Windows 7 - Can't update my program's files in C:\Program Files - windows

I have an addin program that works with MS Word (version 2007). It is located in the C:\Program Files location. I installed Windows 7 and then went to make a routine change to my files in this location and it would only bring up a read only file. How can I grant myself permission to write to my own program? I cannot change this location or use any other workaround. I have this product out to 25 different companies and I can't change the programming to work from any other location. Thanks

You could also embed a manifest in your EXE that makes your program require adminrights on Windows 7 / Vista.

On Windows Vista, UAC means that users run without admin rights and don't have write access to the program files directories.
The correct solution is to write to a folder for which standard users do have write permissions.
The solution you are looking for is to make your app's folder within program files writeable to all users. You can do this by adding a DACL when installing. It is extremely bad practice to allow standard users to write inside the program files directory and I urge you instead to re-code your app so that it does not need to write there.

Assuming you're doing this as part of modifying the config (and not when your application is running for regular users)...
Your user account probably doesn't have the correct permissions to write/modify the file. Assuming your account is an administrator account, right-click the file, select "Properties". Click the "Security" tab. Click edit and give your user account Full Control.
If you can't do this, it's probably because the ownership of the file doesn't allow you. If this is the case, click on "Advanced", go to the "Owner" tab, and click "Edit".
However, if it needs these permissions when it's running, you should instead be using the %AppData% folder.


Going over all user profiles during installation

I'm creating a Windows application that needs to add an entry to the Send-To explorer context menu, and needs to do so for all users. Since the Send-To folder is specific for each user, with no common folder for all users, I'm left with two choices:
I can go over all user profiles, as well as the default user profile, find the SendTo folder and add the shortcut to it. This will ensure the shortcut is deleted during uninstall.
Or, I can make sure the shortcut is in the SendTo folder each time a user logs in (by adding my application to the start-up folder of all users). This will make my life a lot easier during installation, but when the application is uninstalled, all those shortcuts will not be removed.
So either way, I need a way to find the SendTo folder of all users. I can scan HKEY_USERS and find the SendTo folder of each user (it might not be in the default location, the user can move it), but how do I find out the user profile's root folder? The registry has something like %USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming... for the SendTo folder. How can I figure out what %USERPROFILE% is for another user?
Easier approach: use the launch sequence of the exe itself to check whether the shortcut it present on launch, and create it if not.
Uninstall for all users is best handled using ActiveSetup which will run "something runnable" once for each user logging onto the machine. In your case a simple batch command could do the job.
If you do chose this uninstall approach, you must make sure that your msi installer checks for this uninstall key and deletes it on install - otherwise you have a delete operation scheduled for the shortcut the next time a user logs on.
Also keep in mind that each install should use a different entry in ActiveSetup to ensure that the shortcut creation is re-run for a user who has had it uninstalled already. This last part might be slightly incomprehensible before you read more about ActiveSetup:
You can create a custom action inside MSI, which will go through all user profiles and remove your shortcuts from SendTo folder. All users profile you can find, just scan all folders in %systemdrive%\Users folders in Windows7 (Vista), or Documents and Settings in Windows XP.
Or you can use ActiveSetup mechanism for this purpose, create some script (application) which remove your shortcut from SendTo folder, when user will log in to system next time.

C: drive access permission in windows 7

In matlab, I used a windows standalone application. There is a line in this application that writes a file in C:\...\...\. When I run the output exe file produced from this windows standalone application, the exe doesn't write in C:\...\...\ neither tells me that there is a security issues in that partition. All the execution does is nothing. But, when I right-click and run the exe as administrator, it runs correctly.
I want to do it without right-click and run as administrator. Are there is a command in matlab that can do that?
If you create a shortcut to your application, you can go to the Properties of the shortcut, click on Advanced in the Shortcut tab, and select "Run as administrator". That way, whenever you start the application from the shortcut it will be run as an administrator.
(Disclaimer: applications really shouldn't "foul their own nest" by writing into Program Files. This is bad design.)
Starting from Vista, unprivileged processes are not allowed to write to protected folders such as Program Files, because Program Files is designed to store code and not data. However, since this limitation has not been enforced in XP, MS has provided a backward-compatibility hack in the form of Virtual Store. Now, when a program tries to write to protected folder, its output is being redirected into a dedicated folder. This way, the program still "thinks" it writes to its usual location, while in fact it writes to an unprotected location. However, when you later check the Program Files location, you might not see the file - because it's not really there.
You can find more details here: User Account Control Data Redirection.
If you are administrator, add full control permission for your username to the destination folder. You do that by right clicking on the folder, going to properties and then security tab. Then edit and add you username with Full Control rights. Then you don;t have to run the the program as an administrator.
There is no way you can elevate a process once it is started, so Matlab cannot possibly have a command for that. Just running Matlab elevated.

Windows 7 file access permission question

I installed my application in Windows 7 and as part of the installation, it installs some text files. Now, if I open the text file in notepad and try to save it, I get an "Access denied" error. I'm logged in as administrator on the machine and the file is not marked read only and security permissions seem to be fine.
However, I could delete or rename the file without any problem and I could create a new file with the same name/location using notepad and the save works fine.
I understand it has something to do with UAC. I'm wondering what UAC does in order to block access to the file. Our application is not installed in Program files folder as I believe UAC restrict any changes to files in Program Files folder
Can anyone throw light on what is going on.
With UAC, just because you're logged in as a user with administrator privileges does not mean a program actually runs with them. The program has to either request privilege elevation (which gives the "Do you want to allow this program to _____" UAC pop-up) or explicitly be run as administrator (right-click on the program/shortcut and choose Run as Administrator).
By default most areas of the drive outside of the standard "user files" (a.k.a. My Documents & co.) are restricted to administrator-only access, but the folder permissions can be changed to add access for a particular user if desired.
You will find that saving files almost anywhere except the "my documents" area for the user will be restricted, this includes saving to other drives on the system etc.
If you check the permissions for the directory you are trying to write to, all you have to do is expressely give the user permission. Otherwise only the admins have permission, which requires UAC approval from the user to get the admin token.
You normally get "Access Denied" error when the file is in use. UAC could not be an issue here. Check out if the file is in use by anyother process.
You can use tools like Process Explorer from sysinternals to do that.
You have to right click the file and select properties. THen open the security tab and you can see different accounts with differet privelages. Click USERS and it should highlight. The box under it should have a bunch of check marks that indicate what this user can do. Click Full Control. Apply and Okay. Then you can save!!!

How to get the actual path of a file in Vista with UAC?

I am calling CreateFile() to create a file in the Program Data directory. I'm using SHGetSpecialFolderPath() to get the dir name.
I have a user with Vista for whom CreateFile() is returning error 5 (Access Denied). It would help if I knew where CreateFile() was actually attempting to create the file so we can check his folder permissions. The problem with Vista (UAC) is, it's not attempting to create the file in the directory I passed in. It could also be in a VirtualStore directory. An added source of confusion is this user is German and although SHGetSpecialFolderPath() is returning "C:\Program Data\blah blah" as the path, I don't think that's actually where the path is. I think German Vista uses the German word for "Program Data". I would like to be able to tell the user "This is the exact path where we are trying to create the file. Check your permissions on this folder."
I know you can get the a path from an open file handle, but in this case the CreateFile() is failing so I don't have an open handle. How can I get Vista to tell me the actual path where it's attempting to create the file?
Fire up Process Monitor and watch what it does:
If with UAC the paths used are not the ones you want, then the redirection is in effect.
To make sure that redirection does not occur, add a manifest to your application which indicates to Vista that your application is properly coded and aware of access restrictions (i.e., you don't write to e.g., HKLM or the programs folder if your app doesn't need admin privileges to run).
But your application should be able to write to the APPDATA folder (if that's what you really use).
Make sure you're using CSIDL_APPDATA and not CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA (the latter one being accessible only with admin privileges).
To find the real path (the one you would expect) tell the user to type %APPDATA% into the explorer bar (or hit Windows+R, then type %APPDATA%, enter). This will open the explorer on that folder.
My understanding is that ProgramData is used by Vista to write files that were attempting to be written inside C:\Program Files, but failed, since unless you are running the app as Admin you can't write inside program files. Maybe you should try saving your files to the AppData folder under the current user.

About ProgramData folder's right with UAC turned on under Vista

I login in with Administrator on Vista with UAC turned on, is it OK for me to create, modifty or delete file in ProgramData folder. My test result is YES, but I found my AP can access the folder which name is "MicroSoft", is there any starndard document to know the ProgramData folder's right under Vista?
It should be fine, yes. The Program Data folder is there for programs for that purpose.
In terms of permission, you should be able to check or modify file permissions using .NET. See the System.IO.DirectoryInfo class as a reference, and see System.Management and System.Management.Instrumentation namespaces for getting user information.
