Windows 10 - Permission Difference Between CommonAppDataFolder and User's Application Data Folder - windows

My application keeps failing with an access denied error when writing to a file in Windows 10. When the file is in C:\ProgramData\, it fails. As a test, I moved it to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ and the access denied error went away. I've also noticed that when right clicking on the file when its in ProgramData, I need administrative access to delete or rename the file. In AppData\Roaming, I do not. However, there doesn't appear to be any security differences between the two folders. I can't figure out why one works and the other doesn't, any help is appreciated.
Thank you.


Windows: XAMPP install folder ini file permission error, Access denied upon configuration save

After installing XAMPP to Windows 10 (all default/recommended installation attributes), I now have an issue changing its configuration after opening it.
Error: Cannot create file "C:\xampp\xampp-control.ini".
Access is denied
Clicking Save to a change in Configuration of Control Panel:
This "Configuration of Control Panel" box opens after clicking the "Config" button at the top right of the running XAMPP app:
I've tried a suggestion to run the XAMPP app with Administrator (elevated) access… but that seems like a major security issue, considering I don't know exactly what XAMPP would or could do with my files that require that permission, whether intended by the people who run XAMPP or not.
I've tried re-installing to another folder, like to C:\Users\Me, or a sub-folder like Documents or a custom one, but I just got different permissions issues that I struggled to figure out.
If you know a solution that worked for you, that avoided running XAMPP with Admin privileges, please let me know. I've gone through a handful of seemingly-related questions here but they seem to be related to MySQL/PHP questions and not Windows file system permissions.
I found a solution after noticing that the file already existed from apparently a past workaround I tried with running XAMPP as Admin... based on the permissions of the file being different than its parent folder. I discovered this by right-clicking the xampp folder or the xampp-control.ini file then selecting Properties and clicking the Security tab, then clicking into each attached user account's permissions.
So, my C:\xampp folder has these permissions: for Admin, basically full access; for my user account, Read, Execute, and Write.
The xampp-control.ini file has only Admin permissions; my user account is not attached to it.
Adding my user account to the xampp-control.ini file's Security, and adding Write permission then allowed XAMPP's config panel to save my changes.
Note that I typed my username into the "Enter the object names to select" box, then clicked Check Names; this auto-populated my username reference (?), though I'm not sure how it would work if it finds multiple results. Then I could click OK to get back to the Permissions box to add "Modify" and "Write" for it. I'm completely OK giving my user account permission to modify and write to this file through the XAMPP app.
Now, that fixes that file for that scenario; now I'm wondering if there will be other permissions issues with other files, because I noticed some other files (that I checked randomly) don't all share the same permissions for my user account!
Maybe I should have instead modified the xampp folder's permissions recursively to give my user account Write and/or Modify access (I'm not sure of the difference, Windows permissions seem far more complicated to understand and use than Linux's and Mac's do).
I think the file permissions were all set by XAMPP during install; I don't know yet that expanding permissions on certain files will not create new problems...
I found a solution after noticing that error, here is my solution
go to xampp installation folder on the c drive
Xampp Destination
then find xammp control panel.exe
Xampp Control Panel
then right click and go to properties(or press ALT+ENTER)
Click Properties
then go to compatibility and enable Run this program as an administrator
Compatibility tab
Your Problem is now fixed

.svn/lock file access denied

I have got a SVN Server. Which worker perfect untill this morning (Last commit 10:35:39). There was a file created at the hidden .svn folder which is named "lock" at that commit time.
After the file was created I cannot COMMIT, UPDATE, CLEAN-UP and tried to login as Server admin. When I right click the file and select properties, the Security tab shows I do not have access to see the information. It is not possible to set myself as file admin. I can not delete the file.
Other checkout directories which also use the same SVN server still work.
Anyone knows how to delete this file or fix this issue?
I had a similar access denied issue when trying to move a repo from another server. I was able to load the repo by making sure I was the Owner of the target files

IIS Express 8 - Cannot write configuration file

I am trying to use IIS Express 8 for a MVC site in VS2012. I am getting the following error whenever I attempt to create the site:
Error: Cannot write configuration file
Is there some way to force IIS Express to use a different location for the config & logs folders? I understand I can point to a different location when I am running iisexpress.exe from the command line, but I have no control over this when using Visual Studio.
Alternatively, has anyone got any suggestions why the error is happening? (Side note: My laptop is in a corporate environment which has some stupid encryption on the "Documents" folder, however I haven't had any problems with other software that saves to this location. I also have given the "Everyone" group full access to the folder.)
EDIT - After following the instructions at I still can't seem to get this working. I've tried the following:
Added HKCU\Software\Microsoft\IISExpress\CustomUserHome registry key pointing to my alternate directory
Added HKCU\Software\Microsoft\IISExpress\8.0\CustomUserHome registry key pointing to my alternate directory
Added HKLM\Software\Microsoft\IISExpress\CustomUserHome registry key pointing to my alternate directory
Added HKLM\Software\Microsoft\IISExpress\8.0\CustomUserHome registry key pointing to my alternate directory
Setting the %IIS_USER_HOME% environment variable pointing to my alternate directory.
Any other suggestions?
I had your same problem just now. Removing the encryption on the IISExpress folder and the "Read Only" attribute solved it. In my company Documents is also encrypted, but I don't think removing that encryption from IISExpress would be a problem of any sort.
Hope this helps.
I had a very similar error message caused by a completely different problem.
The Error:
C:\VS\TFS_Projects\SomeSolution\SomeProject\SomeProject.csproj : error : Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:55063/ failed with the error: Filename: \\?\C:\VS\TFS_Projects\SomeSolution.vs\config\applicationhost.config
Error: Cannot write configuration file due to insufficient permissions
More Details: I couldn't even open the project, as opening it would fail.
I could get prior changesets, and they would actually open fine, but if I got latest the projects couldn't be opened.
Solution: In my case, it turned out that when we changed TFS servers, someone had added the ".vs" folder to source control along with everything else. Under which, one developer had his applicationhost.config set up to run sites on a D:\ drive, while I had no such D:\ drive (well, it was a DVD drive.) I was able to get this working by finding a prior changeset with the un-altered applicationhost.config and replacing my local file. (I could have attempted to actually delete the folder, but I didn't go that route.)
Afterwards, we removed the ".vs" folder from source control.
(I put this solution here because it's where google landed me, so other people having this error message might find the above solutions don't fix it for them, and thus they might be having this problem.)
I'm also in a corporate environment with Encryption on the users folder, and removing encryption and removing the read only flags on everything in the IISExpress folder worked for me.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10 and to fix this problem I had to disable the OneDrive setting "Save space and download files as you use them". After changing the setting my computer crashed but after rebooting I was then able to change SSL Enabled and everything worked.
For anyone googling this; this might be the same problem as this:
You can check it by downloading Prcocess Monitor and run it with a filter for "Path" contains "\Documents\IISExpress\config" and then try to change the project to use IIS Express. If there is a CreateFile entry with the result 0xC0190052 as one of the last entries then this is the same issue.
After struggling with this, and verifying encryption and read-only attributes, and having them not work, my solution ended up being:
Navigate to the folder containing the IISExpress folder (in my case, it was in my OneDrive, not Documents folder)
Right click on IISExpress folder > Security tab > Advanced button
Change Owner to yourself, even if it already is
Check the "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" box
This may not appear until you've completed the Change owner dialog
Open the IISExpress folder
Right click on config folder > Security tab > Advanced button
Add a user > Add principal
Change location to local machine (and not a domain)
Enter the name NETWORK SERVICE and "Check Names"
Press OK to get back to the Advance Security dialog
Make sure to check "Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object"
Worked in Windows 10 with IISExpress 10, for both VS 2013 and VS 2017.
Uncheck the read-only attribute from the file. It worked for me.
Adding the registry entry seemed to work, however, using environment variables in the registry entry did not. In my environment only our documents directory is redirected, so I simply wanted to move the IIS Express config directory up one level to the %USERPROFILE% directory. However, that did not work. IIS Express read the environment variable literally and of course failed to run.
I had the same issue before, running VisualStudio as Administrator (Run as Administrtor) resolved the issue.
I also had the problem and tried to fix it with setting the registry key in HKCU\Software\Microsoft which didn't work.
The error I made, was using HKCU because, since I do not have permissions to edit the registry under by normal account (which I use to run visual studio), I was using an administrative account. Then of course, HKCU was for that account.
So I just used HKEY_USERS\"my normal user's SID" instead and, when starting iisexpress.exe manually, it created its files at the location indicated. What still didn't work was using iisexpress from visual studio. It still seemed that VS didn't use the registry setting at all.
Finally I resorted in setting a non UNC path for Shell Folders\Personal and User Shell Folders\Personal in HKU\"my normal user's SID"\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ which did the trick.
I received the same error but in a different context. Opening a project (.csproj file) provided by another developer returned this error and failed to do anything:
Creating of the virtual directory http://localhost:58753/
failed with the error:
Filename: \?\C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\Clients\xxx\Gen
Error: Cannot write configuration file
I removed both Encryption and the R/O attribute from the directory containing the project files and applied to all subfolders and files. Visual Studio can now read the project.
In my case I moved the folder to another location, so I had to edit the applicationhost.config file and changed the virtualdirectory entry to the new location. Removing encryption and setting read only off did not help. I imagine if I had just copied it instead of moving it, it would have happily continued working.

Windows 7 file access permission question

I installed my application in Windows 7 and as part of the installation, it installs some text files. Now, if I open the text file in notepad and try to save it, I get an "Access denied" error. I'm logged in as administrator on the machine and the file is not marked read only and security permissions seem to be fine.
However, I could delete or rename the file without any problem and I could create a new file with the same name/location using notepad and the save works fine.
I understand it has something to do with UAC. I'm wondering what UAC does in order to block access to the file. Our application is not installed in Program files folder as I believe UAC restrict any changes to files in Program Files folder
Can anyone throw light on what is going on.
With UAC, just because you're logged in as a user with administrator privileges does not mean a program actually runs with them. The program has to either request privilege elevation (which gives the "Do you want to allow this program to _____" UAC pop-up) or explicitly be run as administrator (right-click on the program/shortcut and choose Run as Administrator).
By default most areas of the drive outside of the standard "user files" (a.k.a. My Documents & co.) are restricted to administrator-only access, but the folder permissions can be changed to add access for a particular user if desired.
You will find that saving files almost anywhere except the "my documents" area for the user will be restricted, this includes saving to other drives on the system etc.
If you check the permissions for the directory you are trying to write to, all you have to do is expressely give the user permission. Otherwise only the admins have permission, which requires UAC approval from the user to get the admin token.
You normally get "Access Denied" error when the file is in use. UAC could not be an issue here. Check out if the file is in use by anyother process.
You can use tools like Process Explorer from sysinternals to do that.
You have to right click the file and select properties. THen open the security tab and you can see different accounts with differet privelages. Click USERS and it should highlight. The box under it should have a bunch of check marks that indicate what this user can do. Click Full Control. Apply and Okay. Then you can save!!!

Remove manifest permissions in Vista

I have been developing a C# windows form application in XP. It all works just fine. But in Vista it was not able to write the log or scoreboard file to the hard drive. I found out that I needed a manifest file to allow the popup to ask it to be run as admin.
This all worked well and I am very pleased. My problem is I do not know how to remove this permission so that I can repeat the test and change the situation slightly.
Does anyone know how I remove the permission the manifest file gave the EXE please as I do not get the do you want it to run as admin popup now.
The manifest doesn't give any specific permission to the module. The manifest is inserted as a resource in the module and is then. If you need to repeat the test - just open the file with a resource editor and delete and MANIFEST resources you can see.
