Error when trying to run Watir test through Fitnesse - windows

I've recently been trying to run the following tutorial:
However I when I attempt to run the test in Fitnesse, it just sticks on "running test" without ever doing anything. I have tried to replace some of the Syntax, formatting etc but I just get the same result. Does anyone know how successfully implement this tutorial?
Many thanks for any help provided.

I remember doing that. It was tough to set up correctly. I can't remember much about it, but there was a fixture that helped me at Faucets. Good luck.


Stm32CubeIDE can't flash because of arm-eabi-gcc

I'm on Archlinux trying to flash a Nucleo STM32F446 board using STM32CubeIDE.
While running an example code (correctly build without problem), i get this error :
The quite not fun fact is that the command "arm-none-eabi-gdb --version" works well when i launch it on terminal.
And the same way, the file "" is linked in /usr/lib/ :
well, i'm lost here. i don't know what more to do. Even if i already checked a few forums, i know i'm not the only one with this issue.
Thanks for your help !
Well, kinda figured it out,
an AUR package can solve the problem : ncurses5-compat-libs
Download this package after removing the handmades links helps removing thins error.
Unfortunately, an other error, which seems to come from the code of the package itselfs pops up instead :
But i will create an other topic specifically on this one.
Have a great day, hope it works well for you !

How to get Processing to work on Cloud9 using Ruby language?

I am currently working on a personal project using the Ruby language in Cloud9 IDE. Recently, I came across an environment/programming language called Processing. My goals is to make Processing available for my use in Cloud9 IDE.
I am a complete novice and have no clue what I am doing. I followed directions from the following website: Directions for setting up Processing
I entered the following commands into Cloud9's terminal:
rvm install jruby
rvm use jruby
gem install ruby-processing
PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/"
Entering in PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/"
outputted message bash: PROCESSING_ROOT:: command not found
I wasn't too surprised by this, since the last entry probably needs information specific to my setup. Here are my questions:
1.) Are these directions correct for what I am trying to do? (get Processing to work in Cloud9 IDE). If they are not correct, can someone please point me to the correct directions, or give me directions?
2.) If these directions are correct, how can I successfully finish the last step? I tried running DrawRuby.rb, a simple program copied from the internet that supposedly made use of Processing. When I ran the code, the message "You need to set PROCESSING_ROOT in ~/.rpsrc" appeared. I am not sure if this piece of information is relevant or not, but I figured I would add it.
This is where I am at, and I am completely stuck. If someone could give me some help, I would be very grateful. Also, please make your explanation easy to understand. I am relatively new to the programming world, and may not necessarily understand terminology or how things should work.
*** Edit: I created a new workspace in Cloud9 IDE and tried Jed's suggestion. This is what happened:echo 'PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/"' > ~/.rpsrc
:~/workspace $ rp5 run Draw.rb
WARNING: you need to set PROCESSING_ROOT in ~/.rp5rc
NameError: uninitialized constant Processing::RP_CONFIG
Did you mean? Config
const_missing at org/jruby/
spin_up at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
run at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
execute! at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
execute at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
<main> at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
load at org/jruby/
<eval> at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
eval at org/jruby/
<main> at /usr/local/rvm/gems/jruby-
You need to add a file to your home directory (~/) called .rpsrc and then add that environmental setting (PROCESSING_ROOT) to your file. The following should work from the command line in your cloud9 environment:
echo 'PROCESSING_ROOT: "/Applications/"' > ~/.rpsrc
I know it might be a bit late for you but ruby-processing is now deprecated, and will only work with processing-2.2.1. For processing-3.3.7 use either JRubyArt or propane latter does not even require processing install.

How to debug quickly in phoenix/elixir?

As I am learning Elixir/Phoenix, I happen to run into an issue like this often.
The problem is that this comes from a dependency, so normally I do this:
open deps/something/.../thefile.ex
add some debug code like IO.inspect to see what params are being passed
stop server, recompile with mix deps.recompile something
check the documentation to see what types are expected to that function
compare the types and trace down the problem to my code
This works but I'd like to improve my process, I know I can use Iex to start a repl, but I'd like to get much faster in terms of:
having a repl inside of the error page itself started automatically (like in better_errors gem for Rails)
having a way to see what arguments went into that method without me digging around (could be solved by the former point)
being able to see a method's documentation quickly
Also any other tips are greatly appreciated.
Please open up an issue in Plug:
You have some great suggestions, like accessing the docs and make the arguments explicit. I don't think we can provide a REPL at the place of error though.
EDIT 1: I went ahead and opened an issue here since I got excited about those improvements! :D
EDIT 2: I realize that I should probably have used a comment as this is not quite an answer (yet!)

I cant get rspec to work

I can't get rspec to work. I did the first level on codeschool, only i followed on my own computer, and it worked fine (had to change should with expect). But now it suddenly stopped doin it thing.
I'm not sure if I did anything to make this happen.
I know this probobly isn't sufficient to figure out whats wrong, but do anyone have a clue, or know where I can fix this.
I'm a novice in this so go easy.
Rspec is telling you that it can't find the specification file you're trying to run. Can you confirm that calc_spec.rb exists in the folder c:/King Kong/Desktop/the_odin_project/rspec?
(Please include code/output samples as text, not images, for ease of reference.)

Help me with my first Mozilla Extension

I am new to Mozilla extensions and i have been trying to build the "hello world" following this tutorial but unfortunately its not showing anything on the right of my status bar when i start Firefox with my development profile. I have checked everything many times and not found any mistake in my code or file pattern. I'm doing everything they say in that tutorial. Now I'm seriously getting doubts on this tutorial is there something wrong with it ? have they missed out on anything that i should know? help me out here please
I would like to post this information about that tutorial on building firefox extensions that it has major flaws in it which result in no output of what is being said in it, i have reported it and for starters here is another very helpful link thanks to which i was able to build my extension.
