Access files from Microsoft Teams tab app - microsoft-teams

I'm currently building a custom teams tab app for the channel to upload a file and search the file by contents within the files. It seems Teams files tab using SharePoint to store the files. Is it possible to access the files uploaded in the teams channel (which is there in files tab) in my custom teams tab app? So that I can leverage the search feature to files within the files tab.

You could try the sharepoint search API (you can limit your search to look only in the particular site/team). Take a look here:


Replicate the share email to microsoft teams function

I am currently investigating a way to share emails from our desktop application. Written in c# using .Net framework 4.7
We would like to use the same dialog that gets initiated when you use the "Share to Teams" button in outlook passing in the .eml file. The user would be responsible for selecting which people or channels to share to.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
We can succesfully build a simple url share using their launcher concepts, but this is pretty limited to the browser and doesn't support files
And there is nothing mentioned in their deep-links section on msdn to achieve this
If you're building your own desktop app experience anyway, why not use Graph for this? For instance, see . You'd need to do your own Search box, but you can do that on Graph also - here for instance is a channel listing endpoint (this example is for within a specific Team):

Copying Email message to another folder in Outlook Web Add-in

I've looked at the "outlook add in command demo" example that shows how to access properties of email messages and change them via REST.
However, I cannot seem to find how I would go about copying a message from (e.g. the Inbox) to another folder in the mailbox.
The example uses REST, which does not seem to be exposing a method or call to copy a message to another folder. Would I need to use Graph to copy a message, and if yes, how is this done from within an Outlook Add-in?
Also, the documentation says REST is deprecated for Outlook add-ins and Graph should be used instead. Is there an Outlook Add-in sample that uses Graph?
The example also shows how the add-in can work on iOS, but not on Android. Has this support in the meantime been added? Is there any newer example that shows how an Outlook add-in can work on all platforms including Android?
You should now use Graph in place of Outlook REST which is now deprecated. To call Graph via outlook add in, check this documentation. Graph call to copy a message from 1 folder to another is POST /me/messages/{id}/move, find more info here.
The Outlook Add in does have support for Android, please have a look here

Format the about section in a Microsoft Teams App

When creating a Microsoft Teams app, I want to include some additional links and info to help my users. I understood that the App's Full Description section is displayed in the About section. I got to understand that the field supports markdown. This markdown renders well while trying to publish the app/when right clicking the app and clicking on About or just before adding to Teams. Look below.
But once you access this about section from inside Teams, this formatting is broken. I really want to show some information and links here as this is a Tabs app and we've certain conditions that we want our users to see. Are there any alternatives to get this working.

Using multiple rstudio add-ins at the same time

I have a scenario where i want to build a add-in which will be used to browse the amazon S3 files and user can interact with the this browser (this viewer pane will be always present). After selecting file using this browser, user can select another add-in to view charts based on content of the file selected (this chart will also be displayed in viewer pane).
Is this possible? Is there a better approach to do this?
I'm able to open only one add-in in viewer pane now at a time.
I posted a similar question in rstudio community and got reply that the feature of opening multiple add-ins at the same time is not available.

Fineuploader open queued items

Is it possible to open files directly from the list of the stored items. I want to implement this function so that the user can check the files before they getting uploaded.
If you would like to allow users to open submitted files in an external application via the browsers by clicking on these files (for example), this is not really possible. The browser does not provide sufficient access to the file system to make this possible. As Mark mentioned, Fine Uploader will already optionally generate previews for images. We intend to look into providing client-side previews for audio and video files in the future as well.
