Is there a complete win32 wrapper library? [closed] - winapi

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I search a win32 wrapper libraray that completly isolate me from the api.
I only want to create a opengl 3.3 window for windows only.
I know there are libraries like GLFW, SFML and SDL but this libraries are to large and heavy.
Know someone one?

I could suggest you to use Qt library, but you would also complain because of the size of the dlls.
I'm afraid you won't find easily such lightweight library.
Using Win32 SDK for creating an OpenGL application is not that difficult. As for an experienced Win32 developer, I insist that it's even really easy.
It's always the same program structure, same messages handled, same function calls (loop, threads etc).
Please have a look on the internet for the OpenLG SuperBible tutorials.
OpenGL SuperBible Examples


Is there a function to resize terminal? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I searched around a lot but found just how to get terminal size, but not how to resize it.
Are there any solutions?
I tried with \e[8;50;100t but it doesn't work on windows.
You will have to use the Windows API to do that. Here a Stack-Overflow answer that gives you the correct API calls needed to do that: How do you programmatically resize and move windows with the Windows API?
From Go you can call the Windows API either using CGO or using syscall. Here an article that uses syscall which is easier to get started:
Note that you should always protect a file using Windows specific commands with a build flag. This won't work for other OSs. If you need this to work for other OSs, too, you need to implement different versions for the OSs you want to support.

Embedded GUI - Similar to GWEN? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wrote a library to use different LCDs, such as TFT LCDs with TouchScreens with an existing RTOS.
The library does include all highlevel routines like drawing lines, circles, render fonts and so on.
Now, I would like to make the library more useful and give it a small GUI toolkit so the user can create buttons, sliders, radio buttons and all the other classical GUI elements.
There is GWEN which works pretty well.
My question: Are there free, opensource libraries like GWEN out there which are easy to use for my purpose?
I cannot take stuff like Qt because I'd need to implement the entire internals like event handling and stuff. Also, the RTOS would need to support POSIX. I really just want the GUI elements, nothing more. It must be very lightweight and only implement all the highlevel classes. It should be as lightweight as possible, because it's supposed to run on small microcontrollers like the STM32F1 (ARM Cortex-M3 with less than 100kB of RAM).
Well, at the end I decided to write my own:
Gwork is a fork of GWEN. You might try that.

What good libraries are there for object extraction? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to write a program that processes images.
If there are good algorithm libraries in object extraction that would save me a lot of work.
are there any good libraries in image processing?
I am willing to use c++ or c# whatever has good libraries.
Try out OpenCV.
This depends on your focus in image processing.
If your focus is image processing on digital camera images, I would suggest using OpenCV (as already mentioned by #ffriend). If your focus is image processing on radiological images (MRI, CT, etc.) I would suggest using ITK for the processing algortihms and VTK for rendering.
All those libraries are written in C++. Some have interfaces to scripting languages like python.
Hope this helps for a start!

OpenGL + SFML or SDL? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Hey so i've just started SDL like a day ago, as i am planning on eventually stepping into OpenGL, but recently looked into SFML which is apparently more modern and easy. I have not heard anything or seen any books on it SFML, and i've heard people say OpenGL+ SDL is really good. Is this also true for using SFML with OpenGL?
If you are programming in C++, use SFML. It will allow you to really use C++ features. If you are programming in C you should probably use SDL. They are similar in performance and functionality but SDL supports more platforms and is more popular.

GUI API for directX? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any GUI API that can be used together with DirectX other than MFC, WIN32, Winforms
and WPF?
If you're doing your own DirectX rendering, you can use any GUI technology for windows that exposes an HWND.
Just use the "panel" equivelent in whatever toolkit you want, and feed it's handle (HWND) into DirectX to initialize the device. This technique is the same, no matter whether you use MFC, Windows Forms, WPF, Qt, GTK, FLTK, or any other framework.
As long as you can get a handle to the window, you can do it. It's just easier, and potentially more flexible, with some of the Microsoft toolkits. (For example, using D3DImage makes it seamless in WPF...)
Check out CEGUI. It's pretty popular especially for games. And it supports both Direct3d and OpenGL.
Have a look at XNA. Ultimately WPF or WinForms will be used to get a display surface - can't draw in Windows without a window - but you'll need an additional framework for rendering.
