Android app only successful in one country (Playstore) - google-play

so released an app a few months ago. It is slowly starting to get more and more installs, not too many until now, it just passed 1000 installations. However, over 90% of new installs are from one country (Germany). It is ranked higher in PlayStore in Germany - but are there any possibilities to increase the reputation in other countries? The app isn't regional, it is an timer for perfect boiled eggs, so interests should not come from only one country... The app is available in English, German, French and Spanish.
Is there a way to increase the reputation and ranking in the Playstore in other countries?
Thanks in advance!

I could suggest something: try promoting your app to other countries through instagram, facebook and see if you get any new installations from the countries you chose. If so then it's not a bug, otherwise you could possibly be facing a bug somewhere in playstore or playstore is not showing your app in other countries.

It is not only about how great your app is but also how people will take it and think of it. Even if your app is available in different languages (English, Spanish, French) which are the most spoken languages, it does not mean that it will have great success. The mindset of the people is different and differs from region to region, what people like and need in Germany does not necessarily be the same in France. Put always the user in the center and understand his needs so you can make the application successful.


Google Play Console - Game App restriction in specific countries

We have uploaded our game app at Google Play successfully. When we tried to upload a second version, we noticed that our app has been restricted in our country. When we investigated we receieved a message from support team stating that the app indicates gambling and that it doesnt match the ranking of "All Ages". We have got a review from IARC stating that we are not having any issues or relation to gambling.
We contacted support again to resolve the issue, but they stated the following:
"The app contain simulated gambling, or games of chance or skill that are conducive to gambling are prohibited in the above locale"
We have done all necessary measures and took the extra mile and change UX to remove any indication to gambling though it doesnt have at the first place. We are suffering from poor communication with support team, and need a super fast fix. Any Recommendations?
Unfortunately this is nearly unsolvable problem, I've faced this and after more than 1 year of appeals with Google I couldn't convince them that my app does not contain any gambling.
Once they flag your app as a gambling app it is very hard to change it.

How is iAd work with apple

I have an app which already on Apple Store, i want to ask about the iAd and how to calculate the interest in a simple way.
Let's say the app has been downloaded 10000 times, how will the iAd will work. I mean how much money I will have from that.
iAd Revenue is not based on downloads. It's based on a complicated mixture of user exposure to ads and their interactions with them. It is impossible to know anything exact for ad revenue for an app until it is out in the wild, as user behavior can be difficult to predict.
You could possibly extrapolate from other apps' data, but I don't have any data to share with you myself.

uploading app to google play - paid and free

I'd like to ask something. I'm going to upload my app to google play. But I would like it to be free in few countries and paid in other countries. My question is - is it possible to do that within ONE UPLOAD (and possibly choose those options separately for each country), without uploading app twice (once paid, once free)? Thanks for answer
As far I know this is not possible. You can set different prices for different countries but the price will be at least around 0.50$. Just published two editions, that is not hard with Android Studio. (you need to use two different package names of cause)
Another way would be freemium so let the app for free in that counties you like and make it to shareware on the other countries. But you need to find out yourself the user's location.

wp7 'new app' list in the marketplace

I recently had my app certified (first time!) but not automatically published. The game is Easter themed and hence I'd like it to appear in the new list over the Easter period. I need to know how best to achieve this.
According to many posts online, the 'new list' isn't sorted in order of release date but instead, in order of certification date, an automated system, the certifiers choice etc.
Thre are some theories here:
Both of these posts are in 2011 and aren't conclusive.
Does anybody know what ACTUALLY happens?
Thank you for any reply.
In my experience, the new apps are changed once per day or in a similar fashion. Again, from experience, you can't do anything to ensure that your application is first. However, I have manually published applications after they have been tested and approved and they were listed in the 'new' category as if they were published that day.
Usually, don't worry because your app will be listed in the first 20 of that 'day' at least once and if you get - or set ;) - some high ratings people will see it.
I found this out the hard way. The plan was to release to a few small markets to get some feedback and then do an update and release to the USA. Well, once the game was released to the USA it was not considered new and did not go into the NEW GAME list. It retained the release date of the initial release to the small markets. And as such, I totally missed out on the new release spike that we all have come to love and enjoy.
Check out Alien Escape
Game Trailer
I have some apps on marketplace already. I can talk from experience. The release after you have published will depend on countries and will delay without fully control. Also if you don't make any advertisement, it will not work with only "keywords on marketplace". I have solved by using my own Webservice and I flagged the app with "LOCKED" view. On EASTERN you can unlock the app by using your Webservice flag and immediately when the app starts, user can use it UNLOCKED.
No other solution is working in time usable way. But I fully like it to have my own app under full control. Also, I have added an "Code behind" for Testers to let them test the app before EASTERN.
Happy eastern

Windows phone 7 ads

Hello I don't understand the ads system of wp 7
Do I need to code something or dropping the component on the botton of my screen is enough
I can't find how much can I get from this... Does the user have to click the add so that I'll get paid.
With Microsoft ads, through PubCenter, ( your pay is based on impressions, while nearly all others are based on clicks.
To use the PubCenter ads, the ad SDK is part of the Windows Phone tools install. You can find information on using this at and at
As far as how much you will make, it depends on your app, how popular it is, how well targeted your ads are, and more. eCPM is the rate you're paid, and it is on a bid process, and varies from minute to minute, depending on what ads are available within your targeted categories.
For instance, I have one app that typically makes close to 1000 impressions per day, and brings in about $1.00 to $1.50 per day, depending on impressions and eCPM, of course. I have another app that brings in nearly the same number of impressions, sometimes more, and yet, it only makes me about 20% of the first one. I'm still working on tweaking the ad categories to increase my eCPM so that it will make as much as the first one, but I'm thinking it is part art, and part luck.
Maybe you can find the answer for your questions here: Microsoft Advertising
