Laravel eloquent with relation data (Eager Loading) - laravel

I have two database tables items and measurement_units - item has measurement unit.
Now the problem is I want to select a particular column from items and some column from measurement_unit. I want to use Eager loading
$items_with_mu = Item::with("measurement_unit")->select(["item_name", "item_stock"])->first();
When accessing measurement_unit. It returns null. Without the select function it returns data(measurement_unit).
can anyone help me and sorry for my English.

Try this
Item::with(['measurement_unit' => function($q) {
$q->select('id','unit_column'); //specified measurement_unit column
If your laravel version is >=5.5 then you can write in a single line

You have to select the primary column of the main model like below.
items_with_mu = Item::with("measurement_unit")->select(["item_name", "item_stock", "primary_key"])->first();


Laravel query use parent column inside whereRelation

I have problem with my eloquent query, i need to use data of my base model into whereRelation.
I tried this query bottom, but results was not what i except. The query return me all users who have one city relation, not only user who have city updated between my last user sync.
$users = People::whereRaw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, people.latest_sync, people.updated_at) > 20')
->orWhereRelation('city', 'updated_at', '>', 'people.updated_at')
I'v tried people.updated_at and latest_sync in value of my Where Relation
Do i need to make pure SQL Raw query with classic join ?
PS: the first whereRaw is ok, and work (i really need)

I want to extract the first five data that match the where clause from Laravel relationships

I'd like to do something like this with Laravel's Eloquent:relationship, but it doesn't work.
$playlist->setRelation('tags', $playlist->tags->where('privacySetting', 'public')->take(5));
It works without where clause, but I want to retrieve the first 5 data in the tags relationship table that match the where clause.
How can I do this?
Laravel version is 7.28.1.
this will select top 5 based on criteria from model
$playlist = Playlist::with(['tags' => function($filter){
return $filter->where('privacySetting', 'public')
//try dd($playlist);

Lean Eloquent Results ->with() Eager Loading

I have a query I am working on that feeds into a javascript engine where there is a lot of information returned that isn't used in the javascript. The results are over 1MB and some of that is because of some eager loading. Here is the query:
$customers = Customer::where('customers.office_id', $officeid)
->where("customers.parent_id", null)
->select("","customers.family_id", "customers.gender", "customers.family_size", "family_value")
The relationship of lastAppointment creates a returned nested object with all the columns from the appointments table, where I really only want a single column of start_at
If I do a ->leftJoin() I can limit my results using the final select like this:
->leftJoin(DB::raw("(select customer_id, MAX(start_at) as lastAppointment from appointments group by customer_id) as appt"), '', '=', 'appt.customer_id')
->select("","customers.family_id", "customers.gender", "customers.family_size", "family_value", "appt.lastAppointment")
I am just wondering if there is a way of doing something similar using ->with()?
You can use this code
where _relation_id is customer_id or primary key of lastAppointment correspond model: depends on your table relation. See docs part of Nested Eager Loading p
The with function will accept a callback as the array value of the relationship key. You then have access to the underlaying query builder instance, I think this is what you want:
->with(['lastAppointment' => function($query) {
return $query->latest()->select('customer_id', 'start_at')

Laravel Order by in one to many relation with second table column

Hi i have tables with one to many relation
I just want to select all seat plans order by sectors.position. I tried
$seat_plans = SeatPlan::with(['sector' => function($q){
but it is not working. when i check The SQL it is generating query like
select * from seat_plans
can anybody please tell me how to do this?
I don't think you need a custom function for your use case. Instead try this:
$users = DB::table('seat_plans')
->join('sectors', 'seat_plans.sector_id, '=', '')

Eloquent: eager loading with select constraints? possible?

Basically this works
Section::with(['fields' => function ($q) {
Section::with(['fields' => function ($q) {
$q->select('label', 'position');
will not load the relations.
I haven't found something in the docs about eager loading constraints except using 'where', so my question is, is this even possible?
Thanks in advance.
Ahh, turns out you have to explicitly include the section_id within the select clause :)
So this will work as expected:
Section::with(['fields' => function ($q) {
$q->select('section_id', 'label', 'position');
I had the same problem last days and I couldn't find any solution so now that I have found the solution I would like to share it with anyone who has the same issue.
In order to use the foreign key's in functions, you need to give the function the foreign keys to for the tables so in this case if for example; you want to use section's relation so you need to give the function the values to find the relations so here it is if you have the relation like 'section_id' in fields table you need to use this code:
Section::with(['fields' => function ($q) {
$q->select('id','section_id','label', 'position');
also for Laravel 5.7* you can use Eager Loading Specific Columns too as the link below:
enter link description here
I use the response of #iwyg, but the important thing is that the first element inside select is the field that join those tables (foreign Key).
In the example show by #iwyg the table fields join with the table section with the key section_id, thats its why is the first element inside the select. So is not just add the id for make it work
