LAMBDATEST Using Cypress Opening Error Terminal Message - cypress

Looking for a someone who can support in fixing an error in a piece of code.
This is an error message I get for the opening scenario after installing lambatest to cypress framework. Is there anyone who could fix this?
Environment variables also been applied
Please Comment if you could fix this


React Native Production Build Error ('Build input file cannot be found: {path}ExpoModulesProvider.swift')

So I finished a React Native project and trying to get it into production mode. However, XCode is throwing me this error saying that it cannot find ExpoModulesProvider.swift
Here is the full error,
I have been trying to solve this error the past 2-3 hours. I searched everywhere however, I could't find anything related to this error. Even StackOverFlow doesn't have it.
Thank you
I had the same issue and in my case I solved it by removing the ExpoModulesProvider.swift source from Compile Sources

How can I fix “this command is not available” error message?

I’m taking the “Word Automation with StudioX” course on UiPath.
I downloaded the solution of the practice exercise but when I run it I see this screen
How can I fix this error?

Error when reading stories: storybook is loading for too long

I am trying to add applitools/eyes-storybook to run existing storybook visual tests. but getting below error.
⠋ Starting storybook server/Users/testuser/project/node_modules/.bin/start-storybook
✔ Storybook was started
✖ Error when reading stories: storybook is loading for too long
This is Matt and I work on the Applitools support team. I see you're running into an issue with our Storybook SDK.
In cases like this, we'd typically ask for more information as well as verbose logging. Unfortunately, the logs will contain your API key so we can't have you post them here. Could you please open up a support ticket here? Then, I'll be able to grab the required information and help you resolve this issue.
Thanks! Matt

Roblox PathFindingService Error how to fix?

So I got this error I'm trying to test a NPC to go to a waypoint. But then I get a error!
Is there a fix to IT?
Your code is completely broken, please read the documentation and write your code based on it:

Syntax error unexpected token Joomla 3.8

I have this error
SyntaxError: unexpected token: ':'
When I click to learn more this line of script is highlighted
I am really sorry but I do not know enough about this subject to be able to discover the source of this problem and even if I found it I probably would not be able to fix either without some help.
I have had some problems with scripts running on my up to date version of this site 3.8.7, I have gone back and found the original fresh version of this site install of joomla 3.8.3 on localhost has the same error, so it has been present from the start of this sites development. I do not know if you are able to help and apologise if I am wasting your time
