How to retrieve filled PDF from Google Chrome - macos

I had all filed PDF on Google Chrome, that I accessed from a site. The site lets you fill like
Unfortunately, I hit back from MacBook pro touch pad.
Is there a way to retrieve the filled one from the Chrome cache? I know the time window.

According to this similar Super User question, Google Chrome Help thread, and Adobe Support Community post, the PDF Viewer does not automatically save the data.
Other browsers provide a warning such as This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave — information you’ve entered may not be saved.


Cannot start web-simulator on google actions for API.AI project

I am working on Google Cloud Platform to develop a project in API.AI, I have an integration (in API.AI) with Google Actions (for Google Home or Google Assistant), they provide me to see my progress as real time in web-simulator, that you can find here:
I am trying to START the web-simulator clicking on START button, then I get a window pop-up but after open, it closes, I try and try again but I obtain the same result, I cannot open the web-simulator. I have allowed the popup windows in my browser.
Of course I have completed all steps to start web-simulator...
I don't know what is happening. Someone can help me? Thank you, have a good day.
First, are you using a compatible browser? Try it in Chrome if you're
not already using it, as Chrome is a Google product, and so is the
web simulator.
Next, are you using any Ad-Blockers or
Script-Blockers like NoScript? If so, try disabling them, as they
could interfere with the operation of the tool.
If it still doesn't work, try going to an Incognito Windows by pressing the
three dots button and opening a New Incognito Window. Go to the page, and log
in. This will ensure that no cookies are interfering.
At this point, if you're still having issues, try a different browser.
(Either Firefox or Opera)

disabling (or fixing) ReadCube WebReader on Firefox

Mac OSX 10.11.2, Firefox 45.0.1
I'm trying to access articles through Wiley publishers website ( and the PDF viewing function forces me to use ReadCube Webreader, which fails every time to load my article. I also cannot download the article. I have full permissions to view the article, but everything but the first page is blurred out. I just want to use Adobe PDF Reader like I used to, but I cannot figure out how to disable ReadCube. I have toggle this setting, cleared my cookies, turned off my addblocker, but nothing works! If I use Safari, which I really don't want to do, it works just brilliantly. Please help.
My add-on HTTPS Everywhere was interfering. It can be disabled by clicking the HTTPS Everywhere Icon in the browser window, and selecting the red-highlighted processes that are being encrypted by clicking on it. This is a bad answer to my question, because I'm not entirely sure how this has fixed the problem, but it has worked.

OSX link preview on one-time link

As part of a password reset process, it's not uncommon to send out a one-time link that will expire once clicked, or similarly activation links. We're seeing an issue where a user accidentally Force Touches a preview and expires the reset link in OSX Mail, thereby being unable to click the link to complete the form in a browser. Is there any way to prevent this preview behaviour to stop this happening? I found this similar question asked on the Apple forums but with no answer.
As far as I know, this is impossible. This feature is baked into the very core of OS X and unless there is an option in there is now way to disable it.
Also there is no specific header or user agent set so you could determine on server-side.
Unfortunately the answer seems to be no.
In the comments we came up with a JavaScript workaround. Since the force-click preview does not execute JavaScript, you could do the actual resetting process using AJAX or view a JavaScript redirection on a different page.

Using google docs as a publishing tool

I am an author of short stories. I like using google docs and I like the idea of when I update a story these changes propagate to the sites I publish on. This system works fine in the latter versions of chrome and IE.
This doesn't work in IOS and only when using Opera on android - At present I need to create PDFs to work on an iPhone or an iPad which defeats my purpose of instant updating.
But right now I am trying to get Firefox to display the contents of the embeded iFrames, but FF 9.01 only shows the outline of the iframe containing a blank page. This is btw how ios displays the same page.
Here is my test page
In FF this page will load an iframe of my site, but it will not display the stories. I also tried having docs on google apps in case that would act differently - but no difference.
I have tried
Any one have a clue?
Just wanted to say that I have given up on inserting google doc iframes into my webpages hoping that they will render correctly on all platforms and browsers. That proved to be wishful thinking.
Instead I have constructed an app that builds static pages from the Google doc url's. First I let this happen on the fly every time a user selected a story for viewing, but there was quite a lag with this method and with afterthought I saw no reason not to create static pages. This I do for all my texts even if I have only changed a few details in one of them. I publish PDSs at the same time with TCPDF.

Communicating with users on other web pages

This question is part user experience, part engineering.
I am trying to find a nice, clean way to have a user communicate with my web page while they are on another web page. I have web services that will accept HTTP POST/GET, so AJAX and other asynchronous niceties are welcome - don't worry about the details of their communication, they can easily be modified to fit a solution.
The problem I'm running into lies within the user interaction. Ex., say the user is viewing a web page and they want to send my system the web site's URL. I would like it if they could do it while still looking at that page, and without too many "crazy clicks" - currently they have to go back over to my page and enter the information (as you can imagine this has tested horribly).
I have ruled out browser tool bars (easy to do in FF, but a lot of my users use IE) and local applications (they won't want to install Java or Adobe Air apps).
Have you ever solved a problem like this before, or do you have an idea of how I could solve it? Should I be looking at separate solutions for FF and IE (ex., a tool bar for FF and something else for IE)? Don't worry about Safari and Chrome, though a solution that supports them too would be nifty.
p.s. The user would have an account on my system already.
Have you thought about something like the Digg Bar?
Users can access it through a bookmarklet, or you can do a url prefix like<other_site_url>. When users click links, the bar stays active.
What if you wrote a system tray application. Something similar to Pixel Ruler
This could sit in their tray, and it would know you're website. That would eliminate browser toolbars, and could conceivably work on several browsers. You could probably even set it up as an install if they visit your website.
Then you could expose a webservice on your site that this control would pass back info to (like the user's name, current website, etc)
I don't know about the details of your application, but the only solution I can imagine is that you have a page split into two frames, with your toolbar at the top. does this, but it makes sense because they're providing the web content.
Simply, your users would have to visit your site before they could do their own browsing. Is that reasonable for your project? That sounds like it could be a user experience disaster of its own. Also, if most of your users are using IE, I'm going to assume that they're not the most web savvy users out there.
