Laravel how to query a pivot table created_at timestamp equal to a date - laravel

I have users and habits, and a habit_user table to join them.
I am querying like this:
$track = $h->userAnswers()->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->wherePivot('created_at', '=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays($i))->first();
This is running in a loop that is counting back for 7 days. there is a record in the db that is created_at: 2018-10-23 04:48:44
In my habit model I have the method you'd expect:
public function userAnswers()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Habit', 'habit_user_answers')->withTimestamps()->withPivot('answer_one', 'created_at')->orderBy('pivot_created_at', 'desc');
Why won't query get a record?

You are comparing the date time so only if both date and time is same, the query will throw a result.
You can compare dates like so:
wherePivot('created_at', '>=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays($i)->startOfDay())->wherePivot('created_at', '<=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays($i)->endOfDay())

First, I think you need to consider Laravel conventions about naming methods and properties.
I'll assume the following based on your structure that includes users and habits. So, we have a User model and a Habit model, a user belongsToMany habits and a habit belongsToMany users. Also the pivot table habit_user contains extra fields like answer_one, answer_created_at and timestamps.
If you want now to query the habits now you have two solutions:
1- using wherePivot()
auth()->user()->habits()->wherePivot('answer_created_at', today())->get();
auth()->user()->habits()->wherePivot('answer_one', '!=', 'something')->get();
2- using whereHas()
auth()->user()->whereHas('habits', function($query){
$query->where('pivot.answer_one', 'something');


Laravel query use parent column inside whereRelation

I have problem with my eloquent query, i need to use data of my base model into whereRelation.
I tried this query bottom, but results was not what i except. The query return me all users who have one city relation, not only user who have city updated between my last user sync.
$users = People::whereRaw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, people.latest_sync, people.updated_at) > 20')
->orWhereRelation('city', 'updated_at', '>', 'people.updated_at')
I'v tried people.updated_at and latest_sync in value of my Where Relation
Do i need to make pure SQL Raw query with classic join ?
PS: the first whereRaw is ok, and work (i really need)

Laravel eloquent query with nested whereDate

I currently have a table called operators
The columns are:
id, user_id, item_clicked, created_at, updated_at
I can confirm on one of these it has today's update_at
2019-08-05 showing as today.
This is a relational table.
operators belongs to users.
I'm attempting to get operators of users whereDate is today.
My code is:
$ordersClicked = User::with('operators')
->whereDate('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today())
This returns an empty array.
Testing this works so I know the data I need is there.
$ordersClicked = User::with('operators')
$operator = Operator::whereDate('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today())->get();
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
According to the docs Carbon::today() returns Y-m-d H:i:s, if used like you are doing in a where clause and the database stores the value in Y-m-d format.
Why don't you try this:
$ordersClicked = User::with('operators')
->whereDate('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'))
if that doesn't work; then it is possible the eloquent is applying the where clause on updated_at on the User table, instead of Operator. Did you mean to do something like this:
$ordersClicked = User::with(['operators' => function($query) {
$query->where('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d'))
i.e. filter on the eager loaded collection? if this is what you intended, what will happen is it will return all users and only some operators that has the updated_at matching the criteria will have values, where others will be null.
Wouldn't it be better to reverse the query? i.e. make sure Operator has a belongsTo relationship on User model and query the data like this:
$operator = Operator::whereDate('updated_at', \Carbon\Carbon::today())

Provide extra condition in eager loading which includes comparing of two columns, laravel

I have tables students, profiles, subjects and pivot table profile_subject
I want to select a student with id 5, and eager load profile and subjects for the students year.
Something like this:
$student = Student::with('profile','profile.subjects')->find(5);
But I also have to insert the condition
there somewhere. How to do that?
This query will not do the job cos it will search for records which year is "students.year" literary
Use lazy eager loading. This code will not create any additional queries, it'll create the same amount of queries as with() would:
$student = Student::find(5);
$sudent->load(['profile', 'profile.subjects' => function ($q) use ($student) {
$q->wherePivot('year', $student->year);

How to detach only the last record in the pivot table using detach() in Laravel 4?

If I do this:
return $this->roles()->detach($role);
all roles are removed.
How to limit that to only the last one?
You can do it without timestamps:
$lastRole = $user->roles()
->orderBy( $user->roles()->getTable() .'id', 'desc')
or with timestamps:
$lastRole = $user->roles()->latest()->first();
you may try this, I did not test it:
return $this->roles()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first()->detach($role);
You can also order by timestamps, if no primary id is present, like this:
return $this->roles()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first()->detach($role);
for this to work, you also have to edit your model, from the docs:
If you want your pivot table to have automatically maintained
created_at and updated_at timestamps, use the withTimestamps method on
the relationship definition:
return $this->belongsToMany('Role')->withTimestamps();
Another thing would be not to use model at all, because looking at this issue #3585 it is not that easy. Taylor closed it without a comment, so I assume it not get implemented. The solution should be (assuming you have timestamps columns migrated in the table). Tested code:
$last = DB::table($user->roles()->getTable())
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
->where('created_at', '=', $last->created_at)

Laravel Many to Many - 3 models

Some help with many to many relationships in Laravel:
Using the example for roles and users - basically:
a table for all the roles
a table for the users
and table with user_id and role_id.
I want to add to the third table, eg Year. basically the pivot table will have user_id, role_id and year_id.
I want to be able to make a query to pull for example all users assigned a specific role in a specific year. Eg All users with role_id = 2, and year_id = 1.
Any help will be appreciated
Before answering, I would like to suggest you not to put year on database like this.
All your tables should have created_at and updated_at which should be enough for that.
To filter users like you want. You could do this:
// This queries all users that were assigned to 'admin' role within 2013.
User::join('role_users', 'role_users.user_id', '=', '')
->join('roles', '', '=', 'role_users.role_id')
->where('', '=', 'admin')
->where(DB::raw('YEAR(role_users.created_at)', '=', '2013')
This example may not be the precise query you are looking for, but should be enough for you to come up with it.
The best way to achieve a three way relation with Eloquent is to create a model for the table representing this relation. Pivot tables is meant to be used for two way relations.
You could have then a table called roles_users_year which could have data related to this 3 way relation like a timestamp or whatever...
A very late answer to a very old question, but Laravel has supported additional intermediate (pivot) table columns of at least Laravel 5.1 judging from the documentation, which hasn't changed at least through Laravel 6.x.
You can describe these extra columns when defining your many-to-many relationship:
return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class)->withPivot('column1', 'column2');
or in your case, the below would also do the job:
return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class)->withTimestamps();
which you can then access via the pivot attribute on your model:
$user = User::find(1);
foreach ($user->roles as $role) {
echo $role->pivot->created_at;
Note that the pivot attribute is on the distant relationship model (a single Role) and not on the relationship itself.
To get all the Roles assigned to Users in any given year, you might create a special relationship:
// User.php
public function rolesInYear($year) {
return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class)
->wherePivot('created_at', '>=', Carbon::create($year))
->wherePivot('created_at', '<', Carbon::create($year + 1));
