Google Play Console - Game App restriction in specific countries - google-play

We have uploaded our game app at Google Play successfully. When we tried to upload a second version, we noticed that our app has been restricted in our country. When we investigated we receieved a message from support team stating that the app indicates gambling and that it doesnt match the ranking of "All Ages". We have got a review from IARC stating that we are not having any issues or relation to gambling.
We contacted support again to resolve the issue, but they stated the following:
"The app contain simulated gambling, or games of chance or skill that are conducive to gambling are prohibited in the above locale"
We have done all necessary measures and took the extra mile and change UX to remove any indication to gambling though it doesnt have at the first place. We are suffering from poor communication with support team, and need a super fast fix. Any Recommendations?

Unfortunately this is nearly unsolvable problem, I've faced this and after more than 1 year of appeals with Google I couldn't convince them that my app does not contain any gambling.
Once they flag your app as a gambling app it is very hard to change it.


About Google Play review

It's been three weeks since I applied for the release of the app from the Google Play Console.
It is still under review.
This time it's just a minor display improvement, but why is it taking so long?
I've heard that the coronavirus is having an impact, but this time it's too late, and I can't release the iOS app, which has already been reviewed, at the same time.
Is there something wrong with Google right now?
Am I the only one taking this long? How is everyone else doing?
By default, your app will use standard publishing. Certain apps may be subject to extended reviews, which may result in review times of up to 7 days or longer in exceptional cases.
I suggest to talk with chat support to speed up the review process, since you already exceeded the 7 day review period, they will review it manually and publish it

My App is in review or pending publication in google play store

Its my first experience to upload my app to google play store and I personally developed so I dont think so that I used any illegal thing it it but Its in review for last 2 days.
The process can take even more than that, what you can do is make sure that:
-you ask the proper permissions, more permissions you need, more time for the store to give you an answer. If you ask for dangerous permissions, you must explain clearly why you want them, else your app will be rejected.
you describe your app well and detailed. This will improve your chances for fast approval
have all the fields filled in properly, like agreement, pictures and videos of different sizes
don't forget about category and ads. If you have ads and chose that the app is available to kids, you can expect a much more detailed check of your app, which takes longer
check all the warning messages you have on the dashboard. Most of them are very useful info.
My advice is to take time to sort all these as best as you can and later you will enjoy fast approvals and easy updating.

Questions re: Gmail Sidebar Gadget Deprecation

We stumbled across a deprecation notice for the Gmail sidebar gadgets at which states that
Warning: Gmail sidebar gadgets are now deprecated and will soon cease to be supported.
This statement and the website are unclear and we cannot find any deprecation notice with specific dates and impact.
Additionally, since the add gadget by URL lab was deprecated, most of this page can't be used anyway.
However, we deployed a gadget via the marketplace which is crucial to our operation of Google Apps because of the Google Apps 50K contacts limit.
I've submitted a ticket to the GWSC with the following questions but I figured I would mention it here as well since we are a bit shocked to have stumbled on this notice and that it hasn't been shared via any channels we have found. Perhaps I missed it?
Does this sidebar_gadget deprecation apply to marketplace apps such as the one USAID wrote and is using?
Can you please point me to the official deprecation notice and especially the date of impact?
What will be replacing the sidebar gadget as this is an integral part of our day to day use of Google Apps?
Any input appreciated as I'm specifically worried that Google did not anticipate people doing things with sidebar in marketplace apps and when they took away the gadget by URL lab, they thought they killed the only avenue to using these gadgets. Hopefully, I'm worried for naught and marketplace apps are fine but...
Google usually perform spring-cleanings. Usually announces around march-april which features will be removed, and by july-august performs removal. However marking a feature as deprecated does not necesarilly mean immediate removal.
Also, maybe this is related to Google G-suite marketplace:
BTW: in any situation, combine something that "is crucial to our operation" and something that depends on a closed SaaS or cloud plattform it's usually not a good idea, except if your data/services/developments can be moved to other platformS.

Google Play device filtering working differently on two different APKs

I have a really strange problem. I have 2 apps in Google Play with very similar manifests. The only differences are that the other one has more "uses-permission" tags and also more activities/services. The one with more permissions etc can be installed on all the correct devices, as far as I can tell, but the one with less permissions reports "This application cannot be installed on your device" in Google Play for atleast two devices: Samsung GT-I9000 and Samsung GT-P6800. For example on my own phone, Samsung Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), both apps can be installed from Play.
The apps are: (The main app, with more permissions etc) (The unlocker, with less permissions and activities/services)
Yesterday I tried setting "supports-screens android:anyDensity="true"" to the unlocker, since it was the only difference I thought might affect it. But the user reported that play shows the updated version, but still shows the devices as incompatible.
I found many questions about similar problems and the answers were usually to add support-screens stuff or something, but the main app doesn't have those either, so it can't be the problem.
Also the unlocker is paid and the app itself is free, but that shouldn't affect it?
Any ideas? It looks like a bug in Play's filtering?
It looks like there's a bug in the country list stuff in Google Play. The user's country is checked in my dev. console for the paid app, but doesn't have his country.
The strangest thing is that it kept showing him "not compatible" with his devices, even though the real problem seems to be his country.
Seems to be this :
Issue first reported on: February 1, 2012
Last updated on: November 30, 2012
Come on Google.. seriously? 1 year and still not working??

wp7 'new app' list in the marketplace

I recently had my app certified (first time!) but not automatically published. The game is Easter themed and hence I'd like it to appear in the new list over the Easter period. I need to know how best to achieve this.
According to many posts online, the 'new list' isn't sorted in order of release date but instead, in order of certification date, an automated system, the certifiers choice etc.
Thre are some theories here:
Both of these posts are in 2011 and aren't conclusive.
Does anybody know what ACTUALLY happens?
Thank you for any reply.
In my experience, the new apps are changed once per day or in a similar fashion. Again, from experience, you can't do anything to ensure that your application is first. However, I have manually published applications after they have been tested and approved and they were listed in the 'new' category as if they were published that day.
Usually, don't worry because your app will be listed in the first 20 of that 'day' at least once and if you get - or set ;) - some high ratings people will see it.
I found this out the hard way. The plan was to release to a few small markets to get some feedback and then do an update and release to the USA. Well, once the game was released to the USA it was not considered new and did not go into the NEW GAME list. It retained the release date of the initial release to the small markets. And as such, I totally missed out on the new release spike that we all have come to love and enjoy.
Check out Alien Escape
Game Trailer
I have some apps on marketplace already. I can talk from experience. The release after you have published will depend on countries and will delay without fully control. Also if you don't make any advertisement, it will not work with only "keywords on marketplace". I have solved by using my own Webservice and I flagged the app with "LOCKED" view. On EASTERN you can unlock the app by using your Webservice flag and immediately when the app starts, user can use it UNLOCKED.
No other solution is working in time usable way. But I fully like it to have my own app under full control. Also, I have added an "Code behind" for Testers to let them test the app before EASTERN.
Happy eastern
