How to consume Facebook's "autocomplete anything" suggest-style dropdown - ajax

When you go to edit your favorite music or movies on Facebook, you will notice an autocomplete suggest list that is basically a list of "everything" (brand names, music artists, movies, etc.) How can someone consume that list in their own code? Is it part of the Facebook API?

They wrap some of the functionality in their FBML fields, but their developer wiki shows how they do what they do. If you want to consume their data though, you're going to have to play with an HTTP proxy and figure out what parameters to send to their server. There are also a couple parameters that seem to be session based, so I don't know how well you're going to be able to integrate this into your own application.

This was working for awhile, but now they require the session cookie, so we'll have to hope they add support for this to the graph api, unless you want to fight w/ the proxy.


Can you use multiple ad SDKs with SKAdNetwork?

I am using Facebook ads, Google ads, and an MMP for other networks. I just need to track installs as conversions. I do not serve ads in the app.
My MMP is saying that you cannot have multiple SDKs sending info to SKAdNetwork because it will post back inaccurate information. I have not read this anywhere else.
It says you should only have one SDK posting conversions to SKAdNetwork.
Screenshot of MMP's Blog post saying this
My question is do I need to remove or disable Facebook and Google's registration to SKAdNetwork within my app so they don't post conversions to SKAdNetwork?
Is it ok that all 3 SDKs post to SKAdNetwork?
You technically only need to send one conversion value update and there will be some side effects if you send more than one (though if you handle all your app specific use cases then this might not matter).
Apple will send SKAN CVs to each of the networks you are using for optimization purposes so you shouldn't need to worry about that. I'd personally recommend that you streamline your own app flow to handle SKAN postbacks directly to Apple once.
SKAN 4.0 might make it more difficult if you send multiple CVs from different parties. The new features around multiple postbacks can now get sent to the ad networks based on cohort date and this could affect the optimizations that each of the ad networks use.

YouTube v3 API PHP - Add Playlist Server to Server

All I want to do, with PHP and google-api-php-client, is create a new playlist and add it to my YouTube Channel server to server. All guides seem to require me manually clicking a link generated to authorize a token. What?!? With an API key shouldn't I just be able to do server to server changes/uploads/edits without any need of human interaction?
I enabled the API, created API Keys and OAuth ID/Secrets, but still can't figure out how to do it.
Any guide would be appreciated. Server to Server, with PHP, without me needing to open the file in a browser to allow access to account.
Tried this: for adding a playlist and can't get it to work, even after clicking the link and allowing access to account.
You want to start learning something called OAuth. Don't worry, it's only sounds scary. I'll try and ease it a bit for you. But before I begin, no amount of loitering around avoiding that OAuth thing is going to get you anywhere. Good news is: it's not that twisted.
Imagine you were YouTube. An application, say a web application someone wrote that you didn't know about were to come to you making an HTTP request on you.
The request were to say, "Hey, YouTube chum! Can you add this bunch of erotica to John's playlist and just make it all public for everyone to see?"
What would be your response?
If I were YouTube, mine would be --
"Yeah! fook you, dude! Go ask John first! Then, show me some proof that you did."
"And wait a second, before you leave, I forgot to ask, who the fook are you, in fact? You got something to show me for who you are?" I, the YouTube, would add.
You see the problem? For YouTube, there are really two parties involved in this transaction:
The application that's making the sleazy request; and
Poor John, who probably knows nothing of all this even when he should.
Otherwise, what's to stop any application asking YouTube (or Facebook or Google or Github or any place else) for John's data?
So, as far as YouTube is concerned, it needs a way for the application to authenticate itself with YouTube (thus the Application Id and Client Secret or App Secret you created on the Google Developer Console), and it needs John's permission to let the said application do what it is asking you (YouTube) to do (thus the need for John to interact with a UI).
Enter OAuth.
OAuth is a document of rules that allows this co-operative transaction. But for it to work, all the three, YouTube, the web application, and John, must first conspire together.
There are three parties in OAuth:
The OAuth server -- that has John's data. In this example, it was YouTube.
The third-party application that wants to do something with John's data that's kept on the OAuth server, i.e. YouTube.
Poor John, a user on the OAuth server (YouTube), and also wanting to use the third-party Web application that wants YouTube to do something with John's data.
Now, there's a whole lot to learn about OAuth before you write a single line of code, and I can't write it all here but here's a YouTube playlist that starts by explaining the very basics of OAuth and then provides demos in (sorry, no PHP) C# and also in JavaScript.
Once you understand the OAuth transaction mechanism and see some code, then re-visit the YouTube API documentation page you linked to and it'll start to make an enormous amount of sense. It'll click and you won't need to look any place for help writing that example. It'll just come out of you like poop. :-)

Twitter - how to get user's timeline

My app, in one of its parts, should reproduce the same behaviour as a web page, where you can find a section with a table of Twitter posts, I guess they are a user's timeline. I took a look at Twitter api's and I found a call which could return it, but, If I got it right, you are supposed to be authenticated with that user credentials. Is there a way to achieve it without being that user (thus without using that user's credentials)? If not we have to assume that web plugins have more flexibility than queries which return xml, or json? Which kind of approach fits best, considering the app needs to support iOS from 4.3 to 6.x? Does Twitter+Oauth provide more flexibility than direct Twitter api calls?
Hm, if you are looking to just display user's feed you can do it as simple as:
Where you change the screen_name to the desired user that you want to show the feeds for.
No need what so ever to use authentication for this.
Not sure if this is what you want to achieve, but I use this approach to show random user's tweet feed.

How to fill out AJAX form programmatically and scrape results?

Basically, I want to use the Facebook Ads Manager Tool to estimate the number of users targeted by a particular set of targeting parameters. I know there is a published API available, but it is only usable if you are on their advertising application "whitelist." I am sure what I am asking is possible. Plus, it would be interesting to learn more about scraping.
Facebook's Ads Manager Tool is basically an AJAX UI for their ads API. In the process of creating a campaign, you can specify targeting parameters, and the page will dynamically report the number of users targeted as you modify the parameters. From what I've read on the web and here on stackOverflow, it is possible to use Firebug or a similar tool to pick apart what requests are being made by the page and to where, then mimicking these calls to get the information you want.
I'm having trouble interpreting the panels of Firebug. I think the URI I'm trying to send a request to is, though I'm not sure how to form a call.
So, if I want to write a script or program that takes a list of words to use as keywords and returns the estimated number of users for each keyword, how could I do it?
Link to Facebook's Ads Manager Tool, Campaign Creation Page:
yes using an extension like firebug to examine the HTTP requests is a good way to do this.
The Net tab is the one you want (last one).
Have you tried irobotsoft webscraper? It has a good ajax support.
Check their forum here:

can Yahoo and Hotmail contacts api be used without leaving the site?

I might be missing something but I'm trying to implement a contacts retrieval mechanism akin to the one that is offered by Google for Yahoo and Hotmail. Both APIs seem to require the user to actually go to their sites to log in. The documentation is really convoluted for both. I was hoping someone has done this and can point me to a simple way (if there is one) to allow the user to log in directly in my app and then for me to go and fetch their contacts for them (preferably in XML, but JSON would also do nicely).
I currently have a Perl script that goes and gets the gmail stuff and works very nicely. I was (maybe wildly optimistically) hoping that Yahoo and Microsoft would have similarly useful mechanisms.
Check out Open Inviter: It has Yahoo, Hotmail, and many more :)
Seems domain is no more. There are few other providers available in market out of which I liked, give it a try.
