Using Capybara to interact with lazy loading elements - ruby

Currently I have trouble in with interacting with the elements within the page using lazy loading. I need to select the list of items (which mostly from top till the bottom of page, up to like 100 items). With the lazy loading implemented, i could only select a portion of it, like 1/3 of that since they split all the items into 3 different portions then it will only load the the first portion. I found out using a tricky Javascript could help to scroll it to the bottom like page.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0,100000)"), then i could probably get all the items.
but should be saving that as the last option.
So, my question is Does Capybara support to interact with Lazy Loading stuff like that . Also what should I do to get the whole items, without using that Javascript ?

If you're just scraping data from a site then the easiest solution is going to be just using execute_script to scroll the page. If however you're testing an app behaves correctly then you want to stay away from execute_script since it can allow you to do things a user never could which may invalidate your tests. Instead use hover to move the mouse pointer over an element on the page that would trigger loading the next portion. For instance if you have a list of items showing up
<ul id="my_list_of_items">
<li class="item"></li>
<li class="item"></li>
<li class="item"></li>
and the next group of items are loaded into the page when the bottom of the list is scrolled into view then do something like
This will cause the last item element on the page to be scrolled into view and the move pointer moved over it, which would then trigger loading of more items.


Ionic 3 : How to deal with huge html file for bad performance?

I have a performance issue when I open ionic 3 Modal.
I need to show a list in the modal and the length of list is 1000.
It takes few seconds to open the modal while they are rendered.
I thought about using InfiniteScroll in the modal, But I use Searchbarwhich means server-side should develop more APIs for that.
Since the data of list is quite static, I would like to make like :
Preload the modal page and hide by default.
Show the modal when it should be opened.
When the modal is closed, DO NOT destroy it, just hide.
But according to the ionic docs, I can't reuse modal.
So my question is : Is there a better way to make searchable 1000 list in ionic3?
EDIT : I have tried with localStorage to save json (about 100kb) and stop using XHR to reduce loading time. However I don't feel loading time gotten faster. I tested with just 100 list instead of 1000 and opening modal was a lot faster.
There are a several options:
If it is actually static, just place it in web storage and retrieve it when the use reloads the page.
If it's "quite" static, whatever that means, just place it in the DOM somewhere so it only has to load once per page load. When the user clicks the link to open the modal, store the data in a hidden field. It might even be a good idea to load it asynchronously as the page is loading, which could potentially completely eliminate any loading times at all from the user's perspective.
Use your own modal, and just hide/show it. Load it async.
Example of cache
jQuery AJAX Example
Ok I made it by using <ion-infinite-scroll (ionInfinite)="doInfinite($event)">.
First of all, when modal is opened, get list data from the server
and save in local storage
In the beginning just show 20 items out of 1000. So the rendering
would be a lot faster.
When user scrolls down, doInfinite will be executed.
In the doInfinite function, check what is the next index in order to show
the data. Like pagination logic. And get proper data and push to
the list array.
About <ion-searchbar>, when you get list data from either server
or local storage, save an original list data for the search (In my case, I just used this.originalData = myData like that.). By doing so, whenever user searches by typing, you can filter from 1000 array but no slow rendering issue.

Primefaces selectManyMenu: Showing selected items on top of list

I'm using Primefaces' selectManyMenu to display a list of hundreds of items. I've also included a filter on top. The issue is that when I select, say, the 200th item in the list, I have to manually scroll down to the 200th item each time to see if it has been checked.
I want it so that whenever I select an item, it moves to the top of the menu, so that it is easy to view all the selected items from that list at the top without having to scroll down and up all the time.
Any suggestions?
Looks like your component is getting updated when selecting or unselecting an item, and that's the reason you're reloading the list and losing your scroll position.
Else, it looks like you could use a workround for this. Something like
Catch the select/unselect/change event and trigger a backing Bean function where
You rearrange you list of items sot that the selected ones will be pushed first
oncomplete, you will update your selectManyMenu component.
By the way, maybe it's time to think again if you're using the right component and UX practice. and I have the impression that selectManyMenu is not meant to be used with lists of 200+ items. Personally I think you should avoid using a list that will have to scroll down, for selectMany components. For example you could use another component like a pickList

Using AngularJS, which is optimal with regards to ng-repeat

I have a potentially long repeating list with lots of data associated with each reapeated list element. There is also a hidden panel that contains more data and interactive tools that can be used on each repeated element (comments, tags, etc.).
My question is: Is it more efficient to include a duplicate of this panel within each ng-repeat, already filled with the appropriate data, or have one panel outside of the ng-repeat scope, who's data get's fill after clicking the 'panel toggle' button?
Extra details: This is a responsive site, with an emphasis on mobile use, so we are trying to minimize data sent, and make the amount of Javascript short and sweet (so far it hasn't been a problem at all).
After typing it out, I think the best option would be to have one tools panel, and populate it depending on which 'panel toggle' button is clicked. Fewer DOM elements the better, right?
It also leave it open for lazy-loading of the extra details in the future.

Infinite scrolling inside a div with AJAX (jQuery) loaded date

I've been trying to figure this out over several questions here on SO, finding out the different parts and then assembling them, but now I'm giving up.
What I'm trying do do:
The user is on a page, clicks a button and a list of content loads into a div using jQuerys .ajax. When he or she scrolls to the bottom of the div, load more content. As seen on Twitter, but this is inside a div.
I've seen examples on how to have infinite loading in scroll, but the problem is that those examples reload the entire page (it seems)
Has anyone got any idea how I can accomplish this?
As said, I cannot accomplish this using normal means.
The page is build as:
Page 1, has a div, empty until the user clicks a button.
Page 2 loads a lot of content. When the user clicks on the button on page 1, this is loaded into the div.
When the user scrolls through the div (It has overflow set to auto) and ends at the bottom of the div it should load the next page or so to speak.
Thanks in advance! :)
There are some plugins which do this for you quite well.
EDIT: Some more up to date plugins:
Use the JQuery.load() method to grab some html content and then insert it into an html element.
If you're using Paul Irish's Infinite Scroll, you can just specify a binder as one of the arguments where you have implemented infinite scroll, just like this:
binder: $(".name-of-div")
The binder is set to the document window by default, but if you specify it, you can have infinite scroll running simply inside one div on your page

Update Drupal views argument via AJAX

I have a request concerning Drupal 6.x
I'd like to have this behaviour:
imagine to have 2 columns, on the left a list of nodes (only titles for example) and on the right a view showing just one of the contents on the left.
My idea would be to achieve this with an AJAX-fashion: clicking a link in the list on the left updates the view on the right with the actual node.
Which is the best way to handle this?
My idea is to use Panels, make 2 column panel with 2 views, one (left) filtered on content type, with no arguments, and one on the right which takes in as an argument the node id to be displayed.
But how to link the 2 views with AJAX?
(or, better, how to update the view on the right with an AJAX call?)
is this possible?
Any help or idea is really welcome
You also can do a quick hack, which is quite flexible, because it allows you to change your views without changing code.
I have had a similar task recently and for your task I would do the following:
for your right column, create a exposed filter (node id) and hide whole exposed filter form using CSS.
using jQuery, attach a click behavior to titles on your left column.
the click behavior takes the node id, finds the attached exposed filter at the right column, enters the node id into the input field and executes form's .submit().
the .submit() triggers the build-into-views well debugged ajax request which refreshes your right column.
this is certainly possible, and not very difficult to do.
Your task can be divided into two main parts:
Providing a 'callback' URL in the Backend that takes a node id (nid) and returns the markup to display the node in the right panel in a format that can be processed by javascript. This will be done in PHP within a normal Drupal module. The main point is not to return a full Drupal page as usual, but only the markup for the node.
Create logic for the Frontend that, when triggered by clicking a link in the left panel, retrieves the new node markup via the URL callback above and replaces the content of the right panel with it. This needs to be done in javascript, using the Drupal javascript API with jQuery.
You can find an introduction and example for AJAX in Drupal here. (This does almost exactly what you want to do, only with images)
You should also look at this more general entry point for JavaScript in Drupal.
