Using Selenium RC's -singlewindow option makes things faster but breaks my tests - selenium-rc

I recently read on here that using the -singlewindow option for Selenium RC would make my tests run faster... I tried this and for some reason it is giving me this error:
14:47:04.801 INFO - Got result: ERROR: Element css=span.TskPgeSbHdr not found on
session 6090af8597b74d1cae6b0e7bab77a12f
When I run the same test using multi-window mode, it passes.
Can someone please help me understand this?


RPC Server Unavailable error on TestComplete 11

I am hoping someone here can at least point me in the right direction to solving this frustrating issue. The smartbear community had no response.
I have a bunch of tests set up in TestComplete to test a web application. When I run them all at once, I consistently get an RPC Server Unavailable Error. I have no idea what this means. When I run the tests individually, there is no issue with the scripts.
I have tried running them in a script, calling them from a keyword test, and just using the project set up to call them all in order. No dice. Running each test manually completely defeats the purpose of automation.
Any ideas on how to fix this or at least where the F*** to start?? I did not have this problem with TC10, only when I upgraded to TC11
So, in each of my modules, I was opening and closing Chrome. I decided to try taking out the close statement. Boom, no error. It still refreshes the page, which is fine. I don't know why this was a problem, but I got it to run all the modules concurrently

Debugging cucumber steps in WebStorm

I'm experimenting with Cucumber/WebdriverIO UI tests using Webstorm (NodeJs platform). At certain steps I would really love to stop it in debug mode, check the retrieved element and see what can I do with it.
But unfortunately the Debug button is disabled and I couldn't find anything specific in Webstorm documentation as well.
If I can achieve my original goal (stopping a step and experimenting with the elements) without using Webstorm's Debug mode, that's totally fine for me.
Debugging Cucumber specs is not currently supported, please vote for WEB-15146
I'm not sure how this would work with Cucumber but WebdriverIO now has a debug command you can use

Cucumber reporting and browser hiding

I'm using cucumber (ruby) + watir for running behavior driven tests, and I'm trying to do a couple of things for integrating it with Hudson CI:
Currently, the browser window pops up on the build slave each time the job runs. Is there a way to hide the browser window while the tests run?
I am using the jUnit formatter and having Hudson parse the test results. However, I'd like to print a test summary with the feature/scenario names and the test result (pass/fail) on the console window so that the email notification sent out lists the test summary. How do I do that?
Currently, cucumber prints a lot of debug output including deprecated function warnings. The -q flag doesn't seem to do anything for me. Is there a way I can stop cucumber from printing anything on the screen?
Edit: I'm running the tests on a Windows 7 desktop.

Error when trying to run Watir test through Fitnesse

I've recently been trying to run the following tutorial:
However I when I attempt to run the test in Fitnesse, it just sticks on "running test" without ever doing anything. I have tried to replace some of the Syntax, formatting etc but I just get the same result. Does anyone know how successfully implement this tutorial?
Many thanks for any help provided.
I remember doing that. It was tough to set up correctly. I can't remember much about it, but there was a fixture that helped me at Faucets. Good luck.

Is there a way to freeeze Selenium-RC execution on error?

My Google-fu is weak and so I turn to the hive mind...
I have a Selenium script I originally developed in the IDE, which I am now trying to adapt to run on IE8 via Selenium-RC. I'm trying to debug an error where an element is not being found.
The problem is that as soon as the error occurs, the script exits and RC closes the browser. This makes it a bit hard to poke around with Firebug, etc, to see what is going on under the covers.
In the IDE, I could simply set a breakpoint. Is there a way to freeze the state of RC and the browser when an error occurs?
Any other ideas?
Depending on how you're running your RC tests, you could set a breakpoint in your IDE and run the test in debug mode. For example I use Eclipse to run tests using Java. Another option is to put a long pause in your test, just make sure you remove it again afterwards..!
I am running selenium rc tests as part of my test suite, so I just fire up --pdb (in python) and script pauses when exception occurs - before tearDown that closes the browser is invoked.
I have also had a plugin where I took a screenshot when something went wrong.
If you are using JUnit and SeleniumTestCase, you can add an empty tear down method to your test code which should prevent the browser from shutting down by overriding the base SeleniumTestCase tear down method. I use this on failing tests which I need to examine the resulting browser state after a failure.
In these situations I comment out the selenium.close() and selenium.stop() commands in my code which stops the browser from closing.
IIRC screenshot is only supported for firefox, so that won't help in your case.
