Embed and execute native code from memory - windows

I want to do these two things with my application (Windows only):
Allow user to insert (with a tool) a native code into my application before starting it.
Run this user-inserted code straight from memory during runtime.
Ideally, it would have to be easy for user to specify this code.
I have two ideas how to do this that I'm considering right now:
User would embed a native dll into application's resources. Application would load this dll straight from memory using techniques from this article.
Somehow copy assembly code of .dll method specified by user into my application resources, and execute this code from heap as described in this article.
Are there any better options to do this? If not, any thoughts on what might cause problems in those solutions?
I specifically do not want to use LoadLibrary* calls as they require dll file to be already on hard drive which I'm trying to avoid. I'm also trying to make dissasembling harder.
Some more details:
Application code is under my control and is native. I simply want to provide user with a way to embed his own customized functions after my application is compiled and deployed.
User code can have arbitrary restrictions placed on it by me, it is not a problem.

The aim is to allow third parties to statically link code into a native application.
The obvious way to do this is to supply the third parties with the application's object files and a linker. This could be wrapped up in a tool to make it easy to use.
As ever, the devil is in the detail. In addition to object files, applications contain manifests, resources, etc. You need to find a linker that you are entitled to distribute. You need to use a compiler that is compatible with said linker. And so on. But this is certainly feasible, and likely to be more reliable than trying to roll your own solution.

Your option 2 is pretty much intractable in my view. For small amounts of self-contained code it's viable. For any serious amount of code you cannot realistically hope for success without re-inventing the wheel that is your option 1.
For example, real code is going to link to Win32 functions, and how are you going to resolve those? You'd have to invent something just like a PE import table. So, why do so when DLLs already exist. If you invented your own PE-like file format for this code, how would anyone generate it? All the standard tools are in the business of making PE format DLLs.
As for option 1, loading a DLL from memory is not supported. So you have to do all the work that the loader would do for you if it were loading from file. So, if you want to load a DLL that is not present on the disk, then option 1 is your only choice.
Any half competent hacker will readily pull the DLL from the executing process though so don't kid yourself that running DLLs from memory will somehow protect your code from inspection.

This is something called "application virtualization", there are 3rd party tools for that, check them on google.
In a simple case, you may just load "DLL" into memory, apply relocs, setup imports and call entry point.


How resource files in Windows work and why use them?

I'm getting frustrated at every tutorial/book using resource files but never explaining why they use them or how they work under the hood. I haven't been able to find any information whatsoever on this. I'm hoping someone could create a public answer for everyone to find later.
Some relevant information may include...
What is the rationale behind resource files?
Are they a feature or Windows or language compilers?
Why should you not just create a GUI via code only?
Are there situations where only a resource file can be used or only code can be used?
How do resource file entries get converted in to actual window's objects at runtime?
What exactly does the resource compiler do with the entries and what does the compiled format contain?
Is a difference in loading times created using resource files rather than code?
What's your recommendation on using resources or code?
Any additional information would be appreciated.
Traditionally in Windows development, resource files are embedded directly in the executable binary. I don't think this particular approach to resources is much used outside Windows, but Java has a cross-platform way of doing the same thing by storing resources in a compressed archive along with the executable bits. You can see the same thing in Android development, where resources are embedded in APK files. It's pretty common (except in Windows binaries) to use XML to specify resources.
Packing resources into an executable has the potential advantage of offering a "single-file solution"; the executable contains the application logic and the supporting resources all bundled into one file. This can be helpful in some situations, but it's pretty rare to find a substantial application that can be distributed as a single file. In any event, this method of packing resources goes back to the earliest days of Windows development; Microsoft probably drew on approaches that were common in other desktop micro platforms of that time, all of which, I guess, are now long dead.
Resources allow certain things -- typically user interface elements - to be specified declaratively, rather than in code. A nice feature is to allow these declarative elements to be locale-dependent. So, for example, we can specify a main menu for English, one for French, and so on, and have the proper one picked at run-time.
It's easier to have graphical design tools write and edit declarative resource files than code, although it's not impossible to have them output code directly. In any event, it's usually considered "nicer" to have user interface elements separated from application logic. With careful design, the user interface bits and other resources can be edited after the application itself is finalized, and can be maintained separately.
Classical Windows resources are compiled by a resource compiler into a packed binary format, poked in that format into object (.obj, .o) files, and then linked into the executable by the linker. I suspect that with modern development tools, all that stuff is completely hidden, and you just see the final executable. The Windows APIs know how to unpack resources from the executable, and turn them into programmatic representations -- not code, as such, but data in memory that can be used by other API calls.
In my experience, Windows (binary) resources don't have any significant overhead over explicit coding, although processing an XML-based resource can be a bit slower.
Coding a user interface usually offers more flexibility than using resources; it's not uncommon to see both approaches used in the same application.

Windows: How to intercept Win32 disk I/O API

On Windows, all disk I/O ultimately happens via Win32 API calls like CreateFile, SetFilePointer, etc.
Now, is it possible to intercept these disk I/O Win32 calls and hook in your own code, at run time, for all dynamically-linked Windows applications? That is, applications that get their CreateFile functionality via a Windows DLL instead of a static, C library.
Some constraints that I have are:
No source code: I won't have the source code for the processes I'd like to intercept.
Thread safety: My hook code may dynamically allocate its own memory. Further, because this memory is going to be shared with multiple intercepted processes (and their threads), I'd like to be able to serialize access to it.
Conditional delegation and overriding : In my hook code, I would like to be able to decide whether to delegate to the original Win32 API functionality, or to use my own functionality, or both. (Much like the optional invocation of the super class method in the overriding method of the subclass in C++ or Java.)
Regular user-space code: I want to be able to accomplish the above without having to write any device-driver, mainly due to the complexity involved in writing one.
If this is possible, I'd appreciate some pointers. Source code is not necessary, but is always welcome!
You may want to look into mhook if Detours isn't what you want.
Here are a couple of problems you may run into while working with hooks:
ASLR can prevent injected code from intercepting the intended calls.
If your hooks are global (using AppInit_DLLs for example), only Kernel32.dll and User32.dll are available when your DLL is loaded. If you want to target functions outside of those modules, you'll need to manually make sure they're available.
I suggest you start with Microsoft Detours. It's free edition also exists and its rather powerful stable as well. For injections you will have to find which injection method will work for your applications in target. Not sure whether you need to code those on your own or not, but a simple tool like "Extreme Injector" would serve you well for testing your approaches. And you definitely do not need any kernel-land drivers to be developed for such a simple task, in my opinion at least. In order to get the full help of me and others, I'd like to see your approach first or list more constraints to the problem at hand or where have you started so far, but had problems. This narrows down a lot chit-chats and can save your time as well.
Now, if you are not familiar with Detours from Microsoft (MSFT) please go ahead and download it from the following link: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/detours/ once you download it. You are required to compile it yourself. It's very straightforward and it comes with a compiled HTML help file and samples. So far your profiles falls under IAT (Import Address Table) and EAT (Export Address Table).
I hope this non-snippet answer helps you a little bit in your approach to the solution, and if you get stuck come back again and ask. Best of luck!

Substituting a dll, to monitor dll usage

Let's say i have a console application that writes to a file. If I understand correctly, C++ uses some dll, to create and write to the file.
Is it possible, to create a dll with the same name, having the same function signatures, and forward these calls to the real api? The application would not see any change, and it would be possible to notify, or restrict certain calls.
My worry is - is there any security signature that the applications check in a dll?
Would there be any conflicts with the libary names?
You don't need to create a new DLL to replace the original, nor should you. That would have global repercussions on the entre OS. What you should do instead is have your app use Detours to hook the particular DLL functions you are interested in. That way, you are not modifying any DLLs at all, and the OS can do its normal work, while still allowing your custom code to run and deciding whether to call the original DLL functions or not.
yes, entirely possible you can already figure out what the function signatures are and re-implement them (heh, Google already did this with Java JRE :) )
The problem you have is loading a different dll with the same name, though its entirely possible you can do this explicitly with a fixed directory. you can load the dll and then hook up all its functions.
At least that's what I think will happen - having 2 dlls of the same name in the same process might be troublesome (but I think, different path, all's ok).
Security generally isn't done when loading dlls, however MS does this with some .NET assemblies, but the cost is that it takes a long time to load them as there's a significant delay caused by the decryption required to secure the dll. this is why a lot of .NET applications (especially those that use dlls installed in the GAC) are perceived as slow to start - there can be a significant amount of security checking occurring.
I think, generally, if someone has enough access to your computer to install a dll, he could do a lot worse. A skilled hacker woudl just replace the original dll with a new one that does all of the above - and then you wouldn't be able to see a new, rogue dll lying around your system.
If you are security-conscious and worried about this kind of think, the correct way to resolve it is with an intrusion-detection system like AIDE. This scans your computer and builds a database of all the files present, with a secure hash of each. You then re-scan at regular intervals and compare the results with the original DB: any changes will be obvious and can be flagged for investigation or ignored as legitimate changes. Many Linux servers do this regularly as part of their security hardening. For more info, go to ServerFault.

Is creating a memory dump at customer environment good?

I am facing a severe problem with my program, which gets reproduced only in the customer place. Putting logs, are not helping as I doubt the failure is happening in a third party dll. For some reasons, I couldn't get help from the library provider. I am thinking of producing a dump at the point of failure, so that to analyze it offline. Is this a recommended practice? Or any alternatives?
Yes, this is something that every program should have and utilize as often as possible.
I suggest that you don't use third party libraries. Create your own dumps instead. It's very simple and straight forward. You basically need to do the following:
Your program needs to access dbghelp.dll. It's a windows dll that allows you to create human readable call stacks etc. The debugger uses this dll to display data in your process. It also handles post mortem debugging, i.e. dumps of some sort. This dll can safely be distributed with your software. I suggest that you download and install Debugging Tools for Windows. This will give you access to all sorts of tools and the best tool WinDbg.exe and the latest dbghelp.dll is also in that distribution.
In dbghelp.dll you call e.g. MiniDumpWriteDump(), which will create the dump file and that's more or less it. You're done. As soon as you have that file in your hands, you can start using it. Either in the Visual Studio Debugger, which probably even might be associated with the .dmp file extension, or in WinDbg.
Now, there are a few things to think of while you're at it. When checking dump files like this, you need to generate .pdb files when you compile and link your executable. Otherwise there's no chance of mapping the dump data to human readable data, e.g. to get good callstacks and values of variables etc. This also means that you have to save these .pdb files. You need to be able to match them exactly against that very release. Since the dump files are date stamped with the date stamp of the executable, the debugger needs the exact pdb files. It doesn't matter if your code hasn't changed a single bit, if the .pdb files belong to another compilation session, you're toast.
I encourage every windows win32 developer to check out Oleg Starodumov's site DebugInfo.com. It contains a lot of samples and tutorials and how you can configure and tune your dump file generation. There are of course a myriad of ways to exclude certain data, create your custom debug message to attach to the dump etc.
Keep in mind that minidumps will contain very limited information about the application state at exception time. The trade off is a small file (around 50-100 kB depending on your settings). But if you want, you can create a full dump, which will contain the state of the whole application, i.e. globals and even kernel objects. These files can be HUGE and should only be used at extreme cases.
If there are legal aspects, just make sure your customers are aware of what you're doing. I bet you already have some contract where you aren't supposed to reveal business secrets or other legal aspects. If customers complain, convince them how important it is to find bugs and that this will improve the quality of the software drastically. More or less higher quality at the cost of nothing. If it doesn't cost them anything, that's also a good argument :)
Finally, here's another great site if you want to read up more on crash dump analysis: dumpanalysis.org
Hope this helps. Please comment if you want me to explain more.
Cheers !
Just wanted to add that MiniDumpWriteDump() requires that you have a pointer to a MINIDUMP-EXCEPTION-INFORMATION (with underscores) struct. But the GetExceptionInformation() macro provides this for you at time of exception in your exception handler (structured exception handling or SEH):
__try {
__except (YourHandlerFunction(GetExceptionInformation())) {
YourHandlerFunction() will be the one taking care of generating the minidump (or some other function down the call chain). Also, if you have custom errors in your program, e.g. something happens that should not happen but technically is not an exception, you can use RaiseException() to create your own.
GetExceptionInformation() can only be used in this context and nowhere else during program execution.
Crash dumps are a pretty common troubleshooting method and can be very effective, especially for problems that only reproduce at the customer's site.
Just make sure the customer/client understands what you're doing and that you have permission. It's possible that a crash dump can have sensitive information that a customer may not want (or be permitted) to let walk out the door or over the wire.
Better than that there are libraries that will upload crash data back you.
BugDump and BugSplat
And there's the Microsoft way:
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, nor do I pretend to be one, this is not legal advice.
The data you can include in logs and crash dumps also depend on what domain you are working in. For example, medical equipment and patient information systems often contain sensitive data about patients that should not be visible to unauthorized persons.
The HIPAA Privacy Rule regulates
the use and disclosure of certain
information held by "covered entities"
(...) It establishes regulations for
the use and disclosure of Protected
Health Information (PHI). PHI is any
information held by a covered entity
which concerns health status,
provision of health care, or payment
for health care that can be linked to
an individual.[10] This is interpreted
rather broadly and includes any part
of an individual's medical record or
payment history. --Wikipedia
It should not be possible to link health information to an individual. The crash dumps and logs should be anonymized and stripped of any sensitive information, or not sent at all.
Maybe this does not apply to your specific case, so this is more of a general note. I think it applies to other domains that handle sensitive information, such as military and financial, and so on.
Basically the easiest way to produce a dumpfile is by using adplus. You don't need to change your code.
Adplus is part of the debugging tools for windows, as mentioned in the article above.
Adplus is basically a huge vbscript automation of windbg.
What you have to do to use adplus:
Download and install Debugging tools for windows to c:\debuggers
start your application
open a commandline and navigate to c:\debuggers
run this line "adplus -crash your_exe.exe"
reproduce the crash
you'll get a minidump with all the information you need.
you can open the crash dump in your favorite debugger.
within windbg, the command "analyze -v" helped me in at least 40% of all the crashes that only happened at customer site and were not reproducible in house.

Best way to inject functionality into a binary

What would be the best way of inserting functionality into a binary application (3d party, closed source).
The target application is on OSX and seems to have been compiled using gcc 3+. I can see the listing of functions implemented in the binary and have debugged and isolated one particular function which I would like to remotely call.
Specifically, I would like to call this function - let's call it void zoomByFactor(x,y) - when I receive certain data from a complex HIDevice.
I can easily modify or inject instructions into the binary file itself (ie. the patching does not need to occur only in RAM).
What would you recommend as a way of "nicely" doing this?
I do indeed need to entire application. So I can't ditch it and use a library. (For those who need an ethical explanation: this is a proprietary piece of CAD software whose company website hasn't been updated since 2006. I have paid for this product (quite a lot of money for what it is, really) and have project data which I can not easily migrate away from it. The product suits me just fine as it is, but I want to use a new HID which I recently got. I've examined the internals of the application, and I'm fairly confident that I can call the correct function with the relevant data and get it to work properly).
Here's what I've done so far, and it is quite gheto.
I've already modified parts of the application through this process:
xxd -g 0 binary > binary.hex
cat binary.hex | awk 'substitute work' > modified.hex
xxd -r modified.hex > newbinary
chmod 777 newbinary
I'm doing this kind of jumping through hoops because the binary is almost 100 megs large.
The jist of what I'm thinking is that I'd jmp somewhere in the main application loop, launch a thread, and return to the main function.
Now, the questions are: where can I insert the new code? do I need to modify symbol tables? alternatively, how could I make a dylib load automatically so that the only "hacking" I need to do is inserting a call to a normally loaded dylib into the main function?
For those interested in what I've ended up doing, here's a summary:
I've looked at several possibilities. They fall into runtime patching, and static binary file patching.
As far as file patching is concerned, I essentially tried two approaches:
modifying the assembly in the code
segments (__TEXT) of the binary.
modifying the load commands in the
mach header.
The first method requires there to be free space, or methods you can overwrite. It also suffers from extremely poor maintainability. Any new binaries will require hand patching them once again, especially if their source code has even slightly changed.
The second method was to try and add a LC_ LOAD_ DYLIB entry into the mach header. There aren't many mach-o editors out there, so it's hairy, but I actually modified the structures so that my entry was visible by otool -l. However, this didn't actually work as there was a dyld: bad external relocation length at runtime. I'm assuming I need to muck around with import tables etc. And this is way too much effort to get right without an editor.
Second path was to inject code at runtime. There isn't much out there to do this. Even for apps you have control over (ie. a child application you launch). Maybe there's a way to fork() and get the initialization process launched, but I never go that.
There is SIMBL, but this requires your app to be Cocoa because SIMBL will pose as a system wide InputManager and selectively load bundles. I dismissed this because my app was not Cocoa, and besides, I dislike system wide stuff.
Next up was mach_ inject and the mach_star project. There is also a newer project called
PlugSuit hosted at google which seems to be nothing more than a thin wrapper around mach_inject.
Mach_inject provides an API to do what the name implies. I did find a problem in the code though. On 10.5.4, the mmap method in the mach_inject.c file requires there to be a MAP_ SHARED or'd with the MAP_READ or else the mmap will fail.
Aside from that, the whole thing actually works as advertised. I ended up using mach_ inject_ bundle to do what I had intended to do with the static addition of a DYLIB to the mach header: namely launching a new thread on module init that does its dirty business.
Anyways, I've made this a wiki. Feel free to add, correct or update information. There's practically no information available on this kind of work on OSX. The more info, the better.
In MacOS X releases prior to 10.5 you'd do this using an Input Manager extension. Input Manager was intended to handle things like input for non-roman languages, where the extension could popup a window to input the appropriate glyphs and then pass the completed text to the app. The application only needed to make sure it was Unicode-clean, and didn't have to worry about the exact details of every language and region.
Input Manager was wildly abused to patch all sorts of unrelated functionality into applications, and often destabilized the app. It was also becoming an attack vector for trojans, such as "Oompa-Loompa". MacOS 10.5 tightens restrictions on Input Managers: it won't run them in a process owned by root or wheel, nor in a process which has modified its uid. Most significantly, 10.5 won't load an Input Manager into a 64 bit process and has indicated that even 32 bit use is unsupported and will be removed in a future release.
So if you can live with the restrictions, an Input Manager can do what you want. Future MacOS releases will almost certainly introduce another (safer, more limited) way to do this, as the functionality really is needed for language input support.
I believe you could also use the DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES method.
This post is also related to what you were trying to do;
I recently took a stab at injection/overriding using the mach_star sources. I ended up writing a tutorial for it since documentation for this stuff is always so sketchy and often out of date.
Interesting problem. If I understand you correctly, you'd like to add the ability to remotely call functions in a running executable.
If you don't really need the whole application, you might be able to strip out the main function and turn it into a library file that you can link against. It'll be up to you to figure out how to make sure all the required initialization occurs.
Another approach could be to act like a virus. Inject a function that handles the remote calls, probably in another thread. You'll need to launch this thread by injecting some code into the main function, or wherever else is appropriate. Most likely you'll run into major issues with initialization, thread safety, and/or maintaining proper program state.
The best option, if its available, is to get the vendor of your application to expose a plugin API that lets you do this cleanly and reliably in a supported manner.
If you go with either hack-the-binary route, it'll be time consuming and brittle, but you'll learn a lot in the process.
On Windows, this is simple to do, is actually very widely done and is known as DLL/code injection.
There is a commercial SDK for OSX which allows doing this: Application Enhancer (free for non-commercial use).
