Configure Debugging on IIS 8 with Classic ASP files - visual-studio

Given a working Internet application written in classic ASP (with some VBScript) and an IIS 8.
Now I have to debug that application probably in VS2012 or VS2010.
I hear about some rumors, that I can configure the IIS to do that.
Furthermore when I write STOP keyword to the code file (in text editor) then the visual Studio will be triggered to attaching the actual debugger.
Please help me with these IIS or other settings, and ask if the situation is unclear.
What are tried:

in your iis in the asp section set under debug properties "serverside debugging" to "true".

I had to attach to the IIS working process w3wp.exe in Visual Studio manually. Somewhy that wasn't automatical but i saw cases on other computers when it was...


Debugging asp classic on IIS6

I'm trying to debug an old asp web site on a windows server.
actualy I don't have any project files (there is no visual studio project file), what I have is only web pages in a directory ... I can run this latter on a IIS6 and everything works fine, the problem is that when I try to run those pages in a debugging mode nothing happens!
I enbabled the debugging mode on the IIS and I attached this latter's process to the visual studio (I'm using VS2005) I set the breack points... but nothing happens even if I ran those pages code the compile doesn't stop!!
I saw several pages talking about this topic... but I wasn't able to find a solution... do you have any idea?
(I want to add that the web pages, the IIS and the Visual studio ide are on the same server and I'm connected with the administrator session)
Make sure you when attach to set it to attach to Script code only and the break points must be within server-side code.

Getting error while trying to run a classic ASP website in Visual Studio 2010

I have a classic ASP website deployed over IIS.
I am opening that website from the same location in visual studio 2010 (in order to debug, as per the steps mentioned here
The problem is that, when I hit F5 in visual studio it is giving me an error saying "your server does not support debugging of asp net or atl..."
I am able to browse the site from IIS, but I want to open it in Visual Studio in order to debug it.
What could be the possible reason and solution of this issue?
F5 doesn't do anything good for classic ASP sites (f5 will try to compile a .NET site and then access it).
I will assume that you are trying to debug the site on the same machine where it's running. The way you debug "classic" ASP using Visual Studio.NET is by attaching to the process running the site. The easiest way to do this is to use the Just In Time (JIT) feature: insert a stop statement in the code (debugger in jscript) - hitting that line should initiate a server-side "Error of type "Script Debugging" was encountered. Do you want to debug?" dialog, with suggestions of available debuggers to use.
Try this and report what happens - there might be some extra steps needed to configure that machine.
Are you using IIS 7?
If so you should the server option "Enable server side debugging"... It should be in the properties window of the site, using IIS Management Console.
Once you do that, when you run the server through Visual Studio, it should open another solution on debugging mode with the relevant code.

Classic ASP debugging frame content in frameset with VS2010 IIS 7

Im trying to step through a classic asp page which is hosted in iis7 in Visual Studio 2010. Ive followed a few blogs, mainly these ones:
It seems that the breakpoint I set is not hit when I browse to the page in question, I think this is because the application is all in frames. When monitoring the process in sql profiler it looks like all session information is gathered once the page starts up, having been browsed to from iis7, after I log in using the login page it doesnt actually get any more information.
Has anybody got any tips for debugging frames in classic asp with VS2010 and iis7?
UPDATE: Turns out there was a hidden setting in the database that meant when I ran the application up it was going to a different system.... which would explain why it wasnt hitting the code - Visual Studio 2008 actually told me in advance that the breakpoint wouldnt be hit.
i'm using the vbscript keyword "stop" in my source code. this is just like a breakpoint in visual studio. a window pops asking you which debugger you want to use, select visualsudio 2010 and you're fine...
you have to set server debugging to true in iis 7 (asp section)

Debugging Classic ASP in Visual Studio 2010

I have read this question and this page linked to in the question, as well as dozens of other articles about debugging asp classic with VS but it's still not clicking for me.
I am using VS 2010. The files I want to debug live on a remote server. I have installed the Remote Debugger on the server. I opened the website and attached to the w3wp.exe process on the remote machine. I created some breakpoints but I am still getting "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document" on those breakpoints. Is that the problem or is that a symptom of a larger problem with what I am doing?
First, by default, when you open a web site in Visual Studio, you're opening it via the file system, not via IIS. If this is the case, then Visual Studio uses the internal Cassini web server, rather than IIS.
The Cassini web server does NOT run classic ASP. IIS does. So the first thing you need to do is figure out how to debug in IIS.
It should go without saying, you need to have IIS installed on the machine you're working with, and have the web site you're debugging set up the same as it would be on the server. (so you should be able to run http://localhost/somepath and be able to see your site)
You also need to attach to the running process of Internet Explorer. There's a link to that as well.
Next, you need to get Visual Studio to attach to IIS and execute the web site rather than use the built-in web server and enable debugging.
That's covered here: This topic is no longer available (which is the first child link of the page you liked to in your question here.
From there, you should be able to follow the remaining links and get up and running.
Edit - added
This article takes you through it step-by-step.
Debugging Classic ASP ( VBScript ) in Visual Studio 2008
I've just had this problem when trying to debug a classic ASP application in VS2012.
There's no need to copy PDB files, because there aren't in this kind of projects, so follow this steps:
Be sure that ASP compatibility is turned ON in your IIS installation (Control Panel -> Enable/Disable Windows features -> Internet Information Server). You can install all features if you want to be sure.
Access to the IIS administration.
Locate your WebSite, then access the ASP configuration.
Find "Debugging properties" and then enable client and server debugging. You can also enable error sending to the browser.
After that, just attach the VS2012 debugger to the "w3wp.exe" process. DEBUG -> Attach to process....
This will work for local debugging. If you want to do remote debugging, you must prepare the remote server to allow remote debugging (TIP: Use the same user in both, server and your machine, and be sure it has enough privileges). For more information take a look at:
Installing the Remote Tools
Debugging Classic ASP ( VBScript ) in Visual Studio 2008

Classic ASP: Attached Debugger

Is it possible to step though Classic ASP VB code without Visual interdev or other such IDEs? I'm currently using Notepad++ to maintain a old ASP project and the ability to step though code at certain types would be helpful.
Thank You,
Debugging ASP also works with Visual Studio 2005, not sure about the Express editions or other recent versions. Don't forget to activate debugging for your application in the IIS management console.
The only other way to step into the classic ASP code was to use script debugger that was built-into IE 5.5 (or 6). You could download it as a stand-alone solution, but you would always run it from IE "Tools" menu. You would also have to allow remote debugging of server-side code in IIS to do that.
Here's a link for you.
Remember, with VS2005 you can not use f5 to run and debug. You must attach to the process. I attach to the inetinfo.exe. For some reason, this does not work and have to attach to the dllhost.exe that shows script next to it.
