Remove manifest permissions in Vista - windows-vista

I have been developing a C# windows form application in XP. It all works just fine. But in Vista it was not able to write the log or scoreboard file to the hard drive. I found out that I needed a manifest file to allow the popup to ask it to be run as admin.
This all worked well and I am very pleased. My problem is I do not know how to remove this permission so that I can repeat the test and change the situation slightly.
Does anyone know how I remove the permission the manifest file gave the EXE please as I do not get the do you want it to run as admin popup now.

The manifest doesn't give any specific permission to the module. The manifest is inserted as a resource in the module and is then. If you need to repeat the test - just open the file with a resource editor and delete and MANIFEST resources you can see.


Unauthorized access when I try to open the generated executable of a Windev project

I downloaded an executable generated from a Windev project, I put all the files associated with this executable in the correct locations. However, when I run the .exe file an 'unauthorized access' window still pops up.
Do you have an idea on the cause of such a problem or a solution for this case?
Thank you.
That normal if the app you downloaded need some administrator privileges to do some stuff , if you're the developer of the app you can turn off the alerts in the process of creating the exe, otherwise there's 'almost nothing' you can do to stop them

Windows 10 - Permission Difference Between CommonAppDataFolder and User's Application Data Folder

My application keeps failing with an access denied error when writing to a file in Windows 10. When the file is in C:\ProgramData\, it fails. As a test, I moved it to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ and the access denied error went away. I've also noticed that when right clicking on the file when its in ProgramData, I need administrative access to delete or rename the file. In AppData\Roaming, I do not. However, there doesn't appear to be any security differences between the two folders. I can't figure out why one works and the other doesn't, any help is appreciated.
Thank you.

Why does .MSI file open read-only?

I am attempting to open a .MSI installer package file to modify it. Whenever I try to open it, it opens in read-only mode. I see this with Orca, with InstEd, or when opening the file directly via code:
MSIDBOPEN_TRANSACT persistence modes).
The file itself does not have the read-only attribute set (in fact, has no attributes set)
I am using an account with Administrators group access
As far as I can tell, no other process has the file open
No installs are in progress or suspended
I can copy the file to another location, and open it read/write there. But the original, I cannot touch
Thanks in advance for your help.
My guess is that this is caused by one of the following factors:
Custom NTFS access rights - defined for the file in its security descriptor
The file might be "blocked" - marked with a special flag after being downloaded via Internet Explorer.
The resolution for the latter is to right click the file and select properties and click the unblock button at the bottom of the property page and pressing OK.
The resolution for custom NTFS rights are done in a similar way by going into the security
tab of the property page for the file, but it is easier just to copy and paste the file and use the fresh copy with the default security.
Found it.
#Glytzhkof, you almost had it but there's a detail I did not know about, and left out. This is a package that lies in a folder under "access protection" by my system's anti-virus program: a filesystem hook that blocks modification of critical system and AV files. Turn off access protection temporarily, and the file is wide open.
Fortunately, one of my teammates had some experience with this, and suggested I try it. Bingo.
Thanks, all.
What I have done to get it working was to create first a backup of the MSI file, and then open that backup. It worked for me
Try to close/kill processes that might interfere, for example:
Other running Install shield instances
Installshield updater
Installshield licensing service

Windows 7 - Can't update my program's files in C:\Program Files

I have an addin program that works with MS Word (version 2007). It is located in the C:\Program Files location. I installed Windows 7 and then went to make a routine change to my files in this location and it would only bring up a read only file. How can I grant myself permission to write to my own program? I cannot change this location or use any other workaround. I have this product out to 25 different companies and I can't change the programming to work from any other location. Thanks
You could also embed a manifest in your EXE that makes your program require adminrights on Windows 7 / Vista.
On Windows Vista, UAC means that users run without admin rights and don't have write access to the program files directories.
The correct solution is to write to a folder for which standard users do have write permissions.
The solution you are looking for is to make your app's folder within program files writeable to all users. You can do this by adding a DACL when installing. It is extremely bad practice to allow standard users to write inside the program files directory and I urge you instead to re-code your app so that it does not need to write there.
Assuming you're doing this as part of modifying the config (and not when your application is running for regular users)...
Your user account probably doesn't have the correct permissions to write/modify the file. Assuming your account is an administrator account, right-click the file, select "Properties". Click the "Security" tab. Click edit and give your user account Full Control.
If you can't do this, it's probably because the ownership of the file doesn't allow you. If this is the case, click on "Advanced", go to the "Owner" tab, and click "Edit".
However, if it needs these permissions when it's running, you should instead be using the %AppData% folder.

firefox extension don't have write permission on MAC OS X

I have a Firefox extension need to write to one files inside the extension's chrome folder, it works fine on windows and linux, but it give me 0x800520015 NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED error. it is very strange, I manually set the file to have write permission, it works fine then.
My question is where should I set something to tell MAC OS to give write permission to that file.
Which "chrome" folder (post the path)? If you're talking about application's chrome folder, it's a bad idea to write there; newer Windows will not let you do that either.
[edit] so if it's in the extension, you may have the wrong permissions set in your XPI file accidentally. You can change the permissions from your extension (see nsIFile.permissions) or create a proper ZIP while packaging. (Can you post the ZIP file to verify?)
Anyway, why do you want to write to extension's folder? It's usually a bad idea.
