Laravel query use parent column inside whereRelation - laravel

I have problem with my eloquent query, i need to use data of my base model into whereRelation.
I tried this query bottom, but results was not what i except. The query return me all users who have one city relation, not only user who have city updated between my last user sync.
$users = People::whereRaw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, people.latest_sync, people.updated_at) > 20')
->orWhereRelation('city', 'updated_at', '>', 'people.updated_at')
I'v tried people.updated_at and latest_sync in value of my Where Relation
Do i need to make pure SQL Raw query with classic join ?
PS: the first whereRaw is ok, and work (i really need)


I want to extract the first five data that match the where clause from Laravel relationships

I'd like to do something like this with Laravel's Eloquent:relationship, but it doesn't work.
$playlist->setRelation('tags', $playlist->tags->where('privacySetting', 'public')->take(5));
It works without where clause, but I want to retrieve the first 5 data in the tags relationship table that match the where clause.
How can I do this?
Laravel version is 7.28.1.
this will select top 5 based on criteria from model
$playlist = Playlist::with(['tags' => function($filter){
return $filter->where('privacySetting', 'public')
//try dd($playlist);

Laravel eloquent query with nested whereDate

I currently have a table called operators
The columns are:
id, user_id, item_clicked, created_at, updated_at
I can confirm on one of these it has today's update_at
2019-08-05 showing as today.
This is a relational table.
operators belongs to users.
I'm attempting to get operators of users whereDate is today.
My code is:
$ordersClicked = User::with('operators')
->whereDate('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today())
This returns an empty array.
Testing this works so I know the data I need is there.
$ordersClicked = User::with('operators')
$operator = Operator::whereDate('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today())->get();
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
According to the docs Carbon::today() returns Y-m-d H:i:s, if used like you are doing in a where clause and the database stores the value in Y-m-d format.
Why don't you try this:
$ordersClicked = User::with('operators')
->whereDate('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'))
if that doesn't work; then it is possible the eloquent is applying the where clause on updated_at on the User table, instead of Operator. Did you mean to do something like this:
$ordersClicked = User::with(['operators' => function($query) {
$query->where('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'))
i.e. filter on the eager loaded collection? if this is what you intended, what will happen is it will return all users and only some operators that has the updated_at matching the criteria will have values, where others will be null.
Wouldn't it be better to reverse the query? i.e. make sure Operator has a belongsTo relationship on User model and query the data like this:
$operator = Operator::whereDate('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today())

Laravel eloquent with relation data (Eager Loading)

I have two database tables items and measurement_units - item has measurement unit.
Now the problem is I want to select a particular column from items and some column from measurement_unit. I want to use Eager loading
$items_with_mu = Item::with("measurement_unit")->select(["item_name", "item_stock"])->first();
When accessing measurement_unit. It returns null. Without the select function it returns data(measurement_unit).
can anyone help me and sorry for my English.
Try this
Item::with(['measurement_unit' => function($q) {
$q->select('id','unit_column'); //specified measurement_unit column
If your laravel version is >=5.5 then you can write in a single line
You have to select the primary column of the main model like below.
items_with_mu = Item::with("measurement_unit")->select(["item_name", "item_stock", "primary_key"])->first();

Laravel how to query a pivot table created_at timestamp equal to a date

I have users and habits, and a habit_user table to join them.
I am querying like this:
$track = $h->userAnswers()->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->wherePivot('created_at', '=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays($i))->first();
This is running in a loop that is counting back for 7 days. there is a record in the db that is created_at: 2018-10-23 04:48:44
In my habit model I have the method you'd expect:
public function userAnswers()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Habit', 'habit_user_answers')->withTimestamps()->withPivot('answer_one', 'created_at')->orderBy('pivot_created_at', 'desc');
Why won't query get a record?
You are comparing the date time so only if both date and time is same, the query will throw a result.
You can compare dates like so:
wherePivot('created_at', '>=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays($i)->startOfDay())->wherePivot('created_at', '<=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays($i)->endOfDay())
First, I think you need to consider Laravel conventions about naming methods and properties.
I'll assume the following based on your structure that includes users and habits. So, we have a User model and a Habit model, a user belongsToMany habits and a habit belongsToMany users. Also the pivot table habit_user contains extra fields like answer_one, answer_created_at and timestamps.
If you want now to query the habits now you have two solutions:
1- using wherePivot()
auth()->user()->habits()->wherePivot('answer_created_at', today())->get();
auth()->user()->habits()->wherePivot('answer_one', '!=', 'something')->get();
2- using whereHas()
auth()->user()->whereHas('habits', function($query){
$query->where('pivot.answer_one', 'something');

Laravel Order by in one to many relation with second table column

Hi i have tables with one to many relation
I just want to select all seat plans order by sectors.position. I tried
$seat_plans = SeatPlan::with(['sector' => function($q){
but it is not working. when i check The SQL it is generating query like
select * from seat_plans
can anybody please tell me how to do this?
I don't think you need a custom function for your use case. Instead try this:
$users = DB::table('seat_plans')
->join('sectors', 'seat_plans.sector_id, '=', '')
