How can I generate random integers in a range in Smalltalk? - random

A class I am taking currently requires us to do all of our coding in smalltalk (it's a Design class). On one of our projects, I am looking to do some things, and am having a tough time finding how to do them. It seems that what most people do is modify their own version of smalltalk to do what they need it to do. I am not at liberty to do this, as this would cause an error on my prof's computer when he doesn't have the same built-in methods I do.
Here's what I'm looking to do:
Random Numbers. I need to create a random number between 1 and 1000. Right now I'm faking it by doing
rand := Random new.
rand := (rand nextValue) * 1000.
rand := rand asInteger.
This gives me a number between 0 and 1000. Is there a way to do this in one command? similar to
Random between: 0 and: 1000
And/Or statements. This one bugs the living daylights out of me. I have tried several different configurations of
(statement) and: (statement) ifTrue...
(statement) and (statement) ifTrue...
So I'm faking it with nested ifTrue statements:
(statement) ifTrue:[
(statement) ifTrue:[...
What is the correct way to do and/or and Random in smalltalk?

The problem is that
(expr) and: (expr) ifTrue: aBlock
is parsed as the method and:ifTrue: If you look at the Boolean class (and either True or False in particular), you notice that ifTrue: is just a regular method, and that no method and:ifTrue: exists - however, plain and: does. So to make it clear that these are two messages, write
((expr) and: (expr)) ifTrue: aBlock
For longer boolean combinations, notice that there are also methods and:and: and and:and:and: implemented.

(1 to: 1000) atRandom

If you're using VisualWorks, and: takes a block as an argument, so you'd write:
(aBoolean and: [anotherBoolean]) ifTrue: [doSomething].
There's also &, which does not take a block as argument,
aBoolean & anotherBoolean ifTrue:[doSomething].
The difference is and: only evaluates what's in the block if the first bool is true (similar to java), while & always evaluates both.
Thus and: comes in handy if the second condition is computationally expensive, or if it includes state alterations which should only happen when the first condition is true. (that's usually a bad design though).
As for the Random, as long as you deliver your custom method, Random >> between: and: as well as the rest of your code, it runs fine on your professors computer. How to do that specifically, depends on the format in which you are supposed to deliver the assignment.

As for the Random issue: it depends on what ST version you use. In Squeak 3.9, there is Random>>#nextInt:, which is documented as "Answer a random integer in the interval [1, anInteger].". Its implementation reads
(self next * anInteger) truncated + 1
So I have two comments here:
You should really learn to use the class browser. This can answer the (frequent) questions "what messages can I send to objects of class X"
It is common, in ST, to add new methods to existing classes. So if you want Random to have between:and:, just add it, e.g. as
between: low and: high
^(self next * (high-low+1)) truncated + low

To put it simply, without knowing the Smalltalk dialect, I can only give a general answer. The way you stated the random question, yes that's the only way to do it if your professor needs a generic answer.
As for the and/or statements question,
And/Or statements. This one bugs the living daylights out of me. I have tried several different configurations of
(statement) and: (statement) ifTrue...
(statement) and (statement) ifTrue...
What you want to try is:
(statement) and: [statement] ifTrue: [ ... ]
note the brackets, the and: method takes a block as an argument.

To create several random integers between 1 and 1000
First create a random number series. Do this just once.
Then create a new random number by taking the next number from the series. Repeat as necessary.
aRandomSeries := Random new .
"Seed a new series of random numbers"
aRandomInt := aRandomSeries newInt: 1000 .
"generate a random integer between 0 and 1000"
anotherRandomInt := aRandomSeries newInt: 1000 .
"generate another random integer between 0 and 1000"
Logical operations
aBoolean will respond to and: and or:. They both take block arguments.
Here is how they work.
and: alternativeBlock
If the receiver is true, answer the value of alternativeBlock; otherwise answer false without evaluating alternativeBlock.
or: alternativeBlock
If the receiver is false, answer the value of alternativeBlock; otherwise answer true without evaluating alternativeBlock.
( 3 > 2 ) or: [ 3 < 4 ] ifTrue: [ ]
aBoolean and: [ anotherBoolean ] ifFalse: [ ]
However, Squeak and Pharo Smalltalks will both accept an argument in parentheses ( )
Dolphin Smalltalk will not, and strictly requires the standard Smalltalk syntax of a block argument.
Other related methods:
& an AND that does not require a square bracketted (i.e. block) argument
| an OR that does not require a square bracketted (i.e. block) argument
& and | work in Amber, Cuis, Gnu, Pharo, Squeak, VisualAge and VisualWorks Smalltalks.
Squeak Smalltalk also provides:
and:and: }
and:and:and: } These take multiple block arguments
and:and:and:and }
or:or: }
or:or:or: } These take multiple block arguments
or:or:or:or: }


Multiplying string by integer vs integer by string in ruby

I was playing around in irb, and noticed one cannot do
5 * "Hello".
String can't be coerced into Fixnum
However "Hello"*5 provided "HelloHelloHelloHelloHello" as expected.
What is the exact reason for this? I've been looking around in the doc's and could not find the exact reason for this behavior. Is this something the designers of ruby decided?
Basically, you are asking "why is multiplication not commutative"? There are two possible answers for this. Or rather one answer with two layers.
The basic principle of OO is that everything happens as the result of one object sending a message to another object and that object responding to that message. This "messaging" metaphor is very important, because it explains a lot of things in OO. For example, if you send someone a message, all you can observe is what their response is. You don't know, and have no idea of finding out, what they did to come up with that response. They could have just handed out a pre-recorded response (reference an instance variable). They could have worked hard to construct a response (execute a method). They could have handed the message off to someone else (delegation). Or, they just don't understand the message you are sending them (NoMethodError).
Note that this means that the receiver of the message is in total control. The receiver can respond in any way it wishes. This makes message sending inherently non-commutative. Sending message foo to a passing b as an argument is fundamentally different from sending message foo to b passing a as an argument. In one case, it is a and only a that decides how to respond to the message, in the other case it is b and only b.
Making this commutative requires explicit cooperation between a and b. They must agree on a common protocol and adhere to that protocol.
In Ruby, binary operators are simply message sends to the left operand. So, it is solely the left operand that decides what to do.
So, in
'Hello' * 5
the message * is sent to the receiver 'Hello' with the argument 5. In fact, you can alternately write it like this if you want, which makes this fact more obvious:
'Hello' gets to decide how it responds to that message.
Whereas in
5 * 'Hello'
it is 5 which gets to decide.
So, the first layer of the answer is: Message sending in OO is inherently non-commutative, there is no expectation of commutativity anyway.
But, now the question becomes, why don't we design in some commutativity? For example, one possible way would be to interpret binary operators not as message sends to one of the operands but instead message sends to some third object. E.g., we could interpret
5 * 'Hello'
*(5, 'Hello')
'Hello' * 5
*('Hello', 5)
i.e. as message sends to self. Now, the receiver is the same in both cases and the receiver can arrange for itself to treat the two cases identically and thus make * commutative.
Another, similar possibility would be to use some sort of shared context object, e.g. make
5 * 'Hello'
equivalent to
Operators.*(5, 'Hello')
In fact, in mathematics, the meaning of a symbol is often dependent on context, e.g. in ℤ, 2 / 3 is undefined, in ℚ, it is 2/3, and in IEEE754, it is something close to, but not exactly identical to 0.333…. Or, in ℤ, 2 * 3 is 6, but in ℤ|5, 2 * 3 is 1.
So, it would certainly make sense to do this. Alas, it isn't done.
Another possibility would be to have the two operands cooperate using a standard protocol. In fact, for arithmetic operations on Numerics, there actually is such a protocol! If a receiver doesn't know what to do with an operand, it can ask that operand to coerce itself, the receiver, or both to something the receiver does know how to handle.
Basically, the protocol goes like this:
you call 5 * 'Hello'
5 doesn't know how to handle 'Hello', so it asks 'Hello' for a coercion. …
… 5 calls 'Hello'.coerce(5)
'Hello' responds with a pair of objects [a, b] (as an Array) such that a * b has the desired result
5 calls a * b
One common trick is to simply implement coerce to flip the operands, so that when 5 retries the operation, 'Hello' will be the receiver:
class String
def coerce(other)
[self, other]
5 * 'Hello'
#=> 'HelloHelloHelloHelloHello'
Okay, OO is inherently non-commutative, but we can make it commutative using cooperation, so why isn't it done? I must admit, I don't have a clear-cut answer to this question, but I can offer two educated guesses:
coerce is specifically intended for numeric coercion in arithmetic operations. (Note the protocol is defined in Numeric.) A string is not a number, nor is string concatenation an arithmetic operation.
We just don't expect * to be commutative with wildly different types such as Integer and String.
Of course, just for fun, we can actually observe that there is a certain symmetry between Integers and Strings. In fact, you can implement a common version of Integer#* for both String and Integer arguments, and you will see that the only difference is in what we choose as the "zero" element:
class Integer
def *(other)
zero = case other
when Integer then 0
when String then ''
when Array then []
times.inject(zero) {|acc, _| acc + other }
5 * 6
#=> 30
5 * 'six'
#=> 'sixsixsixsixsix'
5 * [:six]
#=> [:six, :six, :six, :six, :six, :six]
The reason for this is, of course, that the set of strings with the concatenation operation and the empty string as the identity element form a monoid, just like arrays with concatenation and the empty array and just like integers with addition and zero. Since all three are monoids, and our "multiplication as repeated addition" only requires monoid operations and laws, it will work for all monoids.
Note: Python has an interesting twist on this double-dispatch idea. Just like in Ruby, if you write
a * b
Python will re-write that into a message send:
However, if a can't handle the operation, instead of cooperating with b, it cooperates with Python by returning NotImplemented. Now, Python will try with b, but with a slight twist: it will call
This allows b to know that it was on the right side of the operator. It doesn't matter much for multiplication (because multiplication is (usually but not always, see e.g. matrix multiplication) commutative), but remember that operator symbols are distinct from their operations. So, the same operator symbol can be used for operations that are commutative and ones that are non-commutative. Example: + is used in Ruby for addition (2 + 3 == 3 + 2) and also for concatenation ('Hello' + 'World' != 'World' + 'Hello'). So, it is actually advantageous for an object to know whether it was the right or left operand.
This is because that operators are also methods(Well there are exceptions as Cary has listed in the comments which I wasn't aware of).
For example
array << 4 == array.<<4
array[2] == array.[](2)
array[2] ='x' == array.[] =(2,'x')
In your example:
5 * "Hello" => 5.*("Hello")
"hello" *5 => 5.*("hello")
An integer cannot take that method with a string param
If you ever dabble around in python try 5*hello and hello*5, both work. Pretty interesting that ruby has this feature to be honest.
Well, as Muntasir Alam has already told that Fixnum does not has a method named * which takes a string as argument. So, 5*"Hello" produces that error.But, to have fun we can actually achieve 5*"Hello" this by adding that missing method to the Fixnum class.
class Fixnum # open the class
def * str # Override the *() method
if str.is_a? String # If argument is String
temp = ""
self.times do
temp << str
else # If the argument is not String
mul = 0
self.times do
mul += str
puts 5*"Hello" #=> HelloHelloHelloHelloHello
puts 4*5 #=> 20
puts 5*10.4 #=> 52.0
Well, that was just to show that the opposite is also possible. But that will bring a lot of overhead. I think we should avoid that at all cost.

Filter an collection of tuples

I'm playing with iterables and comprehension in Julia and tried to code simple problem: find all pairs of numbers less then 10 whose product is less then 10. This was my first try:
solution = filter((a,b)->a*b<10, product(1:10, 1:10))
but I got error "wrong number of arguments". This is kind of expected because anonymous function inside filter expects two arguments but it gets one tuple.
I know I can do
solution = filter(p->p[1]*p[2]<10, product(1:10, 1:10))
but it doesn't look nice as the one above. Is there a way I can tell that (a,b) is argument of type tuple and use something similar to syntax in first example?
I don't think there's a way to do exactly as you'd like, but here are some alternatives you could consider for the anonymous function:
x->let (a,b)=x; a*b<10 end
x->((a,b)=x; a*b<10)
These can of course be made into macros if you like:
macro tup(ex)
#assert ex.head == :(->)
#assert ex.args[1].head == :tuple
arg = gensym()
$arg -> ( $(ex.args[1]) = $arg; $(ex.args[2]) )
Then #tup (a, b) -> a * b < 10 will do as you like.
Metaprogramming in Julia is pretty useful and common for situations where you are doing something over and over and would like specialized syntax for it. But I would avoid this kind of metaprogramming if this were a one-off thing, because adding new syntax means learning new syntax and makes code harder to read.

When are numbers NOT Magic?

I have a function like this:
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(value, precision)
If I use it like this:
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(volts, 1)
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(amps, 2)
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(watts, 2)
Are those 1/2s magic numbers?
Yes, they are magic numbers. It's obvious that the numbers 1 and 2 specify precision in the code sample but not why. Why do you need amps and watts to be more precise than volts at that point?
Also, avoiding magic numbers allows you to centralize code changes rather than having to scour the code when for the literal number 2 when your precision needs to change.
I would propose something like:
And your client code would look like:
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(volts, LOW_PRECISION )
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(amps, MED_PRECISION )
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(watts, MED_PRECISION )
Then, if in the future you do something like this:
All you do is change the constants...
But to try and answer the question in the OP title:
IMO the only numbers that can truly be used and not be considered "magic" are -1, 0 and 1 when used in iteration, testing lengths and sizes and many mathematical operations. Some examples where using constants would actually obfuscate code:
for (int i=0; i<someCollection.Length; i++) {...}
if (someCollection.Length == 0) {...}
if (someCollection.Length < 1) {...}
int MyRidiculousSignReversalFunction(int i) {return i * -1;}
Those are all pretty obvious examples. E.g. start and the first element and increment by one, testing to see whether a collection is empty and sign reversal... ridiculous but works as an example. Now replace all of the -1, 0 and 1 values with 2:
for (int i=2; i<50; i+=2) {...}
if (someCollection.Length == 2) {...}
if (someCollection.Length < 2) {...}
int MyRidiculousDoublinglFunction(int i) {return i * 2;}
Now you have start asking yourself: Why am I starting iteration on the 3rd element and checking every other? And what's so special about the number 50? What's so special about a collection with two elements? the doubler example actually makes sense here but you can see that the non -1, 0, 1 values of 2 and 50 immediately become magic because there's obviously something special in what they're doing and we have no idea why.
No, they aren't.
A magic number in that context would be a number that has an unexplained meaning. In your case, it specifies the precision, which clearly visible.
A magic number would be something like:
int calculateFoo(int input)
return 0x3557 * input;
You should be aware that the phrase "magic number" has multiple meanings. In this case, it specifies a number in source code, that is unexplainable by the surroundings. There are other cases where the phrase is used, for example in a file header, identifying it as a file of a certain type.
A literal numeral IS NOT a magic number when:
it is used one time, in one place, with very clear purpose based on its context
it is used with such common frequency and within such a limited context as to be widely accepted as not magic (e.g. the +1 or -1 in loops that people so frequently accept as being not magic).
some people accept the +1 of a zero offset as not magic. I do not. When I see variable + 1 I still want to know why, and ZERO_OFFSET cannot be mistaken.
As for the example scenario of:
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(volts, 1)
And the proposed
float_as_thousands_str_with_precision(volts, HIGH_PRECISION)
The 1 is magic if that function for volts with 1 is going to be used repeatedly for the same purpose. Then sure, it's "magic" but not because the meaning is unclear, but because you simply have multiple occurences.
Paul's answer focused on the "unexplained meaning" part thinking HIGH_PRECISION = 3 explained the purpose. IMO, HIGH_PRECISION offers no more explanation or value than something like PRECISION_THREE or THREE or 3. Of course 3 is higher than 1, but it still doesn't explain WHY higher precision was needed, or why there's a difference in precision. The numerals offer every bit as much intent and clarity as the proposed labels.
Why is there a need for varying precision in the first place? As an engineering guy, I can assume there's three possible reasons: (a) a true engineering justification that the measurement itself is only valid to X precision, so therefore the display shoulld reflect that, or (b) there's only enough display space for X precision, or (c) the viewer won't care about anything higher that X precision even if its available.
Those are complex reasons difficult to capture in a constant label, and are probbaly better served by a comment (to explain why something is beng done).
IF the use of those functions were in one place, and one place only, I would not consider the numerals magic. The intent is clear.
For reference:
A literal numeral IS magic when
"Unique values with unexplained meaning or multiple occurrences which
could (preferably) be replaced with named constants." (3rd bullet)

Count, size, length...too many choices in Ruby?

I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this and I want to make sure I understand this to the "n'th level" :-)
a = { "a" => "Hello", "b" => "World" }
a.count # 2
a.size # 2
a.length # 2
a = [ 10, 20 ]
a.count # 2
a.size # 2
a.length # 2
So which to use? If I want to know if a has more than one element then it doesn't seem to matter but I want to make sure I understand the real difference. This applies to arrays too. I get the same results.
Also, I realize that count/size/length have different meanings with ActiveRecord. I'm mostly interested in pure Ruby (1.92) right now but if anyone wants to chime in on the difference AR makes that would be appreciated as well.
For arrays and hashes size is an alias for length. They are synonyms and do exactly the same thing.
count is more versatile - it can take an element or predicate and count only those items that match.
> [1,2,3].count{|x| x > 2 }
=> 1
In the case where you don't provide a parameter to count it has basically the same effect as calling length. There can be a performance difference though.
We can see from the source code for Array that they do almost exactly the same thing. Here is the C code for the implementation of array.length:
static VALUE
rb_ary_length(VALUE ary)
long len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
return LONG2NUM(len);
And here is the relevant part from the implementation of array.count:
static VALUE
rb_ary_count(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
long n = 0;
if (argc == 0) {
VALUE *p, *pend;
if (!rb_block_given_p())
return LONG2NUM(RARRAY_LEN(ary));
// etc..
The code for array.count does a few extra checks but in the end calls the exact same code: LONG2NUM(RARRAY_LEN(ary)).
Hashes (source code) on the other hand don't seem to implement their own optimized version of count so the implementation from Enumerable (source code) is used, which iterates over all the elements and counts them one-by-one.
In general I'd advise using length (or its alias size) rather than count if you want to know how many elements there are altogether.
Regarding ActiveRecord, on the other hand, there are important differences. check out this post:
Counting ActiveRecord associations: count, size or length?
There is a crucial difference for applications which make use of database connections.
When you are using many ORMs (ActiveRecord, DataMapper, etc.) the general understanding is that .size will generate a query that requests all of the items from the database ('select * from mytable') and then give you the number of items resulting, whereas .count will generate a single query ('select count(*) from mytable') which is considerably faster.
Because these ORMs are so prevalent I following the principle of least astonishment. In general if I have something in memory already, then I use .size, and if my code will generate a request to a database (or external service via an API) I use .count.
In most cases (e.g. Array or String) size is an alias for length.
count normally comes from Enumerable and can take an optional predicate block. Thus enumerable.count {cond} is [roughly] ( {cond}).length -- it can of course bypass the intermediate structure as it just needs the count of matching predicates.
Note: I am not sure if count forces an evaluation of the enumeration if the block is not specified or if it short-circuits to the length if possible.
Edit (and thanks to Mark's answer!): count without a block (at least for Arrays) does not force an evaluation. I suppose without formal behavior it's "open" for other implementations, if forcing an evaluation without a predicate ever even really makes sense anyway.
I found a good answare at
In ActiveRecord, there are several ways to find out how many records
are in an association, and there are some subtle differences in how
they work.
post.comments.count - Determine the number of elements with an SQL
COUNT query. You can also specify conditions to count only a subset of
the associated elements (e.g. :conditions => {:author_name =>
"josh"}). If you set up a counter cache on the association, #count
will return that cached value instead of executing a new query.
post.comments.length - This always loads the contents of the
association into memory, then returns the number of elements loaded.
Note that this won't force an update if the association had been
previously loaded and then new comments were created through another
way (e.g. Comment.create(...) instead of post.comments.create(...)).
post.comments.size - This works as a combination of the two previous
options. If the collection has already been loaded, it will return its
length just like calling #length. If it hasn't been loaded yet, it's
like calling #count.
Also I have a personal experience:
<%= h(params.size.to_s) %> # works_like_that !
<%= h(params.count.to_s) %> # does_not_work_like_that !
We have a several ways to find out how many elements in an array like .length, .count and .size. However, It's better to use array.size rather than array.count. Because .size is better in performance.
Adding more to Mark Byers answer. In Ruby the method array.size is an alias to Array#length method. There is no technical difference in using any of these two methods. Possibly you won't see any difference in performance as well. However, the array.count also does the same job but with some extra functionalities Array#count
It can be used to get total no of elements based on some condition. Count can be called in three ways:
Array#count # Returns number of elements in Array
Array#count n # Returns number of elements having value n in Array
Array#count{|i| i.even?} Returns count based on condition invoked on each element array
array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,4,3,2,4,5,6,7,1,2,4]
array.size # => 17
array.length # => 17
array.count # => 17
Here all three methods do the same job. However here is where the count gets interesting.
Let us say, I want to find how many array elements does the array contains with value 2
array.count 2 # => 3
The array has a total of three elements with value as 2.
Now, I want to find all the array elements greater than 4
array.count{|i| i > 4} # =>6
The array has total 6 elements which are > than 4.
I hope it gives some info about count method.

Code folding on consecutive collect/select/reject/each

I play around with arrays and hashes quite a lot in ruby and end up with some code that looks like this:
sum ={|i|
}.sum > 5
j ** 2
(Let's all pretend that the above code sample makes sense now...)
The problem is that even though TextMate (my editor of choice) picks up simple {...} or do...end blocks quite easily, it can't figure out (which is understandable since even I can't find a "correct" way to fold the above) where the above blocks start and end to fold them.
How would you fold the above code sample?
PS: considering that it could have 2 levels of folding, I only care about the outer consecutive ones (the blocks with the i)
To be honest, something that convoluted is probably confusing TextMate as much as anyone else who has to maintain it, and that includes you in the future.
Whenever you see something that rolls up into a single value, it's a good case for using Enumerable#inject.
sum = two_dimensional_array.inject(0) do |sum, row|
# Convert row to Fixnum equivalent
row_i = row.collect { |i| i.to_i }
if (row_i.sum > 5)
sum += row_i.collect { |i| i ** 2 }.average
sum # Carry through to next inject call
What's odd in your example is you're using select to return the full array, allegedly converted using to_i, but in fact Enumerable#select does no such thing, and instead rejects any for which the function returns nil. I'm presuming that's none of your values.
Also depending on how your .average method is implemented, you may want to seed the inject call with 0.0 instead of 0 to use a floating-point value.
