Elements between page breaks after each tabular row in BIRT - birt

I have a report design where I have to display each row of a table in separate pages as header and on each page I need to display separate body. In BIRT, if I set the page break property for table as always, I can see the data on separate pages but I am not able to insert other elements in between these rows. Is it possible?

You have to add multiple Detail rows. In first you'll have what you have recently, in second you can put whatever you like, just treat it as a grid.


Push items to bottom of report

I'm trying to create a report with some controls "anchored" to the very end. The difficulty is that I can't add this to the page footer because the report could span multiple pages leaving a giant white space at the end of each report if I decide to toggle visibility. The items I have should only appear on the very last page and be positioned just above the footer.
For example, in this scenario, I need the letter's closing signature, titles, etc. positioned at the very end of the last page the report spans.
As an alternative to adding a sub report you could try the suggestion below.
It all depends on how you data is laid out in your report whether it could work for you.
If all the data required to populate the controls exists in the report dataset why not add an outer lever of grouping that encompasses the entire dataset. You could do this using a dummy column containing 1 for example.
Just add a footer to this group and put your data in the group footer.
You can additional rows as necessary to the group footer.
This footer will always appear as the last row(s) in the tablix

BIRT - pagebreak in a table with crosstab

I have a report (PDF output, 2.6.2) with a table containing crosstab (see attached files for a classic models example). After all report data there has to be a section for signs of peoples responsible for it. And there is strict demand that this section is preceeded with data (at least 1 row) and all signs must be together on 1 page.
Here is the image of what i should get.
I have a problem with page break, it is in a crosstab or in a table itself. I've tried to manipulate page break section in crosstab, crosstab rows, table sections - still no luck. I remember I was able to do this for a simple table without crosstab in it, so the problem is probably in crosstab.
I've shared the report without experiment changes. I need it in PDF, version 2.6.2.
Can anyone help?
I have shared the result of your report here View This I think you are expecting your report like this..
Crosstab and a table with signs must be in same table, then crosstab will have pagebreak. For a table with signs I've added visibility rule to show it on last page only.
There is same problem with nested tables, not only crosstabs.

Using a Grid Element in a Sub-Table cell causes a page break to be added to PDF export

Currently, my report is set up with a Child table placed in a row of a Parent table. Each row of the child table has a Grid element that allows me to have more control over the format of the report. There are several fields in the child report with varying field lengths so a Field per Column of the report won't work. Note that I am only setting the data source of the Tables, not of the grid elements.
This works when rendering to HTML, however, when rendering to a PDF file a page break appears just before the row containing the child page.
Things I have tried to resolve the issue with:
Setting page breaks to "Avoid"
Setting the page break interval to something high
Tested with 2.6.2 and 3.7.2. 4.2 currently will not run on my machine.
When you using a column for each field in the table instead of a Grid element in a single cell, the problem goes away but this is undesirable as there are multiple fields with varying field lengths. Merging multiple cells to make room for the different lengths does work, but it can become unruly when you need to change the report format.
The size of the grid/table does not matter - this happens even when I am only using a couple fields from the data set.
After some more experimentation, I found out that if I remove all Detail Rows of the Parent table that are before the Child Table row, the report is created properly. Unfortunately I need to have rows of information ahead of the Child Table so this does not solve the issue.
Does anyone have a solution?

Different layout for 1st and rest pages of report

I currently have a detailed report to design:
A report which has different header-footer-detail for the first and rest of the pages. I tried to overcome the challange by using 2 Master Pages (not quite achieved anything yet) but I am stuck at the point which row count of 1st and rest of the pages... 1st page has 20 rest of the pages have 35 rows. Namely the question is:
"How can I set different pagebreak intervals for the table for each page?"
PS: BIRT version: 3.7
Edit: I've tried to create a group on row number and put a filter on row number to maintain flow between 2 different tables but no luck. (It didnt make real sense to put row filter but tried anyway :))
What you may need to do in the body section of your report is create a grid of one column and two rows. In the advanced properties for the upper cell, look under the section property for the Master Page setting, set that value equal to the name of your first master page. Place your report contents in that cell and set the master page references to your first master page as well. Repeat this for the second cell and references to the second page. Your table(s) have an advanced property for page break interval that you can adjust to control how many rows go on a page.
However if you want your table data to flow continuously from the first page into the second page and onward, I am not sure if this is possible but will update my answer if I find a way.

How do I change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report

I need to change the orientation of a table in a BIRT report so that the table header is vertical instead of horizontal.
Is this possible? I don't want to use a Crosstab.
It seems this thread is still being pointed at so I posted an example of a horizontal table layout using a crosstab. I know it won't help the original author but others following this thread now may find this helpful.
To create the horizontal grouping, first create your query like normal, then create a Data Cube. In this data cube, drag each field that you want into a group. Then drag a new crosstab on the report and drag each field into the top right column group area. It will create a new header row for each field. Don't put anything in the left side (Rows) and don't put anything in the measure field (bottom-right). This will create labels on the left... and the data will extend out to the right.
The report design example can be downloaded from: http://developer.actuate.com/community/forum/index.php?/files/file/1079-horizontal-table-using-crosstab/
If you want dataset records to be reported across the page, this would have to be done via a crosstab.
If you want dataset records to be reported down the page, this can't be done automatically as far as I know. However, it can be done by inserting a new detail line in your report table object for each database field to be reported, then moving column headings from the heading row into the first column's detail rows and moving record values into the second column's detail rows.
So, for example, a report with 6 columns in it would become a two column report with six detail rows.
Not in box (up to 3.7). You have to use 3'd party libs like that one.
