Select list above all in this modal body with overflow-auto - drop-down-menu

I'm using this select in this modal but as you can see I cannot have the list above all in its full height.
I know there is a way but I cannot find out how.
A reproducible example:
As you can see I need the overflow-auto (because I have dynamic content sometimes) but I also need to see the list in its full height above the modal, above all.


Why do Code Line Numbers Not Show in Inspector?

Is there a way to get numbers to show for the lines in the Inspector pane? I know Chrome does this by default, but I can't see an option for this in v. 109.0 of Firefox.
Looked in settings to get numbers to show.
You're probably mixing up things here. Both browsers provide two views to the source of your page.
Live DOM view
In Firefox this is called the Inspector, Chrome's name for it is Elements.
Those are accessed by right-clicking a page and choosing Inspect from the context menu or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C, for example.
And those don't have an option to show line numbers, as far as I know. The reason for that is that those panels show the current DOM structure of a page and not the HTML source.
That means, they show a parsed and interpreted version of the HTML source including any changes made to the structure afterwards. So, if you add an element to the structure via JavaScript, for example, those view reflect that change.
And an author doesn't gain much by seeing line numbers on such a dynamic view because they don't really refer to anything.
The use case for this view is to see and manipulate the current state of the page's DOM (Document Object Model).
HTML source view
Besides the live DOM view of a page both browsers do have a way to view the initial unchanged HTML source of a page. And those views also do show line numbers.
In both browsers this feature is accessible e.g. via the option View Page Source in the page's context menu or by pressing Ctrl+U.
The use case for this view is to see the original source of a website as it was sent from the server or loaded locally.

Filemaker Pro popover showing a list with values to select from or a searchable dropdown

I'm a FM beginner and would like to know how I can show a searchable dropdown. When I create a product, I need to select a supplier from a large list. I would like to tyoe some characters, from where I find a value in the dropdown. As far as I see now, that isn't possible and the only way to do this is through a popover.
But my question is then, how to show a full table in the popover, from which I can select a value, which is filled in my form.
I would like to tyoe some characters, from where I find a value in the dropdown. As far as I see now, that isn't possible and the only way to do this is through a popover.
Actually, it's the other way around: with a drop-down list you get the option to Auto-complete using value list, which is unavailable with a pop-up menu.
how to show a full table in the popover, from which I can select a value,
You cannot show a full table in a popover. You can show a portal in a popover, and make it show all records in a table by using the x operator when defining the relationship.
Or - preferably, IMHO - use a card window to show all the records you want to select from; this could be the full table or a reduced set as the result of a find.
Selecting products or other related records using popovers always feels slow when you try to search/filter the list of records, with the introduction of card windows doing such searches/selects became a lot faster and easier to implement, if you have 2 different layouts that need to search the same list of records you can use the same card window for both, that was also a nice thing.

How to select dynamic value drop down which loads during run time

enter image description hereI am not able to select the dynamic value of the drop down which loads during run time. I tried using Sendkeys to select the values of the drop down however the index position changes when user selects the value.
The UL tags comes and goes off when user clicks on the menu to select value.
I have attached the DOM and drop down details as part the ticket.Ineed to select values in firefox and chrome browsers and able to perform search accordingly.
Also, please find the locator which i have identified for the same.
Try the below one
var ele= element(by.cssContainingText('your locator here', 'Text of the option you want to select'));
For mor info refer

Using Capybara to interact with lazy loading elements

Currently I have trouble in with interacting with the elements within the page using lazy loading. I need to select the list of items (which mostly from top till the bottom of page, up to like 100 items). With the lazy loading implemented, i could only select a portion of it, like 1/3 of that since they split all the items into 3 different portions then it will only load the the first portion. I found out using a tricky Javascript could help to scroll it to the bottom like page.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0,100000)"), then i could probably get all the items.
but should be saving that as the last option.
So, my question is Does Capybara support to interact with Lazy Loading stuff like that . Also what should I do to get the whole items, without using that Javascript ?
If you're just scraping data from a site then the easiest solution is going to be just using execute_script to scroll the page. If however you're testing an app behaves correctly then you want to stay away from execute_script since it can allow you to do things a user never could which may invalidate your tests. Instead use hover to move the mouse pointer over an element on the page that would trigger loading the next portion. For instance if you have a list of items showing up
<ul id="my_list_of_items">
<li class="item"></li>
<li class="item"></li>
<li class="item"></li>
and the next group of items are loaded into the page when the bottom of the list is scrolled into view then do something like
This will cause the last item element on the page to be scrolled into view and the move pointer moved over it, which would then trigger loading of more items.

Watir clicking nested elements inside a container

I'm trying to complete a happy path e-commerce payment test but I cant seem to click on the nested element for credit card to be honest I'm not entirely sure which is the clickable element.
Any help to get this working would be appreciated.
When inputting forms, you typically want to interact with input and select elements. In this case, you can see that the visible input field is a radio button - ie <input type="radio">.
You access radio buttons using the radio method and select it by using the set method: 'cc-payment').set
The element you want to click is the input with type radio. You should be able to do something like:
driver.find_element(:css, "input[id='cc-payment'][value='creditCard']").click
I'm curious if clicking on the parent item would resolve.
#browser.input(id: 'cc-payment')
If the div registers the click and sets the input then this might work. You should be able to manually verify this beahviour by clicking outside of the radial and seeing if it selects.
