Why do Code Line Numbers Not Show in Inspector? - firefox

Is there a way to get numbers to show for the lines in the Inspector pane? I know Chrome does this by default, but I can't see an option for this in v. 109.0 of Firefox.
Looked in settings to get numbers to show.

You're probably mixing up things here. Both browsers provide two views to the source of your page.
Live DOM view
In Firefox this is called the Inspector, Chrome's name for it is Elements.
Those are accessed by right-clicking a page and choosing Inspect from the context menu or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C, for example.
And those don't have an option to show line numbers, as far as I know. The reason for that is that those panels show the current DOM structure of a page and not the HTML source.
That means, they show a parsed and interpreted version of the HTML source including any changes made to the structure afterwards. So, if you add an element to the structure via JavaScript, for example, those view reflect that change.
And an author doesn't gain much by seeing line numbers on such a dynamic view because they don't really refer to anything.
The use case for this view is to see and manipulate the current state of the page's DOM (Document Object Model).
HTML source view
Besides the live DOM view of a page both browsers do have a way to view the initial unchanged HTML source of a page. And those views also do show line numbers.
In both browsers this feature is accessible e.g. via the option View Page Source in the page's context menu or by pressing Ctrl+U.
The use case for this view is to see the original source of a website as it was sent from the server or loaded locally.


Export Dropdown Selection in Kendo Editor to Word Document

I've been trying to get a selected dropdown option to appear in a Word Document on export.
The current default behavior is that all option tags appear in the exported document with no indication of which was selected. (This makes sense that this behavior would occur since the export function is simply exporting all the html as plain text).
So far, these are the approaches I've tried (none of which work):
-Capture the export event before it is sent to the controller via the javascript execute event (thus being able to strip out any unwanted text). The issue is the execute event and exportas event are asynchronous, so I can't modify the file before the export event call is executed.
-Modify the text on the controller side before it is converted to a Word document and downloaded (the text is sent through without special characters, which makes it nearly impossible to parse)
-Attempt to replace the dropdown with a kendo autocomplete widget (this would also be an acceptable solution). The widget does not render properly inside the document. All of the datasource options are there and even filters corretly, but it does not style correctly or open.
Has anyone else been able to find a solution to this problem or have another approach I could use?
As per requested, here is a screenshot of the base code:
My initial idea on how you could accomplish this:
1. Pull that select list out of your editor.
2. Bind an event handler to the change event of your list to add the value of your list into the editor. Are you using JQuery in your project? It's a dependency for Kendo so this ought to work:
$("#selectListId").on("change", function () {
$("#editor").val( $("#selectListId").val());
In reality though I'm guessing this approach will be used to populate some template of text with values selected by the user? In that case, you may want to save the template first before applying the value selected.
Now that you've identified you need that dropdown menu to be usable on the exported word document, attempt the following:
Create a new word document.
In that word document, open the Developer tab. (If you don't know about it, google how to enable it)
Insert a new Dropdown Menu Content Control using the Developer tab.
Select this content control, then open Properties menu item on Developer tab.
Update the content control with your values:
Save this word document.
Use the Kendo Editor Import to import this document containing your template.
Attempt exporting what was just imported.
If that works and the editor has editable dropdowns from that content control, I will be very surprised... Good luck!

Can I add navigation arrows to PDF output in SSRS / Report Builder 3.0?

Somebody pulled the most random question on me today and I realized I'd never even considered it. What they wanted was my PDF rendering of an SSRS report to come standard with navigation arrows, i.e., previous page, next page. This started me looking at all the options that are available, which are actually kind of cool, and I was able to add on a table of contents, including bookmarks for a new number (e.g., if you're printing 5 invoices with 2-5 pages each into one long document, those will have the invoice number and you can jump to the beginning of that invoice), but I couldn't see anything about navigation links. In fact, most of what I've seen says that PDF's only can have navigation maps, i.e., the table of contents tab. So if anyone has any ideas on how I can do this, that would be great. I know it can be added after-the-fact with something like Blubeam, but that's not practical in this case.
As I mentioned in comments you can create a bookmark in each page. A bookmark can be added using the component DocumentMapLabel property almost all SSRS Report Items (Tablix, Textbox, Charts, etc) have.
If you don't have a title or a textbox at the very top of each page, add an empty textbox, be sure place them at the top of the page in order to each bookmark jumps to the beginning of the corresponding page.
Select the first textbox and press F4 to see the extended properties window, look for DocumentMapLabel and type Page 1.
In each page set the textbox DocumentMapLabel property to the corresponding page number.
When the report is exported to PDF, your PDF client shows the bookmark menu, containing a bookmark for each page. If you click on a bookmark it jumps to the related page.
This is how it looks in Adobe Acrobar Reader:
Let me know if this helps.

Marionette Layout object to render tab content

I have a region in which I need to have a tabbed view (simple) however if I want the tab content to be differently layout - not sure how to achieve it. I can create different layout with multiple region and corresponding view, but how do I attach this to tab content, given that applyout can only be attached to region? Or can this be attached to one of the div of tab-content using $el?? Need some pointers.
Not sure I entirely understand your question.. But here goes.
I have implemented a navigation component where I can pass a tabsCollection and region. It will set up a region for the content and a list of tabs above it. When a tab is clicked it will fire the callback on the model in the tabsCollection which can be used to display what ever content you want.
There are more complex ways to handle this to allow for caching of a tabs content. But basically using a Backbone collection for the tabs with their own function for displaying content will do the trick.

Telerik RadComboBox RenderingMode Simple

We are using a Telerik Rad ComboBox to render a drop down. The issue is by default it renders a div and<ul><li> for the drop down list. We tried setting the RenderingMode to "Simple" BUT for some reason the RenderingMode property is not taking. We want the Simple property because it is SUPPOSED TO ouput:
instead it is still rendering
<ul> <li>.
On mobile devices we want the list to pop up the device's default select option viewer.
We found that there is a property for the ComboBox to set RenderingMode="Simple", HOWEVER, it does not seem to be switching out our RadComboBox to elements, it is keeping the default. I checked the HTML output in Firebug and nothing has changed. The RadComboBox is inside a RadGrid that is triggered when "Add new record" selected.
Any reasons why setting the RenderingMode to Simple doesn't work???
I see it rendering the select in Firebug and the style is pushed way left -9999 and the position if fixed, I overwrote the CSS so that those came into view BUT the values are not taking or inputting into our RadGrid when we click save. It does not seem the items have the same values.
Image 1. Even though we have RenderingMode="Simple" it still creates the 'ul li' version.
Image 2. It creates the HTML but according to the documentation the 'ul li' is supposed to be gone and the droplist is supposed to show up in place of it. Instead, as you can see in Firebug, it inputs BOTH.
Image 3. Shows both input types when I take the -9999px or the position fixed from the CSS can see both actually are rendered on the page
Image 4. Is the Code example. Very simple .Net using the RadComboBox with the RenderingMode specified but not working correctly.

SL3 dataform validation indicators don't show in tab pages

I have a Prism/SL3 application with a tab control and each page of the tab control is a "Region" that has its own view and viewModel. when I want to validate the main page, I call dataForm.ValidateItem(), then I go to all the child views and do the same. the problem is, only the pages which user has clicked on them (on the tab page), get instantiated and the pages that are never shown, don't have their view instantiated, thus I can't validate them.
any help?
I created a psuedo work around for this. It's very hacky, but it does work. My example involved walking the visual tree (up and down) to find respective controls that are invalid and then "expanding" the selected item. I have used an accordian in my example, but have also tested this with tab:
EDIT: Link updated.
