How does COM registration work in Windows - windows

I'm an application packager trying to make sense of how the COM registry keys (SelfReg) interrelate to the given .dll in Windows.
ProgID's, AppID's, TypeLibs, Extensions & Verbs are all tied around the CLSID right?
Do CLSID's always use Prog/App IDs or could you just have a file extension class?
Which bits are optional?
Some of it seems to be 'like a router' where there's the two interfaces (internal - .dll) and external (the extension etc).
How does this all fit? (The SDK documentation doesn't make sense to me)
I ask as this is all pivotal to application 'healing' with Windows Installer (which packagers are all 'big' on, but there's no nitty-gritty breakdowns since its a coder-thing really)
Am I safe in assuming that for what COM is registered, it must all link back to the CLSID and cannot be a 'dead-end'?
Verbs need extensions which need progid's...
What about the AppId's, TypeLibs and Interfaces? How do they interrelate?

The first thing to realise, is that COM dlls register themselves. They will put all the required entries into the correct places in the registry.
I think the answer to your central question about which bits are optional is probably that they are all optional for different types of objects. Automation objects require Prog/AppIDs if they are publicly creatable, but may not if they are only created internally, similarly a non- publicly creatable COM class can be listed.
Many COM objects that do not have automation interfaces (such as many of the COM classes microsoft uses internally in windows will not have any ProgId but will simply have an entry under their CLSID in HKCR\CLSID.
If I understand you correctly you are interested in this from a installer perspective. I would imagine that all you need do is ask the user to specify which dlls are selfregistering and then call
regsvr32 dllname.dll
exename.exe /Regserver
for a out of process server. If something goes wrong you just need to call the opposites.
regsvr32 /u dllname.dll
exename.exe /Unregserver
I hope that this answers your question.

I'd recommend the book Inside COM.
It wasn't the most up-to-date reference even during COM's heyday, but it explains the basics quite well, including all the registry goo. Plus, I bet you can get a used copy real cheap.
I know this isn't an answer, but remembering what the chapter about the registry looked like - a non-specific "how does it work" question will require a really, really long answer...

I used an answer cos the comments seem so limited. Not sure how SO will interpret this (maybe I'll be deemed mad for talking to myself?)
"how does it work" question will require a really, really long answer
Thanks - what I'm trying to acheive is an understanding of that without actually being a developer - this is because of the way packagers attempt to group the COM registry keys with the .dll (in the same component) so that application resiliency works.
This means 'trapping' the COM from the .dll's registration and associating it in the correct advertising tables (CLSID, AppID nauseum) to the component that holds the .dll. Sometimes this isn't easy to see and sometimes (I'm told) it can break the app from functioning. I'm told that the COM doesn't need to be complete (self-referential).
I'm still trying to get my head around it all.
Of course, if the packager captures all the information but doesn't associate the COM info to the .dll, the regkeys are still written at install-time, just the MSI doesn't baby-sit the application if things go wrong (which is almost never)


What is a compressed GUID and why is it used?

I know that in Windows, the GUID is used by the Windows Installer to check for already installed products under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ and other product-relevant information is stored using the compressed GUID in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\.
Yet a google search to figure out what the compressed GUID actually is and why both forms are being used for saving product-specific data in the registry database only revealed algorithms for converting from one form to another.
Apparently, the compressed GUID is calculated from merely changing the order of the characters in a specific way, giving me more confusion about why this is the compressed form and why it is used this way.
Additionally, some sources appear to refer to the GUID as the product code of the software product, and others specifically use the term product code as a synonym for the compressed GUID.
I do not have much knowledge of the inner workings of Windows and its installers, but hope that someone can enlighten me with the information I was unable to find. I apologize in advance for my mediocre English.
Not sure what you are doing, or why this is a problem for your scenario. However, the GUIDs you mention - the rearranged GUIDs with the braces and dashes removed - are actually referred to as Packed GUIDs. Then there are also Compressed GUIDs that are just 23 characters long that are primarily used to create Darwin descriptors - which are combinations of the product code GUID, a feature name, and a component code GUID. They are used for MSI's advertisement features. This is according to Bob Baker's book "Getting Started with InstallShield Developer and Windows Installer Setups".
As far as I recall the packed GUIDs are apparently used to make registry searches more efficient. I am unfamiliar with the exact technical details involved. Perhaps Bob or Rob of WiX can elaborate.
I have to run, not really an answer, I will look at it again later. Please elaborate your question with more details on what the problem actually is. As a summary it seems the collective comments suggest that this GUID concept is due to registry space saving, searching efficiency and obfuscation.
My advice (if I understand correctly): do not attempt to read packed or compressed GUIDs from the registry directly - rather go via the MSI API (COM / Win32) - which should have the features you need to do almost anything with MSI.
Some Links:
MSIEXEC -Embedding
MSI API Links (quite similar links):
Is MsiOpenProduct the correct way to read properties from an installed product?
Wix upgrade goes into maintenance mode and never does upgrade
how to find out which products are installed - newer product are already installed MSI windows
Is there an alternative to GUID when using msiexec to uninstall an application?
The packed guid is reportedly used to save space in the registry. It is used for component Ids, so once you start getting a million components on the system I assume they were worried about the extra space usage. It's also possible it was used to prevent people trawling the registry to look for Windows Installer items instead of using the APIs. It's an undocumented implementation detail, and if too many people got into habit of using the registry instead of using the APIs there would be issues if that implementation changed. So treat this as interesting information, not something to use in an application.
Darwin Descriptors are different - they are just an encoding of product code, component id, and feature name. They occur in various places where that combination of data is useful for loading COM servers, starting programs etc. Again, it's undocumented, but if you wanted to untangle them you could LoadLibrary on msi.dll and find and call MsiDecomposeDescriptorW with the right parameters.

Delphi: How to get Application.MainForm if the Application is nil (in dll)

I need the main form of the application to perform ClientToParent() and unsuccessful because I'm in a dll and the Application variable is nil. I appreciate anybody's help.
You can't do anything with a form reference across a module boundary. The host application, even assuming it is a Delphi application, has a different instance of the VCL. So you cannot use a TForm instance from the app in the DLL. You could do so if you were using packages.
You could perhaps enumerate top level windows and find the one in your process. That could work but is messy.
Far better would be to expose functionality to allow the host to provide such services. When the host loaded your DLL it would supply an interface which provided the necessary services. It could convert the coordinates as you need, and perhaps offer other services.
One thing I would query though is that you intend to call ClientToParent. This suggests that you have client/parent relationships between controls in different modules. That is only viable if you are using packages. I do wonder whether you are fully aware of the restrictions relating to VCL usage across modules.

Embed and execute native code from memory

I want to do these two things with my application (Windows only):
Allow user to insert (with a tool) a native code into my application before starting it.
Run this user-inserted code straight from memory during runtime.
Ideally, it would have to be easy for user to specify this code.
I have two ideas how to do this that I'm considering right now:
User would embed a native dll into application's resources. Application would load this dll straight from memory using techniques from this article.
Somehow copy assembly code of .dll method specified by user into my application resources, and execute this code from heap as described in this article.
Are there any better options to do this? If not, any thoughts on what might cause problems in those solutions?
I specifically do not want to use LoadLibrary* calls as they require dll file to be already on hard drive which I'm trying to avoid. I'm also trying to make dissasembling harder.
Some more details:
Application code is under my control and is native. I simply want to provide user with a way to embed his own customized functions after my application is compiled and deployed.
User code can have arbitrary restrictions placed on it by me, it is not a problem.
The aim is to allow third parties to statically link code into a native application.
The obvious way to do this is to supply the third parties with the application's object files and a linker. This could be wrapped up in a tool to make it easy to use.
As ever, the devil is in the detail. In addition to object files, applications contain manifests, resources, etc. You need to find a linker that you are entitled to distribute. You need to use a compiler that is compatible with said linker. And so on. But this is certainly feasible, and likely to be more reliable than trying to roll your own solution.
Your option 2 is pretty much intractable in my view. For small amounts of self-contained code it's viable. For any serious amount of code you cannot realistically hope for success without re-inventing the wheel that is your option 1.
For example, real code is going to link to Win32 functions, and how are you going to resolve those? You'd have to invent something just like a PE import table. So, why do so when DLLs already exist. If you invented your own PE-like file format for this code, how would anyone generate it? All the standard tools are in the business of making PE format DLLs.
As for option 1, loading a DLL from memory is not supported. So you have to do all the work that the loader would do for you if it were loading from file. So, if you want to load a DLL that is not present on the disk, then option 1 is your only choice.
Any half competent hacker will readily pull the DLL from the executing process though so don't kid yourself that running DLLs from memory will somehow protect your code from inspection.
This is something called "application virtualization", there are 3rd party tools for that, check them on google.
In a simple case, you may just load "DLL" into memory, apply relocs, setup imports and call entry point.

Substituting a dll, to monitor dll usage

Let's say i have a console application that writes to a file. If I understand correctly, C++ uses some dll, to create and write to the file.
Is it possible, to create a dll with the same name, having the same function signatures, and forward these calls to the real api? The application would not see any change, and it would be possible to notify, or restrict certain calls.
My worry is - is there any security signature that the applications check in a dll?
Would there be any conflicts with the libary names?
You don't need to create a new DLL to replace the original, nor should you. That would have global repercussions on the entre OS. What you should do instead is have your app use Detours to hook the particular DLL functions you are interested in. That way, you are not modifying any DLLs at all, and the OS can do its normal work, while still allowing your custom code to run and deciding whether to call the original DLL functions or not.
yes, entirely possible you can already figure out what the function signatures are and re-implement them (heh, Google already did this with Java JRE :) )
The problem you have is loading a different dll with the same name, though its entirely possible you can do this explicitly with a fixed directory. you can load the dll and then hook up all its functions.
At least that's what I think will happen - having 2 dlls of the same name in the same process might be troublesome (but I think, different path, all's ok).
Security generally isn't done when loading dlls, however MS does this with some .NET assemblies, but the cost is that it takes a long time to load them as there's a significant delay caused by the decryption required to secure the dll. this is why a lot of .NET applications (especially those that use dlls installed in the GAC) are perceived as slow to start - there can be a significant amount of security checking occurring.
I think, generally, if someone has enough access to your computer to install a dll, he could do a lot worse. A skilled hacker woudl just replace the original dll with a new one that does all of the above - and then you wouldn't be able to see a new, rogue dll lying around your system.
If you are security-conscious and worried about this kind of think, the correct way to resolve it is with an intrusion-detection system like AIDE. This scans your computer and builds a database of all the files present, with a secure hash of each. You then re-scan at regular intervals and compare the results with the original DB: any changes will be obvious and can be flagged for investigation or ignored as legitimate changes. Many Linux servers do this regularly as part of their security hardening. For more info, go to ServerFault.

Using MFC in Windows service?

I'm starting to develop a Windows service. I want to use some classes from my own, that has little dependencies to some MFC classes like CString, CSocket, CArchive, CMemFile and CObject. MSDN says you need to be very careful about which pieces of MFC you use in the Windows service, but don't specifies it and don't describes the problems that can occur.
My questions are:
what pieces of MFC can be used?
what problems can I expect, by using MFC?
which parts of Windows service are critical for MFC use?
is it advisable to use ATL instead of MFC for Windows service?
I'm not sure what they mean in teh MSDN article. As long as you don't use any of the GUI functionality you'll be fine - but that's a general design issue when developing services.
That being said, ATL has functionality specifically designed for building services IIRC so you may be better off using that.
To answer your questions (to the best of my knowledge):
1) the ones you specify are no problem.
2) I guess they mean synchronization issues with UI components. As long as you don't use any CWnd-derived classes you'll be fine.
3) don't understand the question.
4) See before, plus ATL is more lightweight so you'll have to distribute less, and provides build-in functionality that'll make it less of a pain to develop the service. See e.g. CAtlServiceModuleT. You'll still be able to mostly use your own classes, as CString is shared between MFC and ATL nowadays and ATL has classes for socket programming and memory file mapping itself. It doesn't have an equivalent for CArchive, and I'm not sure what functionality you use in CObject so I can't say whether there's an equivalent in ATL. So to conclude, I'd say 'yes' to this question.
(I know this answer is a bit late and this question was already answered but MFC in services is a sore spot for me...)
CSockets, far as I recall, require a Window. It makes an invisible one in the background. I found out this the hard way when I tried include some pre-exisiting MFC code into a windows service. Maybe this was only required if you accepted socket connection - I can't recall? But it did not work! (How exactly I wasted so much time doing this w/o realizing this limitation is a long story)
CObject? If you need the runtime class id stuff use RTTI (dynamic_cast, etc...)
CString, I like CString, I know it's shared with ATL now, not sure if you pull it in w/o MFC or ATL included... You could use std::string. Also, I recall someone created a derived std::string that provided the same methods as CString.
(EDIT: found the code - man!! that's a blast from the past...)
CArchive, CMemFile: do you really need these?
Anyway, as Roel said, ATL may be more helpful. I wouldn't use MFC in a server-side application (ever!) ATL? Maybe. If I needed COM, defiantly. No COM but for CAtlServiceModuleT, etc... maybe....
And another bad thing about MFC in services that I have just experienced while trying to turn a regular MFC-ATL app into a service: The use of AfxConnectionAdvise() is actually useless without a Window procedure. The threads in my service are just regular non message-pumping threads. I believe this is why I never get events fired from another COM server I have developed. That other COM server hangs on Fire_xxxEvent(), causing a big mess in the whole system.
