GUI API for directX? [closed] - user-interface

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any GUI API that can be used together with DirectX other than MFC, WIN32, Winforms
and WPF?

If you're doing your own DirectX rendering, you can use any GUI technology for windows that exposes an HWND.
Just use the "panel" equivelent in whatever toolkit you want, and feed it's handle (HWND) into DirectX to initialize the device. This technique is the same, no matter whether you use MFC, Windows Forms, WPF, Qt, GTK, FLTK, or any other framework.
As long as you can get a handle to the window, you can do it. It's just easier, and potentially more flexible, with some of the Microsoft toolkits. (For example, using D3DImage makes it seamless in WPF...)

Check out CEGUI. It's pretty popular especially for games. And it supports both Direct3d and OpenGL.

Have a look at XNA. Ultimately WPF or WinForms will be used to get a display surface - can't draw in Windows without a window - but you'll need an additional framework for rendering.


Windows/SDL2 + OpenGL for programs with interface [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to create a piece of software, that has a menu like the standard windows menus bars and supports opening the windows explorer where can i look up files paths etc. At the same time i want to render something to another section of the screen.
Think of a program where you open a .obj (3D object) via the windows explorer from a dropdown menu; then it loads into the program and then it will be rendered to one half of the window, while having some sliders and options on the other.
I know how to create an SDL2 window and use OpenGL in it, but i cannot seem to make the connection from an SDL2 window and a windows window (i think they are of the same type though). In my understanding SDL2 is just wrapper around the standard winapi while being able to do the same on linux. (waiting to get corrected)
First off, can SDL2 do what i want? or do i need to learn the winapi in addition? (it doesn't need to be portable to linux or mac)
Are there better alternatives? (what do you use?) Preferably something more low level, because if prefer knowing what i am doing.
And of course, if you can recommend some online resources that would be great.
SDL is
Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library
designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse,
joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
While SDL is capable of create a simple window it does not provide more complex ones, like controls for input or file handling.
It's up to you to create and manage those controls, for example using the Windows win API.
There are some good API's that you can use instead of low level win API: Qt, wxWidgets, .NET, etc.

Is there a complete win32 wrapper library? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I search a win32 wrapper libraray that completly isolate me from the api.
I only want to create a opengl 3.3 window for windows only.
I know there are libraries like GLFW, SFML and SDL but this libraries are to large and heavy.
Know someone one?
I could suggest you to use Qt library, but you would also complain because of the size of the dlls.
I'm afraid you won't find easily such lightweight library.
Using Win32 SDK for creating an OpenGL application is not that difficult. As for an experienced Win32 developer, I insist that it's even really easy.
It's always the same program structure, same messages handled, same function calls (loop, threads etc).
Please have a look on the internet for the OpenLG SuperBible tutorials.
OpenGL SuperBible Examples

Embedded GUI - Similar to GWEN? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wrote a library to use different LCDs, such as TFT LCDs with TouchScreens with an existing RTOS.
The library does include all highlevel routines like drawing lines, circles, render fonts and so on.
Now, I would like to make the library more useful and give it a small GUI toolkit so the user can create buttons, sliders, radio buttons and all the other classical GUI elements.
There is GWEN which works pretty well.
My question: Are there free, opensource libraries like GWEN out there which are easy to use for my purpose?
I cannot take stuff like Qt because I'd need to implement the entire internals like event handling and stuff. Also, the RTOS would need to support POSIX. I really just want the GUI elements, nothing more. It must be very lightweight and only implement all the highlevel classes. It should be as lightweight as possible, because it's supposed to run on small microcontrollers like the STM32F1 (ARM Cortex-M3 with less than 100kB of RAM).
Well, at the end I decided to write my own:
Gwork is a fork of GWEN. You might try that.

Chart controls for MFC application? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I would like to have some suggestions about which third-part controls can we use in our Visual C++ MFC application?
We've deployed IOComp's Plot Pack in both ActiveX and .Net flavors with great success. Great API, incredibly flexible, provides a toolbar that lets users pan/zoom/customize. It's solid, has a long track record, relatively inexpensive, and is very fast.
(I'm not affiliated, by the way.)
Xtreme Toolkit Pro controls
We have used the ActiveX version of TeeChart (, which works nicely and comes with many MFC examples. It's ActiveX though, that may or may not be a problem in your case.
The IOComp package ( ) looks great, but does seem quite expensive to me at around $850 for a developer license
The TeeChart package ( ) looks comparable at a smaller prices of $450. They have a free 50 day evaluation license
There are a couple of free chart controls at codeproject: This one I have used. The integration procedure is awkward, but it does the job.
FarPoint and codejock, AFAIK, do not have chart controls.
Just for completeness Scientific charting control. I used it some time ago and it was pretty easy.
Best chart for MFC I have seen, modern, stable and very well written
If you don't mind paying, there's FarPoint Spread:

Game UI HUD [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What are some good tools and techniques for making in game UI? I'm looking for things that help artists-types create and animate game HUD (heads up display) UI and can be added to the game engine for real time playback.
If you are working with a middleware environment like Torque or Unity3D, they include a GUI framework to build on. Flash is an ideal tool, but to use in anything other than a Flash or Shockwave3d game you need to purchase ScaleForm too, which is expensive and isn't easy to get hold of for indie developers. WPF and Silverlight look promising for this purpose, but so far haven't been set up for game integration.
Unfortunately, for many developers the only solution is to roll their own UI components from scratch.
Using flash will give the highest productivity for the graphical artist (well - if he knows flash).
You may want to have a look at gameswf. It's a bit dated but seems like a perfect match for your problem.
Another option would be to just do the entire UI in your 3D content-tool and use your animation system to play back the transitions.
One option is to use Flash in conjunction with a package called ScaleForm. This allows the artist to make the UI in flash and then ScaleForm executes the flash in game.
