Webview webpage + Video or Youtube - xamarin

I recently found a digital billboard project called DisplayMonkey, which shows me digital content such as: images, videos, html, etc. The problem is that when you show a YouTube video or any other media this does not automatically reproduce.
To which I refer, the project that I use that would be the Display, shows me in html file all the content that I have and does it in a random way, when it comes to the video it does not reproduce it.
Need autoplay youtube or alternative server videos
The web page that the display shows me is the following:
user: test
password: 2019**
Any opinion on how you should do this? html + js code pure?
I have tried several alternatives and it has not worked for me, need help, thanks


One Embedded youtube video not playing, the other works

I have two youtube videos, which are both on my account, embedded in my website. The first one works fine, the second one gives me this message:
"Firefox Can’t Open This Page
To protect your security, www.youtube.com will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window."
I have clicked on more and as far as I understand its youtube blocking my video? How can I fix this please?
The website is www.washbox-international.com
Than you in advance - sorry am a novice!

Enable VideoJS to play .mov

I have set up a wordpress theme called Video Board, the site I am building allows users to upload their videos for comments. Uploading a video from a mobile device is critical, the theme supports mp4 which covers android users, however it does not support .mov. Has anyone come across a way to play .mov in videojs?
The server has ffmpeg installed, however the last plugin I tried needed its own upload page which worked however videos were not captured in the themes latest uploads/popular posts etc.
I know a conversion would be the proper way to do it, but at this point I would even be happy working out a way that when users upload videos through the theme upload page, it doesn't actually convert but just changes the file extension(renames) it to .mp4, as that is all I have been doing to fill out some content.
I am open to all suggestions,
There are tech plugins for video.js, but these will require browser plugins. You're far better off converting the mov files after upload to standard formats, e.g. h264/acc MP4

CKEditor 3.2.1 flash to link a video on my webpage

I am using CKEditor 3.2.1. want to link a video on my webpage. I copy youtube html url and paste in flash url field. But it does not work. What could be wrong? I am not a developer, just a simple user. Can you please help me in layman terms?
I don't really understand your question fully, nor have I used CKEditor in the past, but it sounds like you're trying to embed a youtube video as a flash object? Try going to embed on youtube and using the html code in CKEditor instead.
Update: alternatively, CKEditor has its own addon for embedding flash videos here.

How to play uploaded videos in an iframe on a Mac system

I have tried using iframe and also video tag and object tag to play the video. In some cases, it plays only the audio from the video, but video doesn't show up.
Secondly, the same video file plays well on a separate tab in the browser, but not within my iframe.
This issue is on all browsers on my Mac, but on a windows machine it plays well.
I finally found it. Apple has a good documentation of its own for this. https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/quicktime/conceptual/qtscripting_html/QTScripting_HTML_Document/ScriptingHTML.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001525-2-GettingaBrowsertoLoadQuickTime
I simply had to use the embed tag properly as they have explained.

MVC 3 Video.Flash helper not working

I'm trying to use the Video helper to show a flash video on a site I'm working on but nothing is showing. I tried the MediaPlayer helper and that worked fine, I've loaded up the flash video I'm trying to play in a media player on my machine and it loads and plays. I've gone right back to basics and just entered the path into the helper but still no joy. Here is the code in my view:
#Video.Flash(path: #Url.Content("~/Media/07477279-df26-4a6e-895a-2ead51d90d21.flv"))
When I looked at the HTML generated there is a there but nothing is loading. I'm stumped! Anyone got any ideas?
You'd need to use a url of a flash file (.swf) rather than the direct url to an flv, and then the flash file plays the flv.
