Display ROW in Different Manner JQGrid - jqgrid

I am displaying the data in JQGrid row by row but now I don't have any issue in displaying
look like this:
but now I need to display same data in different manner can I do like this please say some suggestion (one row will look like this)


How to make dropdown list and link data on the row to specific cell on different sheet

I have a question about making a label by using dropdown list getting multiple column data from other sheet to the specific cell.
my sample file is here
From the "How to" file I have two sheets, sheet 1 is for making dropdown list to get data from sheet2. but i only make dropdown list from data from sheet2!A2:A (dont know how to get all data from multiple columns).What i want is all data from the row of Code (that i select from dropdown list) to show in the specific cell in the box next to it.
Could you please suggest me what formula will work on this case, or what function I should to try. Thanks in advance.
Shawn Penn

jqGrid : Display one to many relationship in jqGrid MVC 5

I need to display jqGrid in the below format:
Fomat :
[1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/CuRYJ.png
Any help would be appreciated.
One can use rowspan to display the data in the format. See the answer. The main problem that such grid can almost only display the data. The other functionality starting with sorting by column content, selection of rows, editing and so on can't be used. Is it really what you need? Probably you can better just use the standard <table> with rowspan attributes? It will be still not so simple to group common input data in the format which you want to display.

Elements between page breaks after each tabular row in BIRT

I have a report design where I have to display each row of a table in separate pages as header and on each page I need to display separate body. In BIRT, if I set the page break property for table as always, I can see the data on separate pages but I am not able to insert other elements in between these rows. Is it possible?
You have to add multiple Detail rows. In first you'll have what you have recently, in second you can put whatever you like, just treat it as a grid.

jQGrid With Multiple Row Data

I have a requirement to display a single jqgrid into several lines (2 or 3). The user does not want to use the grid horizontal scroll bar and would like to see several data at once.
Anybody with an idea how to do this?
If I understand your question correctly you want to wrap rows in the grid because the grid have large number or rows. It's not possible because jqGrid are base on HTML <table> and the row (<tr>) of table can't be wrapped.
If you have grid with columns which text is long you can consider wrapping inside of cells of grid. See the answer, this one, this one and the answer too.

How do I change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report

I need to change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report so that the table header is vertical instead of horizontal.
Is this possible? I don't want to use a Crosstab.
It seems this thread is still being pointed at so I posted an example of a horizontal table layout using a crosstab. I know it won't help the original author but others following this thread now may find this helpful.
To create the horizontal grouping, first create your query like normal, then create a Data Cube. In this data cube, drag each field that you want into a group. Then drag a new crosstab on the report and drag each field into the top right column group area. It will create a new header row for each field. Don't put anything in the left side (Rows) and don't put anything in the measure field (bottom-right). This will create labels on the left... and the data will extend out to the right.
The report design example can be downloaded from: http://developer.actuate.com/community/forum/index.php?/files/file/1079-horizontal-table-using-crosstab/
If you want dataset records to be reported across the page, this would have to be done via a crosstab.
If you want dataset records to be reported down the page, this can't be done automatically as far as I know. However, it can be done by inserting a new detail line in your report table object for each database field to be reported, then moving column headings from the heading row into the first column's detail rows and moving record values into the second column's detail rows.
So, for example, a report with 6 columns in it would become a two column report with six detail rows.
Not in box (up to 3.7). You have to use 3'd party libs like that one.
