Format the about section in a Microsoft Teams App - microsoft-teams

When creating a Microsoft Teams app, I want to include some additional links and info to help my users. I understood that the App's Full Description section is displayed in the About section. I got to understand that the field supports markdown. This markdown renders well while trying to publish the app/when right clicking the app and clicking on About or just before adding to Teams. Look below.
But once you access this about section from inside Teams, this formatting is broken. I really want to show some information and links here as this is a Tabs app and we've certain conditions that we want our users to see. Are there any alternatives to get this working.


Is it Possible to customize the About Tab for custom app in Microsoft Teams?

I am creating one custom application that is going to be available in the MS Teams. I have a requirement to capture data from the users in the About tab.
SO, Is it possible to customize the About Tab in Microsoft Teams for a custom application?
I will need to put the input box and form controls in that About tab.
You definitely can't customize the -capabilities- of the About box - at best you could put in a link directing users where to go to complete the form that you've hosted elsewhere. Note that the About box does support markdown, so it might even be possible to embed the link as an actual hyperlink, but I've not tried that.
As an alternative, perhaps you could offer the needed functionality into the app itself. E.g. if you have a tab, put something in the footer for example.
You cannot customize the About Tab for custom application, This is by design. You can customize the App detail page as documented here.

Show an adaptive card in popup (using tabs configuration url) while bot is installed in msteams

I want to show a task module (not url) while bot installs (with tab) in the teams. Something like Text does, but a bit more interactive with drop downs and all.
I have referred to the link to create deep link for tab and paste the link here, in app-studio manifest editor:
But this doesn't seem to work. Only an empty pop up shows following this procedure.
Can someone correct me, where I am going wrong! TIA!
This "Text" screen is not showing a Task module, it's showing a custom Configuration page for the app's Tab installation. When you create an App that includes a Tab, you have the option of creating such a "Configuration" popup that gives the user the chance to configure how your tab will actually work. See here for more:
Within that configuration page, you can show whatever web content you'd like. Showing an Adaptive Card is a bit of a strange scenario considering it's a web page, but you could conceivably do this using the adaptive cards js library inside the page (

MS Teams Personal tabs Apps can have subtabs/submenus in it?

Is that possible to add child tabs(similar to sub-menus) to a Personal Tab Apps in MS Teams? If not, is there any workaround to achieve this.
Please note we have used the App studio to build the app not the custom code.
(refer screenshot below)?
There's nothing like that in the main tab infrastructure, but -inside- your tab you could build whatever you like - it's just a normal web page. You could tabs, menus, etc. For instance, see how Planner has it's own top menu in the first screenshot over here:

Custom form in Outlook Task is not syncing

My partner and I created a custom task form to be used in Outlook using the developer mode to do that, and we published it to the Organization Forms Library for anyone to open. We're running into issues that I personally can't seem to find on how to resolve:
Custom forms aren't syncing correctly.
When I complete out the custom form, and I assign it to someone else they might be missing details like the dates I picked from the date picker, and text within the text box are gone too. It's very odd that sometimes some would get all the details that an end-user would input but that's like a 1/8 chance. I feel like there's a disconnect where it just won't behave like any other task. Cache mode or no cache mode doesn't matter it seems. When the person assigns it back with changes made on their end, those changes aren't seen on my side. I just have the same original details that I made when I first made it. We're on Exchange Server 2010.
Looks like a custom form was not published correctly to others in the organization. Try to create a new Outlook item on other machines with your custom forms to make sure they were deployed correctly.
Note, message forms default to separate layouts for composing and reading. Many people find their first message form doesn't look right when they receive an item created with it. That's simply because they forgot to click the Edit Read Page button and customize the Read layout!
You may find the Customizing Outlook Message Forms article helpful.

Possible to include an image in the meta data in code? VS 2013

I would like to be able to include a screenshot of a control inside my code, this way making control identification easier for new members on my team, is such a thing possible?
Maybe even the ability to just have the image on a network share with the path in a comment, and then have a plugin that when hovering over the link brings up the image?
EDIT (More detail):
I'm creating a test project, the application under test has over 1000 controls, some of them are similar in name and purpose, this can make it difficult at times for developers to reuse the API I am creating because the control name is simply not enough for quick identification of the control in use.
I use the word API very loosely too, none of this stuff will be consumed in web services, and it will always be white box with developers including a project reference and have direct access to the source code.
For every form in my application (The test one), I have a controls.cs file where all the controls for that form in the application under test are listed - This is where I want the hover to screenshot ability in the control definitions.
Another sure factor is that all developers will be using VS2013 (For now the base version), later this could be update 1 or 2.
As the initial author and senior developer on this project, these hover / image references (in the code) will be as useful to me personally as any 3rd party developers, or any later developers to join the initiative.
Thanks again, and I added a bounty!
I believe you can use Whole Tomato's free SourceLinks Visual Studio extension to do what you want - or at least get pretty close to it.
Built-in Functionality:
Out of the box, the extension allows you to specify comment patterns you want users to be able to take an action on. Once the patterns are specified, SourceLinks will highlight any occurrences of those patterns in the text editor. You will be able to double click the highlighted items and perform a pre-configured action (such as opening a link in an internal/external browser, or launching an executable).
You can see an example in the SourceLinks configuration dialog shown below:
So you could use this feature pretty painlessly to define a keyword such as Control Image and then put comments like the following in your code:
// Control Image: my_smart_list.jpg
SourceLinks would allow you double click this text, and you could have that configured to launch the image (using a file:// or http:// url depending on how and where your images are stored) either inside Visual Studio in it's internal browser, or in an external browser.
Custom Tooltips!
Now, if you want to put in some more effort into this and actually write some code, then SourceLinks allows you to create API Extensions to display custom tooltips when the user hovers over the marked text in the editor. The default installation of SourceLinks comes with sample API extensions that you can copy to create your own. See the article linked at the very top of the answer for more details on these samples.
This post in the SourceLinks forum informs us that SourceLinks expects the custom API Extension to return the tooltip value as FlowDocument XAML text. This is awesome news for us, because a FlowDocument can contain many types of elements, including formatted text, hyperlinks, and images.
Imanges in a Flow document can be specified both inline as well as externally.
Hope this helps!
I would use doxygen -- create the images somewhere in the source tree and use doxygen comments. You can embed the \image command in source comments (see docs) and doxygen will generate all the HTML documentation from there. I think doxygen is a great tool for documenting a codebase as you can generate the documentation directly from comments in the source and distribute or host the HTML separately.
