start programming in asp classic - visual-studio-2010

i am trying to start a new classic asp website, i tried to understand how to do that but i couldnt figure it out.
i saw that the most common platform is webmatrix but when im trying to install it the web platform installer says i need win 7 or more and i have win xp.
i saw i can start it with visual studio (i already have) but i couldnt realy understand what i need to do with the iis, i tried to work with this:
Create classic asp project in Visual Studio 2010 from scratch
but i still dont realy know what to do with this "Create a new web site or virtual directory in IIS and point to the folder". i have installed iis and i have the wwwroot folder but i still dont know what to do.
what do i need to do to run the classic asp on visual studio? or if there is better platform which one it is?
thank you.

With Classic ASP you just create a folder, stick your files in it and if they contain classic asp code then give them the .asp extension. The w3schools tutorial is a good place to start
All you really need is a text editor. VS has good support for Classic ASP including syntax highlighting and intellisense. The problem with VS is that the inbuilt server doesn't support Classic, only .net. If you're running XP Pro then it comes with IIS so you can use that as your development server, if you just have the home edition then there's no easy way to set up a development environment - you might like to take a look at Active Local Pages as a last resort.
You can get away with Notepad, although I'd recommend something with sytntax highlighting/colouring such as EditPlus or NotePad++. Dreamweaver actually isn't bad for editing Classic ASP sites, although don't use any of its inbuilt wizards to generate code, it'll take ten lines to do what you can do in one if you write it yourself.
Lastly, ignore the haters. Classic ASP still has its uses :)


tools available to run a vb 6 projects?

i have a vb 6 prroject itried to open it on vs 2013 by installing extension name as vb 6 for visual studio from console manager now i the error is that extension is not compatible so i google that its mean vb 6 project cannot be upgraded so instead of wasting time i am asking is there any tool to run vb 6 win form gui app so that i can open my source code , can you give me that downloading link of tool too
i have extension frm , with my forms in vb 6 so please
as vb 6 is not a part of .net technology so it will never run on visual studio
Simple answer: VB6 is long past end of life from Microsoft.
None of Microsoft's existing tools will even read VB6 sensibly. is NOT VB6 in any way or form.
If you want to develop/enhance/extend a VB6 program, you need a VB6 development environment. Some say this is available via MSDN. Otherwise it is pretty hard to find.
As a practical matter, if you want to move this VB6 program to a modern language, you'll need to find a migration tool/vendor/service that understands VB6 to do this for you, or do it yourself (which usually fails unless the project is really small). And yes, converting the forms is hard.
Even if you fork over the cash for an MSDN subscription to get access to the necessary tools it takes time to develop proficiency in a new language and those tools for using it. Many companies take the smarter path and hire a contractor with both the tools and the experience to handle maintenance of their legacy VB6 portfolio.
This saves the expense of porting such applications to another language and limits the risk of such a port having data-destroying flaws.
You could use VS2008, but you'll probably still have a lot of work to do.
Depending on what you need this VB6 code for, you might be able to copy it into the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) section of a Microsoft Office document. As I understand it, VBA is nearly identical to VB6 from a programming-language and capability point of view.
Note that this would not allow you to compile code to a standalone EXE or DLL, but if you don't need to do that it might be an acceptable workaround for not having the VB6 development tools.
Here is a link to Microsoft's primer on VBA: MSDN VBA Primer.
Also, be aware that most VB6 source code files (excepting FRX files) are plain text so if you just need to read them, you can use any text editor.

What can WebMatrix do that Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate SP1 beta as an IDE can't?

I am seeing a lot of blog posts lately about WebMatrix. I don't read them because I tell myself "I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with SP1 beta". The king of IDE's.
Just in case I am not missing on something important, as an IDE, is there anything that WebMatrix can do that VS 2010 can't do or does better?
Access to the Application Gallery which I think is quite a nice feature. I like the way I can grab dasBlog or WordPress, do some edits and miscellaneous fiddling around, test then squirt the app up to the server. I think that's a killer feature for both beginners and experienced devs.
There's also task orientated site starter templates that Visual Studio 2010 lacks
Simplicity - with Visual Studio 2010 there's a lot going on in the UI, all sorts of "technical looking" project types. WebMatrix has one project type which is web projects.
If you have been using VS 2010 or even VWD 2010 and haven't been confused by them so far, you are not missing out on anything. WebMatrix is not intended for you. It has been designed to attract beginner developers, or those who know a little PHP or perhaps classic ASP and would like to try out ASP.NET.
It is primarily designed to make developing Razor Web Pages sites easy, with no clutter. No code complete, no Intellisense (well... except for the wrong kind of HTML Intellisense), no debugging, no compilation required (or possible), no wizards. Bare bones. Knuckle deep in HTML tags and inline code...
Actually, if you are anything like me, you are missing out on a lot of fun ;o)
I am not 100% sure that this is not in, but one thing I use in Webmatrix is the Reports feature that lets you run an analysis against your site to find common issues with the site like SEO and accessibility. I know this can be done using an IIS7 plugin, but not sure if it can be done directly in
The other thing Webmatrix has is a nice interface to IIS Express that allows you to set settings and see requests to your development site in Webmatrix. 2010 sp 1 has IIS Express support but I haven't seen as nice an interface there.
Also, not too sure if this is not in, but when you create an SQL CE 4 database in Webmatrix it has a tool to migrate that database to normal sql server.
Finally, something subjective, Webmatrix has a simplicity to it that does not. is built for a developer to do anything and everything. It has a gazillion menus and options plus extentions, dockable windows and at least 4 distinct versions. Webmatrix is built just to create web sites. That simplicity lets you go from point A to Z very fast even if you don't know much about setting up web sites, databases or It's one IDE where you know that every feature in it is expressly meant for you to create a web site.

will visual studio 2010 support classic asp?

I'm using visual studio 2008 for a classic asp application. Will I be able to upgrade to visual studio 2010?
Yes, classic ASP can be developed just fine in VS2010 as it does in VS2008 SP1.
I've found this msdn page
it says:
Although the primary focus of Web debugging in Visual Studio 2010 is ASP.NET, you can also debug legacy ASP Web applications.
ASP Web applications consist of scripts, which run on the client in .htm files and on the server in .asp files; the Global.asa file; and .cdf files. Scripts can be in VBScript, JScript, or a mix of VBScript and JScript. They may also be mixed with HTML code and COM objects. You can debug ASP Web applications containing all of these elements.
Right now I'm working on classic asp pages with visual studio 2008 an everything works fine, I can even debug classic asp...
Still couldn't try it with vs 2010, but the page above gives me some hope...
Usually you can manually deploy an asp web site direclty to the inetpub\wwwroot folder (just paste all of your required web page files to the wwwroot directory), where your default.asp page should reside at the root of wwwroot, if that makes any sense.
Then you can create an empty web site with a single project, start your web site by entering http:\localhost in to a new browser window, and you should see your default page displayed.
You can add all of the extermely old asp files to your new fangeled visual studio 2010 application directly from the wwwroot directory.
You should be able to compile your application but you won't be able to debug it at this point.
To debug the ancient application, simply attach to the internet explorer process with the title of your outdated web application (or the wp3p process....), and you will then have debugging functionality.
Or, you can wait for the old yet useful app to throw an error and then use visual studio 2010 as the J.I.T.debugger.
Hope this helps as well.
Happy coding! (if that is possible in classic asp, thank GOD for visual studio)
To get VS2010 to support .inc files as well as .asp files, see the related question Can Visual Studio 2010 do ".inc" file syntax highlighting?
VS2010 syntax highlighting for .inc files isn't very good even with the Web Form Editor in use; the HTML shows up fine but the VBScript looks like plain text.
I updated my project from VS2008 to VS2010 and everything has been going alright.
In order to get debugging to work with javascript in a script block I have to add a debugger; statement to get it to break. If you have the javascript in a seperate file you can debug with just a break point. The Classic asp will still debug if I attach to the w3wp process.
The javascript intellisense has been working better for me in VS2010 than in VS2008. In VS2008 I had issues with it crashing when I stopped debugging classic ASP. In VS2010 I don't have that problem any more.
Overall I'd say VS2010 does classic ASP development better than VS2008.
For anyone who wants Syntax Highlighting in VS 2010 and can't get it working. I think this works.
Add the extension ASP and it should be attached to "HTML Editor with Encoding".

has anybody been able to debug asp classic code with visual studio 2005 or later?

I've been stuck with visual studio 2003 for ages because of my need to debug asp classic code...
A few years ago I tried to debug classic asp with vs 2005 with no luck, I think there was some dirty hack that was supposed to achieve that "magic", but I couldn't make it work...
I wonder if anybody has been luckier than me...
Haven't tried yet with vs 2008, but I'm not very confident on that, due to the lack of support to classic asp from microsoft...
oops!, just found the following question
Does Visual Studio 2008 support classic ASP development?
so it seems like visual studio 2008 really supports classic asp debugging...
I'll leave the question open for a couple of days, just in case someones wants to add some tutorial, comment or anything interesting...
some links
the dirty visual studio 2005 hack I was talking about:
a few links explaining how to debug classic asp with visual studio 2008, couldn't try any of them yet...
I have debugged Classic ASP in Visual Studio 2005. Also, Visual Studio 2008 was supposed to make it better, but I never had a chance to try or to find out the details.
Your biggest problem is that Visual Studio 2005 took away the ability to "Start With Debug" an ASP application.
In VS 2005, Microsoft completely changed the way the debugger connected to IIS. The old way (for both ASP and ASP.NET) which was used by everything from InterDev (remember InterDev?) through VS 2003 was orchestrated via the "Machine Debug Manager", a sort of intermediary helper service. The whole thing was... arcane, trying to solve a complex problem that was made harder by the fact that IIS and Visual Studio run under separate accounts and in some cases, different machines. This was a very delicate process that was very prone to break at the slightest configuration change.
Every single one of my machines stopped being able to debug Classic ASP at some point or another for reasons that appeared related to the alignment of the stars. I used to have at hand a 14 page checklist printout that described the whole "incantation", jumping from IIS Manager to Visual Studio to User Account Manager, to COM+ Explorer... and even that didn't always work. It makes me shiver just thinking about it.
Ultimately, they gave up. In Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft came up with a different architecture for debugging IIS applications (sorry; I don't know how it works now). At the time, MS decided that not enough people were using ASP anymore, and prioritized other work on top of it. Enabling ASP debugging through the new architecture was a significant amount of work especially for a technology on its way out, so it got chopped. I don't blame them; they made a sound business decision. Would you rather have no ASP debugging in VS 2005? Or yes ASP debugging on VS "2006"?
Anyway, not all is lost.
First, you can't "launch" the debugger with F5 anymore, but you can still attach manually to an already running ASP process and it will work, as long as you enable debugging in IIS Manager by hand. The experience in Visual Studio 2005 is sometimes better, sometimes worse than under older versions. It's certainly more stable and very much doable. More details below.
Second, I heard at some point that Visual Studio 2008 was supposed to make a come back and get ASP debugging back in the product, or at least bring some improvement, or some such -- I could never quite get a clear picture. Then I lost track of the whole thing because by some miracle I've kept myself out of dealing much with ASP projects for a few years now.
I'll try to find more references on VS 2008 and classic ASP. If I find something, I'll edit this post with it (sorry -- it might take me a few days to get to it).
More details can be found in these posts:
Full instructions on how to debug by manual attaching in this Gregg Miskelly post: Debugging Classic ASP Code
Other related information can be found here and at other Mikhail Arkhipov posts.
Hope this helps.

Classic ASP: Attached Debugger

Is it possible to step though Classic ASP VB code without Visual interdev or other such IDEs? I'm currently using Notepad++ to maintain a old ASP project and the ability to step though code at certain types would be helpful.
Thank You,
Debugging ASP also works with Visual Studio 2005, not sure about the Express editions or other recent versions. Don't forget to activate debugging for your application in the IIS management console.
The only other way to step into the classic ASP code was to use script debugger that was built-into IE 5.5 (or 6). You could download it as a stand-alone solution, but you would always run it from IE "Tools" menu. You would also have to allow remote debugging of server-side code in IIS to do that.
Here's a link for you.
Remember, with VS2005 you can not use f5 to run and debug. You must attach to the process. I attach to the inetinfo.exe. For some reason, this does not work and have to attach to the dllhost.exe that shows script next to it.
