how to fix an error for my Lab exercise using Jasmine - jasmine

I really need help to fix the failure using the jasmine
I'm new to Jasmine


LAMBDATEST Using Cypress Opening Error Terminal Message

Looking for a someone who can support in fixing an error in a piece of code.
This is an error message I get for the opening scenario after installing lambatest to cypress framework. Is there anyone who could fix this?
Environment variables also been applied
Please Comment if you could fix this

livereload failing to compile

I'm new dev environments and to get to grips with sass. I've installed compass and a few other gems, Im trying to use live reload to help update the browser, but it won't play nice;
LoadError on line ["55"] of /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb: cannot load such file -- compass/import-once/activate
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace
screen.scss: compilation failed.
I'm not sure what's happening here, could any one shed a little light on the subject and preferably point me to a good resource?
Resolved the issue after a little more googling;
LiveReload plugin
Hopefully this ill help anyone else stuck in the same boat :)

Ruby Mocha Unittest can't find "has_key" method

I've written a Unit test using Test::Unit and Mocha. I'm using "expects" to mock a method in a class I'm testing, and I want to check if a certain parameter is passed into the object:
service.expects(:get).once.with(path, has_key('t')).returns([])
On my development system, this runs just fine. On my colleague's computer, as well as on the Travis CI servers, the unit test fails with the following error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `has_key' for #<FloxTest:0x000000036d4770>
The same happens with all other methods that Mocha is supposed to add to the unit test, e.g. the "mock()" method.
I know that Mocha is picky concerning the import order. I imported it after "test/unit", though:
require 'test/unit'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
If anyone needs more context, the complete test file is here. In fact, the complete project is open source, and it's a rather small project: GitHub;
the complete error log can be seen on Travis CI.
I don't have any more ideas on what I could try. We even made sure that my colleague has the exact same gem versions as I have; and the Ruby version is also identical.
Thanks in advance for any help from a Ruby Guru out there, I'd really appreciate it!
I've now added this as an issue on the Mocha issue tracker on your behalf.
You can see my suggested fix in my comment there. I hope that helps.

Error when trying to run Watir test through Fitnesse

I've recently been trying to run the following tutorial:
However I when I attempt to run the test in Fitnesse, it just sticks on "running test" without ever doing anything. I have tried to replace some of the Syntax, formatting etc but I just get the same result. Does anyone know how successfully implement this tutorial?
Many thanks for any help provided.
I remember doing that. It was tough to set up correctly. I can't remember much about it, but there was a fixture that helped me at Faucets. Good luck.

Using Selenium RC's -singlewindow option makes things faster but breaks my tests

I recently read on here that using the -singlewindow option for Selenium RC would make my tests run faster... I tried this and for some reason it is giving me this error:
14:47:04.801 INFO - Got result: ERROR: Element css=span.TskPgeSbHdr not found on
session 6090af8597b74d1cae6b0e7bab77a12f
When I run the same test using multi-window mode, it passes.
Can someone please help me understand this?
