non of them worked for me.
brew install <url of older github raw file> is not working
brew install swiftlint#0.47.0 was also not working
I downloaded portable_zip of 0.47.0 form github, extracted and created a new folder homebrew/Cellar/swiftlint/0.47.0 and pasted the content there. After double clicking on the executable file swiftlint starts running.
Then ran brew switch swiftlint 0.47.0 but it was also not working
I also tried deleting the alias from homebrew/bin/swiftlint and pasted new alias from homebrew/Cellar/swiftlint/0.47.0 folder's executable there, but it was also not working.
Can anyone help me out what I am doing wrong, and what should be the correct steps.
I am new to macOS.
I have found a work around. Earlier I wasn't aware how files, applictions works in MacOS, where does the data for applications go.
I am writing down the steps for swiftlint, maybe similar steps might be used to downgrade any other tool on MacOS (on M1 pro macbook).
What worked for me was:
First of all I installed xcode's older version manually, xcode-select --print-path was different so I changed it with sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer.
Then I uninstalled the swiftlint using brew uninstall command.
Then from github I downloaded .pkg file of exact version I wanted, and installed it.
Also downloaded portable zip from same repository and extracted the contents and pasted them in homebrew/Cellar/swiftlint/
Made one alias of executable file of the previous step extracted files and pasted that in homebrew/bin
Then this exact version of swiftlint was installed for me, and now it works fine.
Hope this helps someone.

OpenCobolIDE stopped working after macOS Mojave update

Before updating to macOS Mojave, OpenCobolIDE was working fine, but ever since I updated, every time I try to open the application, it just closes a second after I pressed the icon. This I probably compatibility issues with the now OS, but is there any methods to fix it without downgrading my OS?
Thanks in advance
I had problems with OpenCobolIDE 4.7.4 on Mac after upgrade to Mojave - the program gets stalled with spinning wheel. Instead of using the download on https://launchpad.net/cobcide/+download, I have installed it with pip3:
In a terminal window I ran the command : sudo pip3 install OpenCobolIDE --upgrade
For more info see https://gist.github.com/ejlp12/4f59bd35cbfe4c5ffcf7955d5680a298
It installs OpenCobolIDE 4.7.6 and it runs smoothly after installation. The executable can be found in /usr/local/bin

How to install gdb on MacOS terminal Sierra

I searched online about how to install gdb on macOS Sierra 10.12.2 but failed on the methods I could find. Then I figure out the following way which is easy and works fine on my machine. hope it may help you too:)
download the most recent GDB from https://www.sourceware.org/gdb/download/
expand the gdb-7.12.1.tar.xz file: tar xopf gdb-7.12.1.tar.xz
cd gdb-7.12.1 in terminal to open the gdb folder
then follow the instructions in the README file in the gdb folder, or simply follow the following steps:
./configure, wait for the terminal
make and wait again (which can take some time)
sudo make install
Now gdb is installed at /usr/local/bin/
Note that you might want to try/use LLDB (lldb) instead. This is now the default (don't know about 10.12, but on 10.13 it is installed, when you install the Xcode utilities). It even comes with a nice curses GUI, but otherwise a shell very similar to GDB.
You can also use homebrew to get gdb in mac os:
Surprised no one mentioned:
brew install gdb
How to install brew?

cannot link homebrew emacs

Recently I uninstalled and reinstalled Homebrew entirely on my macbook (OSX 10.9.5) because there was some problem with my Python. Then I reinstalled all the programs in Homebrew and everything worked fine except for Emacs. When I tried to link emacs
$ brew link emacs
Linking /Users/myname/homebrew/Cellar/emacs/24.3... 21 symlinks created
I expected it to create a shortcut in Applications and I open the Emacs GUI from there, but Emacs is not showing up there and I don't know how I can open the GUI. What did I do wrong and how can I link my Emacs?
Try running it from the command line to see what's wrong:
emacs --debug-init
The program is likely not able to find some elc files or something among those lines.
If all fails, try using the master branch (I update my emacs frequently, such as today).
brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head --cocoa --srgb --with-xml2 && brew linkapps

CMake 2.8.10 installation for mac os x fails creating symlinks

I am updating Cmake in my Mac Book pro with OS X Lion 10.7.5. The old version of Cmake is 2.8.8 and the new one is 2.8.10. When I run almost to the end of the installation process, the installer prompts
for creating a Symlink to /usr/bin of several tools. After click on continue, the installer throws an exception telling that couldn't create symlinks. Previously of the process, I've moved to trash the old version of Cmake and then using finder I got nothing more files of Cmake on the machine. Any idea how Can I complete the installation succesfully?
In my case, attempting to install cmake 2.8.12 on OSX 10.8.5 failed. The cmake- installer downloaded directly from cmake.org would hang while running the post install scripts. I found and removed all the symlinks described by willyMon, but it still would hang, requiring me to resort to ps + kill to unhang the installer.
For me, installing via brew did the trick:
brew install cmake
It installed in /usr/local/bin without a hitch.
Opening the Applications folder in a terminal
cd /
cd Applications/
then doing:
sudo bash
Then run from the CMake GUI:
"Tools->Install For Command Line Use"
works OK for me.
Ok, after looking in deep for this error, I found that I missed some simple detail and this was the key to solve the problem. The Cpack installer of Cmake try to create symbolic links to this files:
So, from a terminal I've removed all the previous Symlinks that the older version created, then I ran the installer again and the installation was done succesfully without any errors or warnings.
