How to select dynamic value drop down which loads during run time - drop-down-menu

enter image description hereI am not able to select the dynamic value of the drop down which loads during run time. I tried using Sendkeys to select the values of the drop down however the index position changes when user selects the value.
The UL tags comes and goes off when user clicks on the menu to select value.
I have attached the DOM and drop down details as part the ticket.Ineed to select values in firefox and chrome browsers and able to perform search accordingly.
Also, please find the locator which i have identified for the same.

Try the below one
var ele= element(by.cssContainingText('your locator here', 'Text of the option you want to select'));
For mor info refer


Click on variation image must change the variant value in drop down shopify

In shopify, I want when image is selected, its corresponding selected variant value must appear in the select box. However, vice-versa is happening i.e. when value is selected from select box, it scrolls to that image.
Here is the link:
Anyone please help me to get the desired results.

Drop down in UFT

I am trying to select values from a drop down in my application. Drop down is getting identified as WebEdit in UFT.
Here is the line of code:
Browser().page().WebEdit("html tag:=INPUT","name:=WebEdit").Set "Add Document"
Add Document is a value in dropdown. Apart from "Add document" value, there are more values in drop down. please suggest how can i select those values one by one.
it should be WebList Object in Web application if it's a Dropdown.
I guess it's a Text Box Only in which if you click, multiple suggestion come like MakeMyTrip .
if it's the case you can use two approach.
1) Browser().page().WebEdit("html tag:=INPUT","name:=WebEdit").Set "SomeValue"
2) Browser().page().WebEdit("html tag:=INPUT","name:=WebEdit").Set "Someval"
' Then There will be Multiple Sujjestions, Which are nothing but WebElement.
' just click that WebElement
You can use descriptive programming to select values.
That way UFT won't select it as textbox implicitly.
Let me know if you are still facing issues.
From my experience, I guess the drop down you mentioned should be a dynamic one, Meaning a drop down will appear when you type words in that WebEdit column.
If so, my suggestion is that you can write a function to locate object's location (i.e. x,y property), and simulate mouse click the object. Now the object has been activated and you can type words. Use SendKey method to type some keywords you want to select, and use SendKey to press Enter to select it.
It's an ugly solution but sometimes it helps...

Oracle APEX default value not working on cascaded items

I have a blank page with a static content region (Template = Form Region). I select a project via a select list (there is only one project, so it automatically selects it). I then have a key popup lov (a popup lov that displays the description not the returned number value) from which I select a person to be in this project. I am trying to get the form to display the person I selected and saved previously when the form launches for the first time (since the project is chosen due to there being one). This works when you refresh the page, but it doesn't work if you log out and log back into the form. I tried using the default value with a sql query. I tried using a dynamic action that fires when the project changes; but neither approaches work. I fiddled with all the settings, but couldn't get anything to work. Does anyone know how to accomplish this in Oracle APEX?
I even added a refresh of the cascading popup lov to the dynamic action. I can see the hidden input item showing my defaulted value, but the popup lov does not display it on screen. Is this an Oracle bug?
Also in Javascript from the console
$s("P51_LINE_MANAGER1", "7104");
sets the hidden value, but doesn't display on screen.
does however return 7104.

How to apply filter/specific criteria for browser UI component in Exact Synergy Enterprise?

I am creating a maintenance page where I want to select a task using browser UI component. What I want to do specifically is to filter and show only tasks that are not done yet. Can I implement this using browser UI component? Does Exact Synergy Enterprise offer other components for this functionality?
You should create your browser Repository Explorer and use it in browsefield UI component.
Go to System tab, process to Setup tab and under the Repository section click Explorer. Locate your Repository group, enter it, click Browsers tab next to Business components, Functional components, etc.
Click Add and provide Name, Caption, Caption suffix fields. Then write your SQL query in Query field. The structure is:
SELECT <column(s)> FROM <database table> WHERE <column(s)> IS NOT NULL ORDER BY <column>.
Leave the Column info field empty for now. Fill in the Result columns field with column name which will be used as a Browser component result.
Finally, add database table name in the Table list field. Click Save + Edit column info button. Edit column names from a list shown below Information section and fill in Header/Term ID field with title, describing your columns (this will be shown in Browser UI for the front-end user). Click Save and test your newly created browser. If something went wrong, repeat steps from the start. Most of the time problem could be wrongly filled Column info field.
Now go to your ASPX page and add browsername attribute to your browsefield UI component. Doing so will set the browserfield component to your newly created browser component. This is that you want to see in your maintenance page when setting up the browsefield UI component:
<ex:cardfield runat="server" id="cf" caption="Item" captionid="0">
<ex:browsefield runat="server" id="p" browsername="pbr" datasource="bc" />
Hope this gives you quick idea of what you need to do in order to adjust it to your situation with tasks.

Creating a Form in APEX to set Variables in a Query for an Interactive Report

I am a relative APEX noob.
I'm running APEX 4.0 against a 10gR2 database.
I've written a query that takes a few inputs (two date fields, for start and end, and a text field for further filtering) and created a dynamic report out of it that works when I pull the input variables (:START_DATE, :END_DATE, :OFFICE) out of it or replace them with static values.
I want to create a form on a page that submits those values to the dynamic report page for use in the query to filter the results the user sees when he or she hits the report.
I'm not having much luck finding a good step-by-step example of this. I created a blank page with two Date Pickers and a LOV select dropdown, but am unsure how to best translate those values into the dynamic report.
Can somebody point me at the right documentation for this?
The following was developed using Apex 4.1 but apart from some cosmetic changes the principles should be the same.
The data comes from the standard scott.emp schema.
This is page 1, the user can enter an empno and\or a hiredate.
When submit is pressed the following report on a different page is displayed:
How it works
On page 1 I have created the three items shown. The text items are called them P1_EMPNO, and P1_HIREDATE. The action for the button is "Submit Page"
Still on page 1, create a branch with the following values:
This branch navigates to page 2 (which is yet to be developed) and sets the values of items on page 2 with the values from page 1.
Create a new page, in this example this will be referred to page 2.
On page 2 create a new interactive report using the following query:
select e.*
from emp e
Next create two text items in the same region as the report and call these :P2_EMPNO and :P2_HIREDATE. I have found it useful to show these items during development so you can see that the correct values are being passed through to the page. You can always set them as hidden once you happy with the report.
Finally amend the query used by the interactive report to use the values supplied by page 1
Run the application.
You want to reference your page items in your query, which means you'll have to submit your page before your query will pick up the session state of them. What I do when I provide a small parameter form, is to put a button up there as well (i.e. labeled 'Query'), which does a submit.
In your report you can then reference your items. If for example you have 2 items P1_DATE_START and P1_DATE_END, your query could look like:
SELECT firstname, lastname, job
FROM employees
WHERE employment_start BETWEEN to_date(:P1_DATE_START) AND to_date(:P1_DATE_END);
