Classic ASP: Attached Debugger - debugging

Is it possible to step though Classic ASP VB code without Visual interdev or other such IDEs? I'm currently using Notepad++ to maintain a old ASP project and the ability to step though code at certain types would be helpful.
Thank You,

Debugging ASP also works with Visual Studio 2005, not sure about the Express editions or other recent versions. Don't forget to activate debugging for your application in the IIS management console.

The only other way to step into the classic ASP code was to use script debugger that was built-into IE 5.5 (or 6). You could download it as a stand-alone solution, but you would always run it from IE "Tools" menu. You would also have to allow remote debugging of server-side code in IIS to do that.
Here's a link for you.

Remember, with VS2005 you can not use f5 to run and debug. You must attach to the process. I attach to the inetinfo.exe. For some reason, this does not work and have to attach to the dllhost.exe that shows script next to it.


Debugging asp classic on IIS6

I'm trying to debug an old asp web site on a windows server.
actualy I don't have any project files (there is no visual studio project file), what I have is only web pages in a directory ... I can run this latter on a IIS6 and everything works fine, the problem is that when I try to run those pages in a debugging mode nothing happens!
I enbabled the debugging mode on the IIS and I attached this latter's process to the visual studio (I'm using VS2005) I set the breack points... but nothing happens even if I ran those pages code the compile doesn't stop!!
I saw several pages talking about this topic... but I wasn't able to find a solution... do you have any idea?
(I want to add that the web pages, the IIS and the Visual studio ide are on the same server and I'm connected with the administrator session)
Make sure you when attach to set it to attach to Script code only and the break points must be within server-side code.

Configure Debugging on IIS 8 with Classic ASP files

Given a working Internet application written in classic ASP (with some VBScript) and an IIS 8.
Now I have to debug that application probably in VS2012 or VS2010.
I hear about some rumors, that I can configure the IIS to do that.
Furthermore when I write STOP keyword to the code file (in text editor) then the visual Studio will be triggered to attaching the actual debugger.
Please help me with these IIS or other settings, and ask if the situation is unclear.
What are tried:
in your iis in the asp section set under debug properties "serverside debugging" to "true".
I had to attach to the IIS working process w3wp.exe in Visual Studio manually. Somewhy that wasn't automatical but i saw cases on other computers when it was...

start programming in asp classic

i am trying to start a new classic asp website, i tried to understand how to do that but i couldnt figure it out.
i saw that the most common platform is webmatrix but when im trying to install it the web platform installer says i need win 7 or more and i have win xp.
i saw i can start it with visual studio (i already have) but i couldnt realy understand what i need to do with the iis, i tried to work with this:
Create classic asp project in Visual Studio 2010 from scratch
but i still dont realy know what to do with this "Create a new web site or virtual directory in IIS and point to the folder". i have installed iis and i have the wwwroot folder but i still dont know what to do.
what do i need to do to run the classic asp on visual studio? or if there is better platform which one it is?
thank you.
With Classic ASP you just create a folder, stick your files in it and if they contain classic asp code then give them the .asp extension. The w3schools tutorial is a good place to start
All you really need is a text editor. VS has good support for Classic ASP including syntax highlighting and intellisense. The problem with VS is that the inbuilt server doesn't support Classic, only .net. If you're running XP Pro then it comes with IIS so you can use that as your development server, if you just have the home edition then there's no easy way to set up a development environment - you might like to take a look at Active Local Pages as a last resort.
You can get away with Notepad, although I'd recommend something with sytntax highlighting/colouring such as EditPlus or NotePad++. Dreamweaver actually isn't bad for editing Classic ASP sites, although don't use any of its inbuilt wizards to generate code, it'll take ten lines to do what you can do in one if you write it yourself.
Lastly, ignore the haters. Classic ASP still has its uses :)

Windows 7 Gadget debugging with Visual Studio 2010

i try to debug a windows gadget. Just-In-Time debugging fires up and i can see an VS2010IDE attached to the sidebar process. But there is no source code to debug! Only a blank file with the yellow debug pointer. What is my problem?
Configuration of my system is based on this article:
Gadgets for Windows Sidebar Debugging (
We have posted on the MSDN forum about this.
I think script debugging is broken in studio 2010 beta2.
I cannot get script debugging to work on my ASP.NET MVC project either.
We get a blank page, and the IDE cannot find the code to debug.
Trying to open files in the Internet Explorer tree in solution exlorer results in blank files being opened.
I think it's a bug - and afterall it is a beta.
I also had this problem, and for a while I was thinking it might have to do with my machine being 64-bit, or a permissions issue, but I have no way of confirming it.
However, I was able to solve it by using the template on this Code Project site:
The nice thing about the template is that it's setup as a Windows application. When you run the app it handles the local deployment of your gadget and starts the sidebar service (sidebar.exe). I believe this probably gets around a number of permissions issues.
After setting up a new project using this template, I was able to successfully debug the JavaScript using the "debugger" methods explained everywhere else (for example:

Is there a free Visual Studio addin for Nunit?

I'm cheap and don't want to pay for ReSharper or TestDriven.NET, is there a free visual Studio addin for NUnit?
You can create a blank project (Choose console application for example) and in the property of the project you can select DEBUG tag and select "Start External Program". Put the path of Nunit. Then, in the start option, the command line arguments select the DLL that contains all your tests (mine is always in the nunit\bin...). Then select "enable unmanaged code debugging" and you will be able to start the project inside VS and even use the debugger step-by-step.
This is a free solution.
Now you can use Gallio: it's open source.
By the way TestDriven can be downloaded for free if it's for personal use or Open Source project.
I had to find a way to use .Net Reflector inside VS few days ago and when I downloaded TestDriven it cames with. Never got any popup asking me to paid.
NUnit actually ships with a basic integrated runner. It's not very good, and not very publicized, but unless Charlie has taken it out, it should be in the source.
I know this is an old question but another way to do this is to add an external tool from the tools menu to run nunit - set the arguments to be $(TargetName)$(TargetExt) and initial directory to $(ProjectDir)\bin\Debug
check out this link
This is an old question and things have changed since the answer was accepted.
You may try NCrunch to run tests automatically or manually.
If you're running Visual Studio 2012, there is a plugin written by Charlie Poole, one of the NUnit contributers, that makes use of the new Visual Studio Unit testing plugins.
Download VsTestAdapater - it's also in the extension manager.
Unfortunately it doesn't have much grouping options yet, either by run/not run - so you can't group by class, solution and so on. It also doesn't show you any stacktrace if a test fails, just a simple green tick or red box and a message.
I haven't used it, but NUnitit is a free Visual Studio Add-in for NUnit.
From my experience, the best add-in for visual studio is resharper. TestDriven.Net is also good for unit tests. Hope that helps
Also found this one :
It is able to launch your tests in debugger, however you need to recompile the code manually each time you change something - no auto run-build integration
