How to sort files by created date in Voyager Storage - laravel-5.6

As stated in the title...
How can I sort files by created date in Voyager Storage using Laravel?
Currently it is sorted by oldest files and newest last, but I want to make it so that newest files are shown first.
I have looked through the Voyager documentation but could not find anything useful.
I am using Laravel 5.6 and Voyager 1.1.

It seems you must look at the DataType model, browse.blade view template, and VoyagerBaseControlller.
Hope my answer could help.


laravel-voyager custom views for role

Laravel Version: 5.26.27
Voyager Version: 1.1.3
PHP Version: 7.2.1
Database Driver & Version: MySQL 5.6.38
I'm new to Voyager but have already managed to create tables, populate them and configure their access privileges for BREAD.
But I need one option to see in the posts the custom roles can view just himself post, I see one option
#foreach($dataTypeContent->where('author_id','=', Auth::user()->id) as $data)
But this code modifies all views because is in the view. I need some more generic in the model
Is this possible with Voyager or it calls for custom code?
Thanks in advance!
Your question is a little confusing to read, but it sounds like you're asking if it's possible to override Voyager views or add custom views and the answer is, yes you can.
They have a video here:
and written documentation here:
The short of it is, create a directory resources/views/vendor/voyager/slug-name where slug-name is the slug for the corresponding table view you want to override. Put an edit-add.blade.php file in that folder along with a browse.blade.php file. I would just copy Voyagers default view logic into those files and then modify them to suit your needs.

Laravel & Blade templating

I am new to laravel & blade templating also MVC.. I just want to know how to use ids on template file to fetch db values.. can anyone tell me? I can able to save values to db.. but how to get back on same template?
If you're a visual learner, I recommend Laracasts. They've got lots of free content to get you up and running with laravel in no time. They have paid content too. I recommend you visit this link to get the basics of laravel
First read the full docs from the Laravel. After read this
link . The crud is the best for this.:))

What's the right way to save HTML in Laravel using eloquent particularily?

Do I need to use HTML::entities(Input::get('description')); in laravel to save the htmlText gotten off CKEditor. or has anyone tried it out... thanks.
The idea is to preserve the formatting and retain the text to display on another page, alternatively is there any package in packagist that one can download to strip and work on html inputs...
Please Note :: i am currently using laravel 4.2, so if there are changes in higher versions how can i implement it here..
Add Controller File:
echo e(Input::get('description'));

How to make all Joomla users to be registered

I have moved all users from joomla 2.5.6 to version 3.3.6 via phpmyadmin
every thing is works fine,but the field user groups was empty, just I need to make all users registered.
Kindly check the screenshot.
I find a solution, via phpmyadmin
insert into _user_usergroup_map (user_id,group_id) select id,2 from _users;
Thank you
That's a legacy field from 1.5 and is a red herring, except it indicates that perhaps you had previously had a migration with some unnoticed problems. In 1.6 + users can be in multiple groups and so what matters is the mapping table, as in the linked answer from #lodder. If everything is working fine you probably already have good data in the mapping table.

need to save all the records at once to get url identifier in magento. Any efficient way or script available?

I have started work in magento last week, i have never worked before in magento. Recently i imported more than 8,000 records in it using csv file. Now i can see all that records in magento admin panel so it's done successfully.
Problem: But it is not displaying at frontend.
I found problem in url identifiers, to solve this problem i need to go in each record category and save it then url identifier showing and also displaying in frontend. So i have to do it for each record.
I think it will take more time and also i have to add 31,000 records more.
Do you have any suggestion to do it quickly? any efficient way available for me? can i use any script to save all record at once?
This question may have duplicate but it will pleasure if you give answer or suggestion to me.
Thank you.
Why don't you just re-index all your indexes ?
