Error debugging worker role in Azure - debugging

All the sudden started getting the following error while trying to debug a worker role:
"Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio
There was an error attaching the debugger to the role instance 'deployment16(360)blah blah' with Process Id: '8780'. Unable to attach. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor has been closed on the remote machine."
Restarting Visual Studio and the machine do not help.

As you start getting this problem all of sudden in your development machine something must have changed and it is mostly due to some of the OS auto-update and/or some application update you installed in your machine. There could be any random reason for this problem however if I would have hit the exact same problem here is what I would do to troubleshoot such issue:
To start, first thing is to just check it is not an application specific problem by creating a base app from web/worker template and see if that exhibit the problem.
If you have installed new release Windows Azure SDK 1.7 check with both SDK 1.6 and 1.7 to verify if both exhibit the problem.
Check if your could debug IIS based application as well outside Compute Emulator. This will isolate if the problem is specific to Windows Azure development Fabric or bind to your IIS itself.
If this is IIS specific issue, Check IIS configuration for all enabled functionalities, try resetting Application Pool configuration, running "ASPnet_regiis -i" etc to fix the issue.
If it is Windows Azure Computer Emulator specific, I know sometime OS updates may make application unstable so in that case, I will re-install .net 4.0 and VS2010 SP1 again respectively. (This does help so many time) then re-install Azure SDK 1.7 completely.
Such random problem mostly occur due to some change in your machine configuration, so restoring the VS2010 and the re-installing all other application does help to solve problems.

If you have an exception in the role's OnStart() or in Application_Start() that the debugger doesn't pick up, you may also receive this message. Application_Start() errors are especially pernicious because the debugger doesn't attach to the web process until after this method returns.
If you are wedded to cloud specific classes such as RoleEnvironment and cannot make the web role a startup project, you can use Ctrl-F5 to run the cloud project without debugging. With some luck you'll get a yellow screen of death to show you the true error.

Avkash covers the points.
I had the same issue recently. I set my web project as start-up rather than Azure and I discovered that that web project didn't actually run. Turned out somehow when of my projects was compiling for X64. I changed that and it worked.


Can I use NCover on Azure Emulator? Why I can't find w3wp.exe toattach in NCover?

So, at work, we are trying to use NCover Desktop for code coverage on a cloud based azure web application.
We are using Azure SDK V1.8 and Visual Studio 2010.
I researched online for answer and found some article a little bit helpful in setting up environment and stuff. Following is the procedure I'm following for this.
Create new NCover project and select auto config
Reset IIS and detect w3wp.exe process
Start application and select/deselect executable.
Problem is, I think VS is running on localhost rather than IIS, that's why even after restarting IIS, I'm not able to detect w3wp.exe process to attach.
how can I fix this issue?
Any help is appreciated.
So, After pointing our site towards IIS - Following is the error messasge I am getting.
I also tried to change port so there is not conflicts.

Visual Studio 2010 nasty caching Cassini? Must manually stop service

I've spent waaaay too much time trying to figure this out. I'm running Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010 in a VMware Fusion virtual.
When I debug my website project, Cassini (aka ASP.NET Web Development Server) starts and the site shows in my default browser (IE). I stop the debugger, make some tweaks to my C# code, and start the debugger again. The website starts up in IE and the site displays, but its using the code base from when I initially debugged NOT including any tweaks in code between the initial debug/build and subsequent debugs/builds.
The only way I can get code changes to build and run in the browser properly is if I manually stop the ASP.Net Web Development Server from the tray and then run debug.
Has anyone encountered this? Not sure if its caused by VS2010 or the environment being a virtual on a Mac.
Manually stopping Cassini after every debug is really starting to suck.
Check if Visual Studio is set to recompile the projects when there are changes.
Check that Tools > Options > Projects and solutions > Build and run > On run, when projects are out of date is set to Always build.
Perhaps you will have a more pleasant experience with IIS 7.5 Express as a replacement for Cassini.
From that page:
IIS Express is a lightweight,
self-contained version of IIS
optimized for developers. IIS Express
makes it easy to use the most current
version of IIS to develop and test
websites. It has all the core
capabilities of IIS 7 as well as
additional features designed to ease
-- website development including:
-- It doesn't run as a service or
require administrator user rights to
perform most tasks.
-- IIS Express works well with ASP.NET and PHP applications.
-- Multiple users of IIS Express can work independently on the same
Here's an article to help you get started.
Figured this out. I had mapped my Visual Studio 2010 folders to a VMware Fusion share in order to make my .NET projects accessible from Mac world (for copying graphics files into the projects, etc.). Evidently there was some type of permission issue or something that did not result in any sort of alert that was causing the problem.
I remapped all VS folders (Project, Website, etc.) into the standard Documents folder of my user instance and everything began working as expected.
Thanks for the help.

Azure SDK 1.4 - Cannot debug in VS2010 with multiple sites

I have a newly installed laptop running Win7/x64 and installed Visual Studio 2010, then VS2010 SP1, and then the Windows Azure SDK 1.4.
When I attempt to debug a cloud service project in the local compute emulator environment, I get an error: "The was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process for URL '' for role instance..."
Some searching turned up quite a few discussions on this issue with the Azure SDK 1.3 update and I've narrowed down the issue to my having multiple sites in the same Web Role in my Azure application. If I comment out the sites entries in the ServiceDefinition.csdef, there's no error and debugging works fine. I tried the other recommended solutions, reinstalling .NET, re-registering ASP, rebooting while facing Redmond, but same problem.
I'm surprised by this issue on a new VS/Azure 1.4 installation and I'm hoping someone else has resolved supporting multiple sites for local debug.
I ran into the same problem, and have two suggestions:
If you've pointed to the "Published" output of a website and not the source location in ServiceDefinition.csdef, you'll get this error. Point to the source location of the web site when you're debugging. You can always switch the location later if you'd rather deploy a published web site rather than the source.
Ensure that you have debug set to false in the each of the web application's web.config file. While obvious, this catches me from time to time.

VS 2010 + IIS: Unable to start debugging on the web server. The IIS worker process for the launched URL is not currently running

I have recently started to received this message.
Unable to start debugging on the web server.
The IIS worker process for the launched URL is not currently running
Does anyone know what this means?
I created my virtual directory via Properties on the project, and clicking Create Virtual Directory. ANd in IIS I can see it, I run VS 2010 with Admin Privs.
The Application pool in .Net 4.0
Any help really appreciated
I managed to get it working but its a good workaround really. Basically there was another website setup i.e. Default Website where all my apps goes which was started and running.
And there was another website (which was stopped!) that was for installanywhere.. But it was stopped! ... I removed the site completely and now it works
Can vs 2010 not figure out which one to connect to or something?
I presumed if its stopped then it wouldn't try and connect..
Very confused, Anybody know of alternative work around?
I got the same error message after reinstalling VS2010. In my case all application pools in the IIS where remapped to run 4.0, so VS2010 was unable to figure out which pool to attach its self to during debugging. The solution in my case, was to manually delete few pools and remapping my older pools back to .net 2.0. I finally ended up, only having 2 pools pointing towards .net 4.0 (integrated and classic) and 2 pools running .net 2.0 (integrated and classic).

Debugging Developer Fabric Issues - Service Not Starting Web Components

I am trying to get the Azure SDK up and running on my dev PC and have been having some issues.
I have installed the SDK, tools for VS and am trying to run the samples. Every time I try to run the samples the Development Storage service starts and then the Developer Fabric tries to start. This is where is stops. The Developer Fabric cannot run any websites for whatever reason.
I have followed their checklist for setting up the system and there is not Event messages. I am running under Vista Home Premium with IIS 7 installed.
If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.
It turns out my problem is a little deeper than simply Azure not working on my computer.
In order to natively debug IIS apps using windows vista (configured under the project settings) you need to have windows authentication enabled for IIS. This feature cannot be installed let alone enabled under Vista Home Premium under the guise of what home user would want such a feature.
For the average VS 2005 user this is okay there is a hotfix but for me and my fancy VS 2008 SP1 there is no solution.
After becoming supremely frustrated with this issue I posted it as the following Microsoft Connect issue.
