How Query Multiple dataset in Laravel - laravel

I am struggling to get list of places that matches current category(multiple dataset) and city:
what i did is the following,
$cat = Category::find($request->category_id)->toArray();
$cat_id = $cat['id'];
$places = DB::table('places')
->where('city_id', $request->city_id)
See screenshot of the dataset:
Data in the database

For your current problem, you can use the LIKE operator.
$places = DB::table('places')
->where('category','LIKE', '%"'.$cat_id.'"%')
->where('city_id', $request->city_id)
but the above code will not solve your problem permanently. It looks like you are trying to create a many to many relationship in this case the best practice to use pivot tables for this. Better if you could update the schema as an example and follow the Laravel standards to achieve this. Example:
table: category_place , having columns ["category_id", "place_id"]
in the same way, you need to update the following schema
Place Type
table: place_place_type, columns ["place_id", "place_type_id"]
table: amenity_place, columns ["amenity_id", "place_id"]
Ref. link:


Laravel - Get records between two dates from second table

I have something like this:
Table 1: Training Name, created_at, user_id (Plan_Treninga)
Table 2: user_id, created_at, expire_at (InvoiceUser)
I want to pull all from Table 1 where created_at is between Table 2 created_at and expire_at.
This is something what i am trying to..
$plan = Plan_Treninga::whereBetween(function($q) use ($id){
$inv = InvoiceUser::where([
I haven't finished it yet, but my brain stopped working so I have to ask here.
If I understand what you want clearly is. you want to query all from table 1 which created exist between table 2 created and expire_at right? if so you can use where exist query to achieve this.
// assume your table name is plan_treningas & invoice_users
Plan_Treninga::whereExists(function ($query) {
->whereRaw('plan_treningas.created_at BETWEEN invoice_users.created_at AND invoice_users.expire_at'); // add more query depend your logic
for more you can take a look at docs
or if you want to use raw query
FROM plan_treningas
SELECT 1 FROM invoice_users WHERE plan_treningas.created_at BETWEEN invoice_users.created_at AND invoice_users.expire_at
Take a look at joins
I am not saying this is the exact solution but I have something similar that I have changed to point you in the right direction.
With joins you can do lots of things.
$results = DB::table('table1')
->join('table2', function ($join) {
$join->on('table1.user_id', '=', 'table2.user_id')
->where('table2.status', '=', 'paid')
->where('table2.created_at', '>', 'table1.created_at');
Also look at relationships. There is some good answers for setting up many to many relationships.

Laravel - How to paginate united Many To Many(Polymorphic) collection?

Trying to figure out how to fetch two related models(obviously united) of my Many To Many(Polymorphic) relationship.
What we have:
3 models: Bucket, Template and DesignPack.
Bucket has Many-To-Many(Polymorphic) relationship with Template and DesignPack(It means we have pivot table bucketables).In essence Bucket can have(be related with) both: Template and DesignPack.
Laravel 6.*
What I want to get:
I want to get a Bucket templates and design packs united in one collection and paginated!
Please check one of the solutions I've tried:
$templates = Bucket::find($bucket_id)->templates()->select(['id', 'file_name as name', 'size', 'preview']);
$design_packs = Bucket::find($bucket_id)->dps()->select(['id', 'name', 'size', 'preview']);
$all = $templates ->union($design_packs )->paginate(10);
Unfortunately that solution throws me the error(thought I checked what each request returns and it returns the same fields, not different):
"SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns (SQL: (select `id`, `size`, `preview`, `bucketables`.`bucket_id` as `pivot_bucket_id`, `bucketables`.`bucketable_id` as `pivot_bucketable_id`, `bucketables`.`bucketable_type` as `pivot_bucketable_type` from `design_packs` inner join `bucketables` on `design_packs`.`id` = `bucketables`.`bucketable_id` where `bucketables`.`bucket_id` = 3 and `bucketables`.`bucketable_type` = App\DesignPack and `design_packs`.`deleted_at` is null) union (select `id`, `size`, `preview` from `templates` inner join `bucketables` on `templates`.`id` = `bucketables`.`bucketable_id` where `bucketables`.`bucket_id` = 3 and `bucketables`.`bucketable_type` = App\Template and `templates`.`deleted_at` is null))"
Are there any different way to get what I want?
May be examples, documentation links or any helpful ideas?
Will be so grateful guys for any help!
Thank you!
You can pass closure to queries:
$templates = Bucket::whereHas('templates', function($query) use $bucket_id {
$query->where('bucket_id', $bucket_id);
$designPacks = Bucket::whereHas('dps', function($query) use $bucket_id {
$query->where('bucket_id', $bucket_id);
then merge 2 eloquent collections:
$mergedCollections = $templates->merge($designPacks);
now you have a collection of both results, you can select specific fields, limit the results or etc. you may want take a look at Laravel collection helpers.
also if you insist to use the union, you may want to take a look at this treat:
The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns (REDUX!!)

Laravel Eloquent duplicate distinct row

Let's consider the image above. I would like to show duplicated entries as one entry and also I want to show the sum of the "stock" column. In this case it should be 5722.
Is it possible to do it using Eloquent? Or what are the best ways to do it?
Not sure how your database / query is built but you could maybe use something like that:
->selectRaw('*, sum(stock) as sum')
It will return a collection of Item with an additional “sum” field
This will group the result with same medicine and supplier name and sum up the stock.
$result = Model_Name::groupBy('medicine_name','supplier_name')
->selectRaw('*, sum(stock) as sum')
Try this. Hope it might help you.

Select one column with where clause Eloquent

Im using Eloquent. But I'm having trouble understanding Eloquent syntax. I have been searching, and trying this cheat sheet:, but no luck.
How do i perform this SQL query?
SELECT user_id FROM notes WHERE note_id = 1
If you want a single record then use
and for more than one record use
If 'note_id' is the primary key on your model, you can simply use:
Otherwise, you can use any number of syntaxes:
Note::where('note_id', 1)->first()->user_id;
Note::select('user_id')->where('note_id', 1)->first();
// or get() will give you multiple results if there are multiple
Also note, in any of these examples, you can also just assign the entire object to a variable and just grab the user_id attribute when needed later.
$note = Note::find(1);
// $user_id = $note->user_id;

Laravel, Many-to-many relationships, find() vs where()

I have a Laravel 4.2 site with a pretty simple database layout. The important part is a People model and a Subject model that have a many-to-many relationship. This works, so that, for instance:
$id = 5;
$ppl = Subject::find($id)->people()->orderBy('lastname')->get();
Returns all People for a given Subject. What I'm trying to do is instead of finding all the People for a single subject, to find all the people for multiple subjects. My guess was something like this:
$subjects = array(5, 6, 7);
$ppl = Subject::whereIn('id', $subjects)->people()->orderBy('lastname')->get();
That doesn't work (undefined method people()). Neither does the following (undefined property people):
$ppl = Subject::whereIn('id', $subjects)->people->orderBy('lastname')->get();
I'm currently just using raw SQL t get around this. How can I use eloquent relationships with where() or whereIn() calls on a model? Or, is there just a better eloquent way of approaching this problem.
Edit: Here's the raw SQL I used to get a list of the's for a given array of subjects:
FROM people
LEFT JOIN person_subject ON
person_subject.subject_id IN (%s) AND
deleted_at IS NULL
Your eloquent relationships should allow you to eagar load the people related to a subject, you can do something like this:
Subject::whereIn('id', $subjects)->with('people')->orderBy('lastname')->get();
This will return your people related to the subjects.
Let me know if this doesn't work.
What you need is to join the tables to order by the lastname:
$ppl = Subject::whereIn('id', $subjects)
->join('people', '', '=', 'subjects.people_id')
Check all your tables names because I don't know them and above are just an example one.
