When will Sitemap be available for Spartacus storefront? - sitemap

Can someone please tell me whether Sitemap is planned for 5.0? Because I can't find this information in current roadmap.
I could not find this information in current Roadmap


Advanced Installer v12.7.2 - need to download installer

I need to find an older version of Advanced Installer - specifically v12.7.2 - I know this is really old - for reasons out of my control this is the version I have to use. Could anyone point me where to download this installer? The website is up to v18 and I can't find anywhere there to get older versions.
Link of the company website https://www.advancedinstaller.com/download.html
If you have a license key, enter it here: https://www.advancedinstaller.com/customer-information.html
Otherwise, you can contact the company and they may be able to find it for you.

Joomla JReviews Theme broken when converting Joomla build

Broken JReviews Theme
Upgraded Joomla Build
Migrated DB using the JReviews guide
Long story short using Rating Migrator the page is still broken
Please help!
If you are a client with an active support package you just need to submit a ticket on our JReviews website and we would be happy to take a look. I already told you this on your other post and also when you contacted us through Facebook. We haven't heard back from you on our ticket system with your license and site information.

Opentaps 1.5M3 not available to download

I have started using opentaps and want to set up this in multi-tenant mode.
In opentaps-1.5, create-tenant target is not available so we can not create tenant dynamically.
After googling a lot, i found latest ofbiz provide this functionality
I want to this in opentaps, but not able to download 1.5M3.
Can any one help me over this?
Opentaps is an OFBiz fork, they are are not in synch for a long time now. To use the latest OFBiz features and profit from the community work I suggest to switch to standard OFBiz.
If you need certain features in standard OFBiz which are missing, please feel free to submit a Jira issue.

Integrate Magento- with Opentaps-1.5

Just a quick one, could anyone help me with the details of how to integrate Magento- and Opentaps-1.5. The tutorials on this link which is on Opentaps Wiki is outdated. It only detailed the integration with earlier versions of Magento, and it seems these versions are no longer in Magento Repo/archive
Hello I am the author of the previous integration of magento into opentaps. At the moment there is not integration for the 2 as we are not working in magento anymore. If you like we can help you find the way

Jqgrid missing documentation on assembly version

I am planning to buy a commercial license of jqgrid to get the possibility to use Jqgrid as an assembly on my aspx site, but I am struggeling to find any documentation on the library..
Every bit of documentation I find is showing example of javascripts, but I need documentation on the use of the asp component..
Anyone know where I can find this? I thought that the commercial license would have better documentation..
I dont know how I didn't find this site, but the demo site is very good!
Here is the API documentation for the jqGrid ASP.NET components: http://www.trirand.net/documentation.aspx
The same page has links to demos and other useful information for the components. Also keep in mind that these components still render a JavaScript grid on the web page, so some of the JavaScript documentation may still be applicable depending upon your needs.
