can Yahoo and Hotmail contacts api be used without leaving the site? - yahoo

I might be missing something but I'm trying to implement a contacts retrieval mechanism akin to the one that is offered by Google for Yahoo and Hotmail. Both APIs seem to require the user to actually go to their sites to log in. The documentation is really convoluted for both. I was hoping someone has done this and can point me to a simple way (if there is one) to allow the user to log in directly in my app and then for me to go and fetch their contacts for them (preferably in XML, but JSON would also do nicely).
I currently have a Perl script that goes and gets the gmail stuff and works very nicely. I was (maybe wildly optimistically) hoping that Yahoo and Microsoft would have similarly useful mechanisms.

Check out Open Inviter: It has Yahoo, Hotmail, and many more :)

Seems domain is no more. There are few other providers available in market out of which I liked, give it a try.


Outlook/Exchange RoomFinder (w/ Lex)

I'm an intern and I've been tasked with creating a RoomFinder API for Outlook that works with Amazon's Lex/Lambda to find a location and schedule meetings given a list of participants. The API is supposed to be able to pull the calendars from Outlook for the individual participants, find a time that works for all of them and a location with a proper seating capacity, and then schedule the meeting+add it to the calendars of those involved. I have a pretty good understanding of how Lex works and have created my own functions using Lambda before but I don't even know where to begin when it comes to pulling the calendars from Outlook for the participants.
I have been trying to get an idea of how to go about this for a few days now and found some information on Outlook's REST API which it sounds like can be used to gather some of the needed information but I'm not sure how to actually begin doing that. Here are links to a few of those pages:
I also managed to find a few pages on GitHub of similar, more basic scripts using Python to acquire things like Room Availability from Outlook but I couldn't get any of those to work. I don't have enough reputation to post more links but if seeing those would help I can maybe comment them later.
I'm really looking for any advice on where to begin or tips on how to get this done. I think I may be on the right track with the REST API idea but I have no clue how to actually use it or set it up.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
We are just now rolling out a new REST API to list the roomsIDs(findrooms). You can use this in conjunction with the findmeetingtimes API to schedule meetings. Please take a look at the REST API docs here(remember to choose beta in the top-right)

Is it possible to build this app for Quickbooks?

I use intuit merchant services - customers pay me with credit card after I send them an email with a link to pay, and everything works with no problem. However, my problem is that the link webpage structure is very outdated and some customers have told me that it doesn't look trustworthy, which I have to agree.
Is there any solution to this, like creating a user interface or a app that I can actually have developed to make this links a little bit more to look like my website so customers don't feel they ever left my website?
You should be careful with this idea. I am not a legal professional and am in no way attempting to give legal advice, but doing what you are suggesting can be illegal in some cases. Some sites disguise their payment screens in a similar way for malicious purposes in a manner called phishing, and there may be little legal differentiation between doing so with good or ill intent.
I don't think this is possible but here is what you actually can do:
Ask your Payment-Website about an API, then you might be able to change the layout.
Inform your customers about the situation and that they will be redirected of whatever you do.
Get a SSL-Cert for your website.
Find another way to receive payments in a trustworthy way

Google Places API - Submitting reviews

I am researching whether the following is possible and if so how I could go about achieving it.
We collect reviews for businesses from their customers and we’d like to post these reviews to Google places as part of the reviews they have on their.
I was wondering how I would go about getting our website to “push” this data to the Google places website, I’ve done lots of searching on the APIs but have found nothing that says it’s possible or not.
Currently the Google Places API does not have write capability. It only has read capability. Right now only ratings are available, but I suspect reviews might come someday too.
Although you can send check-in signals and fix Places through the API. Hopefully Google will add the ability to send reviews and receive them.
If you're looking to get your content added to Google, you may want to talk to their content partnerships teams
Since Google's local and maps initiatives are under the same people that would be the place to go.
I too looked into this as it would be of huge value to companies if possible.
My research led me to believe that it is not possible and could possibly violate Google's TOA with negative results for the company's Places page.
Instead, I built a workaround that makes it really easy for companies to collect feedback and get their own customers to submit the reviews:
Maybe we will see this in the future though.

Can the opensocial API remotely search for users in orkut etc.?

Does anyone know if (and how) I can build an application (Java/Ruby/whatever) doing REST or RPC calls to a social network like Orkut (using opensocial) to search for a user by name or email address? So far I know that I can list all friends for a particular user ID, but I want to search among all users. Would I need to code it as an app/gadget running inside the google sandbox or is there a way to get a list of matching user ID via REST?
So far I got this one to work: But with this API and the gadget linked there I only get people that are already linked to me...
Thanks for answers,
No, you can't do that. At least, OpenSocial doesn't have spec like that.
In addition, SNS normally have privacy policy which disables developers to poke around users who hasn't installed your app.
Think OpenSocial API access to private information is quite limited.

How to consume Facebook's "autocomplete anything" suggest-style dropdown

When you go to edit your favorite music or movies on Facebook, you will notice an autocomplete suggest list that is basically a list of "everything" (brand names, music artists, movies, etc.) How can someone consume that list in their own code? Is it part of the Facebook API?
They wrap some of the functionality in their FBML fields, but their developer wiki shows how they do what they do. If you want to consume their data though, you're going to have to play with an HTTP proxy and figure out what parameters to send to their server. There are also a couple parameters that seem to be session based, so I don't know how well you're going to be able to integrate this into your own application.
This was working for awhile, but now they require the session cookie, so we'll have to hope they add support for this to the graph api, unless you want to fight w/ the proxy.
