Jqgrid missing documentation on assembly version - jqgrid

I am planning to buy a commercial license of jqgrid to get the possibility to use Jqgrid as an assembly on my aspx site, but I am struggeling to find any documentation on the library..
Every bit of documentation I find is showing example of javascripts, but I need documentation on the use of the asp component..
Anyone know where I can find this? I thought that the commercial license would have better documentation..
I dont know how I didn't find this site, but the demo site is very good!

Here is the API documentation for the jqGrid ASP.NET components: http://www.trirand.net/documentation.aspx
The same page has links to demos and other useful information for the components. Also keep in mind that these components still render a JavaScript grid on the web page, so some of the JavaScript documentation may still be applicable depending upon your needs.


CKEditor for Sharepoint 2007

I'm interested in integrating CKEditor into Sharepoint 2007.
I have found tons of links to CKEditor, which leads to http://ckeditor.com/sharepoint but it seems that this link is not working any more.
Do you have information how to integrate that?
The product was removed from the ckeditor.com website because it is no longer actively maintained. It is still possible to get a license (it has always been a commercial product, not an Open Source one, mind you), but you would need to contact CKSource for that. Here is some documentation for it: http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_for_SharePoint

What are these extra javascript files in my ASP.NET 4.5 WebForms project?

I created a new ASP.NET 4.5 WebForms project and found a bunch of extra javascript files pertaining to GridView, DetailsView and other data related components as well as MSAjax. I assume they are to help with AJAX on data components, but I don't know how to use them.
I read almost every ASP.net announcement and haven't heard anything about these files and searched Google and didn't find anything either.
Those files belong to the Microsoft Ajax Library,it's a collection of tools similar to jQuery. MSDN describes it like this :
"Microsoft Ajax features enable you to quickly create Web pages that provide a rich user experience and that include responsive and familiar user interface (UI) elements. Microsoft Ajax includes client-script libraries that incorporate cross-browser ECMAScript (JavaScript) and dynamic HTML (DHTML) technologies. By using Microsoft Ajax, you can improve the user experience and the efficiency of your Web applications."
You can see the reference here : Microsoft Ajax

Is jQGrid asp.net mvc version free?

Went through many links, but its still confusing.
As per my understanding. The jQGrid javascript version is free. While asp.net mvc version is not free..
Am i right?
Please provide information
Thanks in advance!!
There are two different products: free open source JavaScript jQuery plugin and commercial product jqSuite. Some editions of jqSuite have the same name jqGrid (see here and here). The product jqSuite uses free open source JavaScript jQuery plugin internally. So it's "on top solution" based on the free jqGrid.
In general you don't really require to order jqSuite if you just need to include jqGrid in your ASP.NET project. The demos from the answer, this one, this one and many other show how you can implement it.
Another free solution is Lib.Web.Mvc (see here the demos) developed by tpeczek.
On the other side the usage of jqSuite could improve your productivity.
Look at here and here for some additional information.

Ajax-style FAQ using a CMS?

We plan to create a FAQ website. It will include two types of content:
Lists of questions (FAQs), and
HTML for each answer.
When user chooses a list and clicks a question, the answer will load in Ajax style.
A very similar approach was described here: Ajax FAQ loading using jquery?
But, before we start developing our own CMS, we would like to make sure that no existing solution is directly applicable. So, my question is: are you aware of any existing CMS for creating Ajax-style FAQs?
We are particularly interested in WordPress plugins (one is listed in my own answer below).
Two solutions I found that are likely to be applicable:
WP DS FAQ: FAQ management tool for WordPress. Replaces specific code on a page with a pre-defined list of questions and answers. Requires WordPress version 2.7 or higher, compatible up to 3.2.1. Last ipdated in August 2011.
Core Design FAQ plugin for Joomla. FAQ is created out of a K2 content module. Requires Joomla version 1.7. Last ipdated in August 2011.

ASP.NET MVC2 Rich Text Editor

basically, my question is pretty much similar and has been asked numerous times. Which WYSIWYG editor is better now that Telerik has released their MVC editor, would it be wise to purchase the entire suite instead?
Telerik MVC Editor
Disclaimer: As part of the Telerik MVC team (and one of the editor developers), my opinion is quite biased, yet I can shed some light on the differences between the editors.
All of them are open source
Despite Todd's answer, the Telerik MVC editor is open-source, under GPLv2 license (with a commercial license available). Our support is well known, so I guess this is where we stand out (though it is paid). On the other hand, both TinyMCE and CKEditor have huge communities, which may help quickly, too.
Different feature set
This has been the first release of the Telerik MVC editor, while CK and TinyMCE have been around the block for a very long time. We have mixed feelings about this -- while we are missing out on quite a few tools/features, we have invested a lot of time in polishing the existing ones (converting list items to headings, pasting from MS Word). Our bet is on cleaner, more robust code (4k LoC vs 14k LoC in TinyMCE without plug-ins).
It depends on your requirements
After all, with the Telerik suite, you get... well... a suite of components with common code and themes. So if you need the dedicated support and the other components and the limited feature set does not make a difference, Telerik would be a nice choice. If you need a full-scale editor and want to bet on more feature-complete products, TinyMCE and CKEditor are the wiser choice.
I hope this helps and does not contain much happy talk.
Some Background:
While there are some very good third-party components for ASP.NET I tend to stay away from them for the open source alternative. The reason goes back to an issue I has with a chart component a few years ago. It had a bug that the company would not fix in the current version and instead wanted us to purchase an upgrade while not guaranteeing that would fix the problem.
They did offer a demo that we could not use in production (which was the only place we were getting the problem) so the problem continued until the component was replaced.
My Answer
From My experience I would recommend going with the open source alternative. I have used CKEditor and TinyMCE with success in PHP projects. CKEditor can be styled nicely and TinyMCE has tons of documentation from the millions of people who use it daily.
The greatest benefit to open source is being able to change the code to meet your needs or fix a problem specific to your environment.
My last ASP.NET MVC app required all components to be open source for the same reason as mentioned above with the end result being more stable than the previous that included some purchased components.
Hope this helps.
Wordpress uses TinyMCE, so I am very familiar with using it (though getting it to look like wordpress is a little bit of an undertaking).
I have successfully implemented TinyMCE into 2 of my Asp.Net MVC websites with very little effort.
As with any, there is a ramp up time, but TinyMCE has never disappointed me.
We are using CKEditor_3.x in our MVC 2 app.
It works great.
On save:
Just 1 important note, in your CKEditor config file be sure to set:
config.htmlEncodeOutput = true;
Or you will get an error message.
Later on display
You will need to decode is like:
<%=HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Description).ToHtmlString())%>
Good luck!
