How to make dropdown list and link data on the row to specific cell on different sheet - drop-down-menu

I have a question about making a label by using dropdown list getting multiple column data from other sheet to the specific cell.
my sample file is here
From the "How to" file I have two sheets, sheet 1 is for making dropdown list to get data from sheet2. but i only make dropdown list from data from sheet2!A2:A (dont know how to get all data from multiple columns).What i want is all data from the row of Code (that i select from dropdown list) to show in the specific cell in the box next to it.
Could you please suggest me what formula will work on this case, or what function I should to try. Thanks in advance.
Shawn Penn


Adding a drop-down menu (data validation) after each row of a query result in Google Sheet

First, here is the link to my sheet:
If you look at the tab called "Selection", I have two columns called "Select". All the data in these tables is collected by a query function, except column "Select". In that column, I need to add Data Validation (a simple Yes or No). I want the Data Validation to be automatically added when a new row is created but the query function instead of having to add or remove it manually every time I make some changed. Data collected by the query function is using the two variables on top of the sheet (minimum rating and global buff).
Just to show the step to apply data validation to your whole column, see the following image. Under Cell Range, the image shows Selection!D5:D99, but this is actually set to Selection!D5:D999, it just is truncated due to the size of the text box.
Let us know if this is what you were looking for, or if I've misunderstood your issue.

Is there a way to hide the formula in a Google sheet cell?

I want to block certain users/groups from viewing formulas in certain cells in Google sheet, but they'll have permission to edit other cells values. All they will be able to see is the result.
explanation: it's an advanced calculator. let's say that I want to give the user the ability to put values in cells A1 and B1, and in C1 the formula is =A1+B1.
I want to hide the formula in C1, so the user will only the the result.
There's a few ways to do it depending on how/who is working on the sheet. If people aren't familiar with sheets you can actually hide the formula in a row at the top by using array formulas so in the header:
={" header title" ; arrayformula(a2:a+b2:b)}
The formula would be hidden in the cell that shows the header, all the cells below would just be the calculation. If you hide the row that has the arrayformula and protect it no one will be able to see it. The only thing is you have to also protect the column otherwise if someone hardcodes a value in the column the formula will stop working.
The second option (easier but can run into more issues is the have a 'mirror' copy of the sheet they are interacting with in the same file as a hidden sheet. Basically a duplicate of the tab with all the cells a direct reference of the first tab. So:
Sheet1 = tab they interact with
Sheet2 = 'mirror' tab with every cell being ='Sheet1'!a1, but for the corresponding cell value.
As they edit Sheet the values entered in Sheet1 will show up in Sheet2, then the calculations can happen on that sheet, and then Sheet1, can just be a direct reference to that column in Sheet2. So the calculations in Sheet1 will only appear ='Sheet2'!C2. If you protect Sheet2 and hide it no one will be able to see the formulas. Sheet1 could even reference Sheet2 with an index formula like: index(column sheet2,,) which would return the entire column from sheet2.

How to auto fill a field in Google Forms based on dropdown list?

I am trying to create a Google Form like this one with one drop-down list and two text fields(for now! If I get this down I would like to add drop downs instead of text fields).
Now I have manually added options in the drop down here.
What I want is:
The drop down to dynamically pick values from a column called 'ID' in a Google Spreadsheet.
Auto-populate the corresponding values from Vertical and Project from the sheet to the text fields in the form.
How can I go about doing these?

In Google Sheets, Is there a way to use hyperlinks in a data validated range?

In Google Sheets, a cell using a data validated range consisting of hyperlinks will only display the link text and is not an actual link.
Example, I have a google spreadsheet consisting of 2 sheets. Sheet 1 has a cell with data validation getting it's values from a range on sheet 2, like so Sheet2!B2:B50
Sheet 2 cell B2 contains a hyperlink like this:
=hyperlink("", "LINK TEXT")
When you select that item back in Sheet 1 in the validated cell, the cell only displays LINK TEXT and is not a hyperlink.
Is there a way to use hyperlinks in a data validated range?
I think, there's still no direct way to do this since you'd asked the question. But it's possible in two ways:
make OnEdit script and replace selected text with
corresponding link
make 2 separate columns and emulate choise.
I want to suggest the second way as it's easier to implement.
The result will look like this:
Here's the link to my test file.
Step 1. Prepare data
So Sheet2 contains data, it should look like this:
links in column B
and their labels in column A.
Step 2. Make Data Validation
Go to Sheet1. And in required range make the new rule for Data Validation. In our sample it's column A. So select range > Go to Data > Validation... > select range Sheet2!A2:A100 from your data sheet.
Note that in Google Sheets you may use bigger range for validation, sheets would ignore blanks.
Also there's a good reason to make the result of selection invisible. To make it, select custom number format and use this text:
Step 2. Make Hyperlinks with formula
In Sheet1, cell B2 paste the formula:
It will expand automatically.
That's all!

Google Spreadsheets: Working with data inserted from forms across tabs

I'm in great need of help. I've a form which asks basic questions and puts the results into rows of an existing spreadsheet.
Specific data from those responses are "promoted" to 2nd, 3rd and 4th tabs based on IF formulas on tabs 2+ checking the value of a pull down selection on in the corresponding row on each previous tab. (Waterfall)
My challenge is - forms data is inserted into a new row (Does not use existing) and if I set the pulldown value to "Approved" on the first tab, the formulas on the second tab which were contiguous now skip the row where the form data was automatically entered.
I suspect I need to learn how to properly use ArrayFormula, etc, but have not managed to fix this looking at existing examples combined with my IF statements.
Help is appreciated. Sample is here. Safe to ignore the first and last tabs.
Thank you.
You can try using an open-ended range with ArrayFormula. For example, the formula on "2-Pipeline" in cell D3 could be:
=arrayformula(IF('1-IdeasReceived'!U2:U="Approved",'1-IdeasReceived'!L2:L, ))
The ranges U2:U and L2:L should pick up all rows in those columns, even after you've had forms submitted.
Since this is an ArrayFormula over column ranges, you only need it in cell D3; it will inject CONTINUE formulas down the rest of the column.
Warning: Your spreadsheet is combining dynamic row content (e.g. pulled from another sheet) with static content (e.g. "Environment, Health & Safety" column on "2-Pipeline" sheet). This is bound to result in misalignment if rows are added or deleted in the middle of the source data.
