Replicate the share email to microsoft teams function - outlook

I am currently investigating a way to share emails from our desktop application. Written in c# using .Net framework 4.7
We would like to use the same dialog that gets initiated when you use the "Share to Teams" button in outlook passing in the .eml file. The user would be responsible for selecting which people or channels to share to.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
We can succesfully build a simple url share using their launcher concepts, but this is pretty limited to the browser and doesn't support files
And there is nothing mentioned in their deep-links section on msdn to achieve this

If you're building your own desktop app experience anyway, why not use Graph for this? For instance, see . You'd need to do your own Search box, but you can do that on Graph also - here for instance is a channel listing endpoint (this example is for within a specific Team):


Copying Email message to another folder in Outlook Web Add-in

I've looked at the "outlook add in command demo" example that shows how to access properties of email messages and change them via REST.
However, I cannot seem to find how I would go about copying a message from (e.g. the Inbox) to another folder in the mailbox.
The example uses REST, which does not seem to be exposing a method or call to copy a message to another folder. Would I need to use Graph to copy a message, and if yes, how is this done from within an Outlook Add-in?
Also, the documentation says REST is deprecated for Outlook add-ins and Graph should be used instead. Is there an Outlook Add-in sample that uses Graph?
The example also shows how the add-in can work on iOS, but not on Android. Has this support in the meantime been added? Is there any newer example that shows how an Outlook add-in can work on all platforms including Android?
You should now use Graph in place of Outlook REST which is now deprecated. To call Graph via outlook add in, check this documentation. Graph call to copy a message from 1 folder to another is POST /me/messages/{id}/move, find more info here.
The Outlook Add in does have support for Android, please have a look here

Is it possible to target Office Add-Ins in the Ribbon based on AD Properties?

I am trying to build a new add-in command (button) to add to the Home tab in the Outlook ribbon. This is easy enough to do, but my organization also wants to target the button based on properties in one's Active Directory profile (specifically department). Is this possible? Thank you so much!
This is pretty straightforward with desktop office add-ins (like VSTO). All you need to do is basically to get information about the currently logged in user organizational unit from the active directory, and then show/hide/modify buttons depending on this information.
From the tags on your question, it looks like this is NOT what you are looking for (please correct me if I am wrong)? The fact that you added "office365", probably means that you are interested in javascript (cloud/browser/store) solution?
For javascript-based add-ins, the part where you get the user department from its profile was impossible until recently. Now you may check out the Single-Sign-On API (added last year). It provides you information from user's Azure active directory profile, meaning that your organization is supposed to be part of it.
Another difficulty could be, dynamic display of the related buttons (showing/hiding/enabling/disabling) (I may be wrong, but it looks like it is still not supported for javascript). You can try to create a workaround for that by building a custom task pane instead (you can do whatever you want on your task pane)
--- update ---
In case of .NET VSTO add-in, you can get user groups using:
Then you can control which buttons/controls to show/hide by providing callback function(s) in your code and in your ribbon interface definition file (you need to define Ribbon using XML, not with UI designer). There are callbacks available like getVisible, getLabel, etc.

programmatical GForge upload and download

I am part of a project team which uses an old GForge system (community edition v5.6.1) to host our source code and provide some further services. One builtin service is the upload and download feature. Thus users can easily get the generated application version. In order to provide this downloadable version, we as developers have to use a browser (e.g. IE or FF) to navigate into the appropriate GForge page, then tick some buttons, fill some text boxes and finally hit an "upload" button which opens a file dialog to specify any file to be uploaded into the GForge download area. For a download, the procedure is similar. Additionally, from time to time there comes a separate WEB page to request a session login.
Now, as we as developers are in a "hot phase" and need to provide downloadable versions with high frequency, the procedure described above is much too error-prone concerning essential parts of the release, and too slow. Besides that, there is always a real person necessary in front of the screen to click around.
How can we manage to programmatically upload and download generated software versions into and out of GForge's download area while overcoming the password page on the first hand (of course using a valid user account)?
Using a Python script. Python provides very helpful modules like "urllib", "urllib2" and "requests", with which any HTTP access (even the ones with session password protection) should be managable. After many hours of trying, the GForge system only returns the password request page. Not any of the interesting files. Even far away from uploading anything.
Using an AutoIt script. AutoIt can automate mouse movements and keyboard presses as well as direct access of visible elements on the screen. It provides a "Window Info" application to identify any window element. But e.g. buttons and text fields within WEB pages (HTML) are not recognized. So we don't know how to correctly identify GForge's password text field in order to move the mouse there, and type in the necessary text. And from there go on imitating the person sitting in front of the screen.
Does anybody have some experience regarding the solution of our problem?
I'd upgrade your system to v6.4.2 (current GForge version). From there you will have access to the SOAP interface which will make all this possible. When GForgeNEXT is released,, the SOAP interface will be replace by a REST-ful API making this integration even easier.
The upgrade to v6.4.2 from 5.6.x will be a bit painful but our team would be happy to help, just create an account on and then open a free support ticket here:
Disclaimer: My company manages GForge so the advice given above I'd give to any paying client. For further clarity, files in GForge are stored in the file system. The SOAP interface allows you to reach into the database for any ticket or document grab the appropriate document and even replace it. Programatically, it is the cleanest answer.

Read parameters from Outlook 365 Add-In manifest

Is it possible to get the parameters from the Outlook 365 add-in manifest programmatically (like version number or maybe resources)? I've searched all over the internet, but haven't found any way to do it yet :(
Some background: I need some information to be available at run-time from the manifest settings (the customers are expected to install the add-in via manifest and it is to be tailored for each customer with some special data).
Thanks in advance!
The manifest file is only consumed by the client (i.e. Outlook or Word) for the purposes of rendering that add-in (i.e. the URL, buttons to display, minimum requirements, etc.). There are currently no APIs that expose manifest data to the add-in instance itself.
One idea: what if you put the special data as something encoded in the start URL? That way you could read it back out via JavaScript, simply by looking at what parameter got passed in to you. Would that work?

Deploying CRM solution

Using the crm 2011 sdk samples I've written a C# routine in Visual Studio to deactivate all active records in a custom entity. Now I'd like to wire this routine to a custom button on ribbon (figured that one out using RibbonDiffXml) However I'm unsure how to go about deploying. Am I creating a dll to register with the plugin registration tool? Any guidance would be appreciated!
As I see it, you have two options:
Rewrite your code to use the Organization Service from JavaScript. You can put the code completely inside the button this way. However, this requires manually constructing the SOAP calls to the API. The SDK has a walkthrough for this.
Include your code in a plugin, create a custom entity that you can register this plugin against, and create an instance of that entity from the JavaScript that will fire when clicking your ribbon button. This is detailed in an answer to a similar question.
Here are even more alternative solutions:
Create a workflow plugin and trigger that workflow (that runs async in the background). Triggered manually, on an event or from a javascript.
Create a javascript but use the REST API or even better, use the CrmRestKit to deal with the REST-part and keep your scripts clean and easy to read and maintain.
Create an ASP.NET page (or silverlight control) that displays a dialog that shows a progress bar while the process is running.
