Integrate Magento- with Opentaps-1.5 - magento

Just a quick one, could anyone help me with the details of how to integrate Magento- and Opentaps-1.5. The tutorials on this link which is on Opentaps Wiki is outdated. It only detailed the integration with earlier versions of Magento, and it seems these versions are no longer in Magento Repo/archive

Hello I am the author of the previous integration of magento into opentaps. At the moment there is not integration for the 2 as we are not working in magento anymore. If you like we can help you find the way


Migration to Magento2.4.4

I have some questions about the migration to 2.4.4 of magento.
I am a Webmaster. Currently our site is Magento ver. 2.3.5-p1 and I would like to have your opinion on the repercussions of not migrating to 2.4.4.
What will be the disadvantages and the positive points.
Thank you very much for your help
I'll leave you the Magento 2.4.4 Release Notes. This should help you in terms of knowing all the changes.
I think one of the best updates is the GraphQL improvements.
If you are using the Enterprise Edition i think it's a good idea to use the Upgrade Compatibility Tool which helps you identify the changes you'll need to make in order to upgrade your Magento version without problems.
I wish I've helped you.

Migrate a Magento 1.X module to 2.0

We're developing a module for Magento 1.9 and want to support Magento 2.0 quickly after that.
I discovered and wondered if anyone had experience with it?
Should we expect a full rewrite of the module to support that 2.0? Does anybody have experience in that task?
Thank you.
I'm currently trying to migrate my module for Magento 1.x to support 2.0, and done some research in this area. However, my code-migration isn't completed yet.
As I know, after we use this tool to convert the structure and code, we still require to test and modify the module. The toolkit is a tool to simplify our process, not helping us to create a 100%-fit module to the Magento 2.0 version.
You may refer to the following video for further explanation by the toolkit developer team:
Imagine 2016 - Developer Deep Dive: Magento 1.x to Magento 2 Code Migration Tool
Hope this helps!

How to provide a service to extensions joomla?

I am trying create a joomla component. In that component I need to store some phone numbers and those numbers should be provided when an extension asks for them. How can I achieve this? Please direct me if there is comprehensive tutorials.
Thanks in advance...
A similar question exists in the Joomla Stack Exchange site here, with links, suggestions and references to a bunch of resources around Joomla Development.
Furthermore in JSE you can find great assistance for specific questions during your development attempt.
The Joomla! support site has some links to component development:
I see that you tagged 2.5, but version 3 is the new stable version. There is an example V3 component here:
When I started, I looked at an existing extension which was similar to what I wanted and went from there.

Need help with CodeIgniter v2.0.2

I'm new to CI. Anyone could help to the latest version of CI. most of the Tutorial is for last version and it didn't work for the latest version. please help.
You can still get started using what's availabe for 1.7, if you pay attention to how file structure changed between the two versions (ie the System and Application directories are now separate). To that, many of the tuts you'll find are applicable - bearing in mind that the paths may differ, and you'll want to verify that the functions are still supported in 2.0 by use of the User's Guide).
If you walked through the tut in your link, using the Models, Views, Controllers directories inside Application, you'd get a "Hello World" page.
The User's Guide is a great tool, as are the Community Forums.
Best of luck to you.
I recently migrated a site using CodeIgniter from 1.7 to 2.0. - I found the following link to be very useful:

magento website building help required

I am a j2ee developer, i want to develop a webstore i choosed magento as i found its review best among open source eCommerce projects.
I have search all around the magento wiki they explaining how to configure catalogue and other options.
Mangeto wiki
But i am unable to found how to list down the products on the page. is there any scripting language for it ? please help me out.
This links might help you
Managing your store
Working on Theme
For understanding and extending magento code
