Using multiple rstudio add-ins at the same time - rstudio

I have a scenario where i want to build a add-in which will be used to browse the amazon S3 files and user can interact with the this browser (this viewer pane will be always present). After selecting file using this browser, user can select another add-in to view charts based on content of the file selected (this chart will also be displayed in viewer pane).
Is this possible? Is there a better approach to do this?
I'm able to open only one add-in in viewer pane now at a time.

I posted a similar question in rstudio community and got reply that the feature of opening multiple add-ins at the same time is not available.


How to show outlook add-in in the main pane instead of compose and read context

It's my first time developing add in for outlook, i'm tryng to do an add-in that interact with outlook calendar to find an appointment, but i can only show up the add-in when i create new appointment, is there any way to show it outside compose and read context? like viva insights do?
i found that this can be done with VSTO, but i need it to work also with web outlook and other os, if someone can help me to figure it out i will apreciate.
i tried to do it following the add-in doc
i can't find an extension point that fits my purpose.
Thank you
Add-ins are only valid in Mail/Calendar individual item context currently. Hence, if no item (email / event) is selected, addins do not show-up or work - it does not know in which context it is suppose to run.
If your scenario requires it to run without email/event context, we suggest you to file a feature request here:

Is it possible to add an add-in icon in OWA's "easy-access" add-in toolbar?

Hello Outlook/Microsoft Team,
I would like to ask if there is a way to add our add-in icon to the "easy-access-toolbar" as shown in the image below. This toolbar (of outlook add-ins) is shown whenever you are reading email via the browser. Unfortunately, I could not find any guide or documentation on how to add a custom icon in this list.
After some investigations, I found that only add-ins from the market are added to this. Is my understanding correct? Or can a domain admin set this up? Or does this require a manifest entry?
Our outlook add-in is used exclusively by "enterprise" accounts. Thus, we did not deem it necessary to publish with the add-in store.
Thank you for your support and understanding.

How to add an Outlook Add-In Button to the main Mail Overview

I'm trying to create an Outlook Add-In that will forward the selected mail message as an attachment when the button is pressed. Preferably this will work both for the Outlook Client, and Outlook Web Access. To do this, I need to add a button to the main UI in Outlook which shows the list of messages.
However, within the new Add-In format, I don't see an ExtensionPoint for Outlook that allows adding a button to the main mail UI.
There are options for the MessageRead pane or the MessageCompose pane, but I don't see anything for the general overview.
However, the following New Feature complains that multiple mail items can't be selected with the add-in syntax, which seems to imply that a single mail item can be selected. If a single mail item can be selected, then that implies that there is a way to add a button to the overview mail page since that's the only place mail can be selected.
This makes me think it is possible to do this, but I'm not sure how.
Can someone please point me to how this might be done?
NOTE: I am NOT trying to create a COM plugin. That is the old format and I've noticed they're increasingly less reliable in Outlook 2016. I am trying to use the new format.
The MessageReadCommandSurface and MessageComposeCommandSurface extension points for Outlook applies to both the main Outlook window (the Explorer) and the item (Inspector) windows. The Explorer Ribbon buttons activate when an email is selected, so the buttons interact on the selected email. So you don't have to do anything if you've already defined those extension points.

How to register custom functions add in with different view in excel

I was trying to run the sample project with custom functions add-in using this link:
I made sure that I meet all the prerequisites for running the project. I installed the certificates, and run the project successfully, but I'm stuck at step 3, of registering the custom functions add-ins by going to the insert tab and adding the respective add-in by selecting from the developer section. The problem I'm facing is that I have a different view and organization of options in my excel client application and I could not find the developer section from where I can register my Add-in. I'm attaching the images of the ribbon that I have in excel.
So if you will look into the images, you will see that there is manage my addins options, which will only show the add-ins that have been sideloaded manually but not the ones that were sideloaded using the script in this project. So I don't know where can I find the developer Section. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I'm also part of the Insider program which can be seen in the given image
If you're a member of the Office Insider program and are running Excel for Windows build number 10827 or later, the Insert ribbon should look like the following screenshot (with red rectangles highlighting the items you choose to register your custom functions add-in).
Have you joined the Office Insider program?
What build number of Excel for Windows are you running?
(Screenshot taken from the Custom Functions Tutorial).
So I fixed my problem after I found out that custom functions only works with the Insider Channel and not with Monthly Targeted, which I had beforehand. I got help from this link:

Outlook 2012 signature with image without attachment

I am trying to create an email signature in outlook 2010 with the company logo embedded.
As i am working my way trough this, i find it very strange that the included image is sent as an attachment.
It doesn't show as attachment on Outlook from other users. But it does on Mac, hotmail and so on..
I have already tried to include it via HTML, thus placing the image on a FTP and loading it from there, and i have tried including it trough the signature editor, both won't make it work..
Is there a code to make this function?
Why do you find it strange that the image is included as an attachment? Without it, there is no way for the recipient to view the image, as the email itself is text only. I imagine the only reason it doesn't show as an attachment in outlook is because outlook is smart enough to know that it's not a "real attachment" per se, but just the signature. Even then, I remember recieving signature images as attachments in older versions of outlook.
That said, it should be possible to use a linked image in your signature. This link explains how to do it.
Creating an Outlook signature with an image or picture located on the Internet requires changing Outlook’s behavior on how to deal with linked images and also adding the image in a specific way. Once the image is inserted, you can use the Signature Editor to turn the image into a hyperlink to a website.
Set Outlook to link to pictures instead of embedding them
The first step is to change Outlook’s behavior on how to deal with linked pictures. By default Outlook will embed them with the message, but this would mean that your picture would be a reflection of when you created the message instead of when the the recipient is reading (or even re-reading) your message.
Depending on how often you change your picture, this might be a non-issue but it would also mean that the picture gets added each time and thus making each message quite a bit larger. In several cases this could also result in your picture being added as an attachment and/or show the message with a paperclip icon.
These are all things that you should want to avoid; if not for you, then definitely for the recipient’s sake.
In Outlook 2003 and previous you can change this behavior via;
Tools-> Options…-> tab Mail Format-> button Internet Format-> option: When an HTML message contains pictures located on the Internet , send a copy of the pictures instead of the reference to their location.
In Outlook 2007 and 2010, this can behavior can only be changed via the Registry.
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\\Outlook\Options\Mail
Value name; Send Pictures With Document
Value: 0
For more info about this registry key see; Where did "HTML options" go in Outlook 2007/2010?
Insert image as link
When inserting the image into your signature, you must again make sure that the image is linked. If you do not do this, then the current image will be downloaded and saved within your signature and wouldn’t update when you change it on-line.
Outlook 2003
Right click in the Signature Editor (do not use Advanced Edit) and choose; Insert Image…
Type the Internet address (URL) to the image in full when prompted for the Picture Source.
Click OK
Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010
Click on the Picture icon in the Signature Editor
As the file name, type the Internet address (URL) to the image in full.
Instead of clicking on Insert, click on the little down arrow on the Insert button and choose; Link to File
Create a hyperlink
Once the image has been added, you can make it clickable and point it to a website via the the Hyperlink function.
Outlook 2003
Right click on the inserted image and choose; Edit Hyperlink
Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010
Select the image and click on the Hyperlink icon
It seems to be more a matter of how the client displays it. Different clients are going to deal with the image in different ways, especially from a security standpoint. Have you tried linking to an image directly from the Web?
Here's some additional info:
