Laravel & Blade templating - laravel

I am new to laravel & blade templating also MVC.. I just want to know how to use ids on template file to fetch db values.. can anyone tell me? I can able to save values to db.. but how to get back on same template?

If you're a visual learner, I recommend Laracasts. They've got lots of free content to get you up and running with laravel in no time. They have paid content too. I recommend you visit this link to get the basics of laravel

First read the full docs from the Laravel. After read this
link . The crud is the best for this.:))


How to Use Vuejs on Laravel blade

everyone, I want to make a dormitory management system with laravel and vuejs but I don't know how to display my data instead of "welcome.blade.php" file but instead of "blade" use vue component if someone knows this please help me how to do this. I use API route for this
thanks everyone
You don't use it instead of blade you mostly use it with or inside blade.
Use Vue like normally would just treat your blade template as your plain HTML.

How do i set up laravel as an backend api for nuxtjs

I've starterd working on a project based of a template i found on github. This template includes laravel, nuxtjs and vuetify. In this template laravel serves as a backend api for my nuxtjs project; Which is what i need.
The github repo:
But what i dont like about this template is that the package.json file is filled with dependencies of which i dont know what they do or even if i need them.
I want to make my own project with laravel and nuxt but i don't know how to make laravel an api or how to send data to this api.
If anyone could help me understand or provide me a source that would really be appreciated.
This course teaches that beautifully if you are willing to pay for a month (It's totally worth it!). Laravel Api/NUXT Frontend Course
Otherwise, you would build the laravel app as normal but don't use blade views. Then in NUXT send data using ajax requests. If you have any other questions let me know! I hope that helps!

Laravel blade #includeWhen(request()->is('/contact'),'partials.jumbotron') not working

I want to use jumbotron section only my contact file. That's why i write this directive and code working and no error.
Is above code format is right? if not
help me experts.
please remove / in request()->is('/contact')

How can i add First and Last page link in my laravel pagination

Right now i am using laravel 5.8 and i am using default pagination with the use of paginate() method for pagination.But i want First and Last page with this. So please help me if any buddy have demo code then please share in Answer section please.
To do this you first need to export the views.
Then you can modify them to add a link to $results->lastPage().

Customizing the paginator view in Laravel 5.2

I've been reading the docs and set up a basic app.
Every issue I've had before I've been able to solve by looking in the docs and occasionally using Google, however I can't figure this one out.
I'm using Laravel version 5.2.43 and the Paginator works fine.
I use it in my view like this,
But now I would like to customize the look of the paginator.
So I tried running this command
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination
In the hopes of simply being able to customize that view instead of creating a new one all over but that command didn't work, it just said
Nothing to publish for tag [laravel-pagination]
So, instead I did this.
{{ $data->links('folder.viewName') }}
But this command gives me this error,
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator::links() must be an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\Presenter, string given
So I'm not sure what's going on. The pagination works but I can't set the view myself.
Any thoughts on what's going on here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe you can't do this in Laravel 5.2 without "hacking" the framework. Fortunately, Laravel 5.3 is released this week and it features custom pagination views
Custom pagination in Laravel 5.3
So it turns out I've been reading the 5.3 documentation for Laravel all this time. Which explains a lot of things...
So when 5.3 comes out we can do
Until then, I've done it the manual way of using the instances inside the paginator object.
